Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Symbolism - Tuesday

What are some things that symbolize protection? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Symbols in our lives...

As we have been reading Divergent, Hunger Games and other picture books, we have come across many examples of symbols. Wikipedia defines symbolism in the following way:

Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. A symbol is an object, action, or idea that represents something other than itself, often of a more abstract nature. Symbolism creates quality aspects that make literature like poetry and novels more meaningful.

Given this meaning:
 What are some examples of symbols in your life? What is the object/action/idea and what does it represent to you? Share 3 or 4 examples.

One of my own examples would be my number pinny on my file cabinet from the Peach Bud race. For me this symbolizes accomplishment. I was able to achieve something that I didn't think I would ever do. It makes me feel proud that I was able to do it, and for me it shows that I just need to take a risk and step out and try something new. Unfortunately now, since I haven't been running (or working out as often as I'd like), it is also a symbol of what I've lost since I haven't been working at this. Often I look at it now and think, "Argh! I need to get back into that because I really enjoyed it."

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Subtracting Integers

Here is a video for subtracting integers as a preview for tomorrows math. Please watch and comment on the following question.

When you subtract two integers, the answers can be positive, negative, or zero. How can you predict the type of answer before you subtract? Use examples in your explanation.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Winter Festival...

So, it is almost here!!! Remember to get your plans/materials together this weekend for your contribution to the table and fill in your shopping list for Wednesday.

Here's one of the things on my list again this year!) What's on yours?

Great job so far on the Pennies for Change drive! You have made a change for five people already! Your enthusiasm is catching on with the younger students! Keep it up!
On the topic of younger students, I have an Active Playground initiative for interested students. It would involve learning and leading some games for nutrition breaks on the blacktop (variations of 4-Square, wall-ball,...). Let me know if you are interested in taking on this project.

Remember to come prepared on Monday for your first book talk with your group. If you are one of the directors, make sure you have some questions ready (if you are stuck, you can always look online for ideas). If you didn't finish your Eatum Hall response today, please have it submitted on google to me before Monday.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


If your google account is working, please answer in that format. For those of you who don't have a working account now, you can answer here.

What did you like/dislike about the text so far? Explain.

What statements might the author be making about society in this book? Use evidence from the text.

Make an algaebraic expression that would solve for how many times your name would go in the draw for the Hunger Games (varies according to the # of people in your family and how old you are).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Into Integers...

So our next area of study in math will be integers. By grade 8 you will have added and subtracted integers and used some manipulatives to help you with this (calculator, counters). Here is a short video that will refresh your knowledge.
Integers With Chips

This video uses a numberline instead of the integer discs.
Integers with Number line

Which method do you like better?

If you like the number line, it might help to think of positives as hot and negatives as cold.

When we + hot (or a positive number) to something, it gets warmer.
When we - hot from something, it gets colder.
When we + cold (or a negative number) to something, it gets colder.
When we - cold from something, it gets warmer.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Here is one of your classmates responses to the assignment... What is your response to this?

Everyday, I work hard to rais my family. I am 16 and our family doesn't have much money. I try my best not to mess up...
"Can you pass the ketchup?"
"Sure mom." I answer politely. I mistaknely drop th eketchup onto the floor and a loud squishy noise sounds as it splatters across the floor like someone being shot.
My dad gives me a sharp look, slowly reaches over the dinner table and grabs me by the collar of my shirt. A fear slowly increases throughout my body. Adrenaline strikes as I struggle trying to unleash. He drags me upstairs, as I consistantly hit my back off each step.
I scream, as my screech pierces downstairs surrounding my little brothers ears. I don't exactly live perfect

"Beep, beep, beep." I shut off my alarm clock and quickly get out of bed, get dressed and run out the door so I don't get in more trouble. At school, my antagonism kicks in. My teachers seem to think something is happening at home, but if I tell them, who knows. A sort of meaty kid walks by, and I yell, "Piggy!" as others join me.

An unusual descent leads my mind. I wonder, as everyone yessl "Piggy!" becomes more fatal, and less hearable. I stop, I think about where I'm going in life. A dark puls engages with my viens and I tense up. I slowly leave the school, walking to the unknown field to think.
I hear voices...
"Hostile attitude will only get...Think about your life! Don't ruin hi...Stop!" I pass out as darkness overpowers the world.

Today's writing to finish

The character ... reminds me of...

Remember to include details about internal characteristics of the people you are comparing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Write a life story about one of the bullies in the classroom. Include all of the important events up to the point where they were sitting in their desk chanting, "Piggy!"
(Back-story, why they bully.)

Friday, November 16, 2012

World Issues

Our grade eight ambassadors spent the day at HSC today learning about a variety of Global Issues. They took part in many interesting workshops and are eager to share what they learned with the rest of the class as well as our school. It was a treat to hear from guest speaker Marc Kielburger of Free the Children. I am looking forward to seeing how the Me to We idea gets put back in place at our school! It has been a while since we had the group running. Our first initiative, Halloween for Hunger was a huge success (925 donations)! Can't wait to see where we will go from here!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Remembrance Day Assembly

Our class is responsible for hosting this Friday's Remembrance Day assembly. On Wednesday, I have a volunteer here to work during the nutrition breaks with a few students to plan the assembly. If you are interested in being part of the planning, please post your name here.

