Monday, December 3, 2012

Subtracting Integers

Here is a video for subtracting integers as a preview for tomorrows math. Please watch and comment on the following question.

When you subtract two integers, the answers can be positive, negative, or zero. How can you predict the type of answer before you subtract? Use examples in your explanation.


  1. I think it is the same as predicting integers when you are adding because you can convert subtracting integers to adding integers and then the same rules apply.

    Verda Anwer 1

  2. Negative = (-) + (-) = -
    (-) +(+ that is less then the negative ) = positive ex (-4) + (1) = -3
    (+) + (-)
    The negative must be greater for the answer to be negative ex (4) + (-1) = 3

    Amit Virdi / 22

  3. Kelsie Young:
    if the number you are subtracting from is bigger than what you are taking away, the sigh of the bigger number is going to be in the answer.

  4. You know the sum will be 0 if the positive and negative integers are the same number.
    ex. (-5)+5=0

    If the positive and negative integers are not the same, the sum is a positive or a negative.
    ex. (-5)+6=1

    ~ Alessandra Puglielli

  5. You can predict the type of answer you will get before you subtract you can look at the highest integer to see if it will be positive, negative or zero.


  6. In a question like this (-6)+(+9) would be positive because the positive is larger than the negative. In a question like this (-9)+(+6) would be a negatve because the negative is larger. But in a questionlike this (+5)+(-5) would be zero because its like subtracting two of the same numbers it would be zero rosie r

  7. I can predict the type of answer before I subtract because If the negative # is bigger than the other number, the answer will be a negative.
    Eg. (+5)+(-6)=(-1)

  8. if the number you are subtracting from is bigger then the number you are taking away the sign of the bigger number is going to be in the answer


  9. alyssa

    if the number you are subtracting from is bigger then the number you are taking away the sign of the bigger number is going to be in the answer

  10. If the positive number is higher than the negative, it will always be a positive. But if the negative number is higher than the positive, it will always be a negative.

    (Ex (-5)+(+15)= (+10)

  11. DAVID

    If the positive number is higher than the negative, it will always be a positive. But if the negative number is higher than the positive, it will always be a negative.

    (Ex (-5)+(+15)= (+10)


    If the positive number is higher than the negative it will always be a positive But if the negative number is higher than the positive it will always be a negative.

    Ex -9+(+3)

  13. Whichever number is bigger the answer takes the sign -9+(+3)= -6

  14. When subtracting positives from negatives the answer will be negative and when subtracting negatives from positives the answer will be positive.
    EX.#1: (-3)-(+3)=(-6)
    EX.#2: (+3)-(-3)=(+6)

    Allann P.

  15. Dylan

    If the positive number is higher than the negative, it will always be a positive. But if the negative number is higher than the positive, it will always be a negative.

    Ex; (+200) + (-150) = +50 because the positive is higher (200)

  16. Matthew Clayton
    If the positive is higher than the negative, then it will still be positive, and the same as subtracting. If the Negative is higher, then you are adding a positive, it's the same as subtracting , the only difference is you put the - beside it.
    Example; (+500) + (-250) = 250 because the positive is higher, it's the same as subtracting 500 - 250 = 250.

  17. Whatever number is bigger. If the negative is bigger then the positive it will be a negative. If the positive is bigger then the negative it will be a positive. E.g. -3 plus 5 pov. it will equal pov. 2


  18. Ravinder
    if the postivie number is higher then the negative it's just like subtracting because it dosn't go all the way down to the 0. example; (+250) + (-50) = +200 and same with 250 - 50. And if the negative is larger and you're adding a positive, it's the same as subtracting, the only difference is you put a - beside it .

  19. Tejasv

    If the positive number is greater in the question, the answer will be positive. eg. 9-(-6)= a positive

    If the negative number is greater in the question, the answer will be negative. eg. -8-(+6)= a negative