Sentence of the Weeeeeek

Today we looked at how to show posession of something by adding an 's at the end of a person's name.

What was the tricky instance for adding 's to the end of someone's name? How do we solve this problem?

Use the 's we learned about today to write a sentence about each of the following:

my shoes
a cat
your friend
a computer
a beach

You should have 7 sentences in total. Write one final sentence of your choice using your name in it.

Be sure to check back in the comment section for feedback on your work. Feel free to add feedback help for your peers as well. I'll give tokens for that!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sentence of the Weeeeeeek

1 - Explain how this weeks skill is different than the quotations that we have been learning about in the last three Sentence of the Week work.

2 - Use this week's skill to write 5 sentences telling about something someone said or asked. Use your name in the first and the last sentences.

Here is an example of mine:

Raees said that he could still be Alice from Wonderland even though he was six foot four!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sentence of the Weeeeeek

Begin with your NAME (so I know who the work is from)!!!!

Add the appropriate punctuation and capitals to the following sentences:

if you are not quiet she warned we will be here all night

where have you been he yelled it is way past your bedtime

i couldn't answer the questions sobbed the little girl i lost my pencil

what time allann asked will the show be over

how long did your homework take questioned spencer i was done in a flash

my favourite flavour is chocolate divulged delvina what is your favourite

Write 3 of your own sentences that demonstrate this week's skill.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Sentence of the WEEEEEK!

John said, that's my coat.

 Jack said, I have a coat like yours.

Grandmother asked, did you plant beans, peppers, and melons in your garden?

William exclaimed, I can't believe we're finally here!

Emma replied, blue is my favourite colour.

Owen laughed your hair looks funny!

Teagan whined my tummy hurts.

Mark quizzed, what took you so long?

Add two sentences of your own to your submission. Use your name in one and mine in the other.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Info for Students and Parents

Tomorrow (October 5th), is photo day at Eastdale.

Grade 8 parents and students are invited to Orchard Park on November 29th at 6:30 for Grade 8 Parent Information Night. This is a fantastic chance for students to get into the school and start to become familiar with some of the faces of OP, as well as get accustomed to the layout of the building. Please do your best to keep this night available so that you can attend with your child. There are prizes to be won as well!!
If you want to check out what is going on at OP, visit their website.

The grade 8's are working on Halloween for Hunger plans and are eager to motivate the school to bring in canned goods between Oct. 11th and Nov. 1st. They will be working on a plan for students to collect non perishable food items on Halloween night instead of candy (good for the community, their sense of self and their teeth)! We appreciate your support in this endeavor.

We are starting to work on some literature discussions in class and will work together on the Hunger Games. Students will be setting reading goals in class within their groups and much of the reading will need to happen at home.

In math, we are working on squaring and square roots now. Students can log into the ILC for help with their homework questions if they are stuck. They also have the answers at the back of their textbook to check their work, and a glossary in it to use as well. They are encouraged to keep at their work and even struggle with some of the more challenging problems. If they are in this struggle, try asking them what strategies they have used in class or on similar questions before, or as them to try the question with smaller/friendlier numbers to deal with to see if they can find a pattern or a generalization for what they are working on.
To review perfect squares, students can try out this game .
To review and expand on square roots students should check out this site . This will be a good challenge for students who understood what we did in class and encourage them to take it a little further.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Responsibility Nominations

Please give me the name of 2 students in our class that you feel have shown a commitment to September's character trait of RESPONSIBILITY.
Please include at least one reason for why in your answer. You may send it annonymously and can nominate yourself if you feel it is appropriate.

Rememberance Day

Here is the link for our contest.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Math Reflection Question

Squaring and finding square roots are inverse operations.

For example,

 7 squared = 49 
  the squre root of 49 = 7

Sample Question - Find the square root of 64.

To find a square root, we can use 2 methods.

1) Think of a number that, when multiplied by itself, produces 64.

8 x 8 = 64


2) Visualize a square with an area of 64 units squared.
Find it's side length.

It would have 2 sides of 8 units each.

Find a square root for each of the following numbers:


Which method do you prefer?

Remember to include your name in the post.

Camp Muskoka Tweets

Please remember to include your name in your post and include your name in the 2 feedbacks that you give to your peers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sentence of the Week - October

Directions: Punctuate the following sentences.
1) I got an A on my test said Ko
2) I would like to go with you Jenny said but I don’t have enough money
3) I hate you and I never want to see you again she screamed
4) Tommy told us not to tell his secret said Billy
5) Are we there yet she asked
6) I am tired the boy said and then drifted off to sleep
7) We really should be going now she said
8) Mommy can I have an apple he asked as his tummy rumbled

Now write two of your own sentences using quotation marks to repeat someone’s exact words.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Who ever heard of Five Word Memoirs???

You created some excellent pieces of writing today that tell your story. The key is that you were able to do it in exactly six words.

Here is the link to the ones we looked at in class. Feel free to post yours to the Smith Magazine site.
Six Word Memoirs

Please include your 6 word memoir as a comment on this post. Remember to do this annonymously and then we can have fun trying to figure out who each one belongs to.

Here's mine...

Working out, back on the wagon!

Here's one for my writing lessons...

I go, you go, it works!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sentence of the Weeeeeeek - Week 1

Here are the notes from our first one. I have had the email completed by two students already!! Great job!