Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Symbolism - Tuesday

What are some things that symbolize protection? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?


  1. Things that symbolize protection is danger because when there's danger we know how to react to it by being careful.Another thing that symbolizes protection is stranger danger because when we see a stranger we know what to do and that is not to talk to him.


  2. Some people hide under blankets for protection because when you can't see the problem or whatever is scaring you, you don't worry about it. My brother used to use this when he was younger during thunder storms.


  3. Danger signs are tell us there's danger ahead. We will be protection if we be careful of the danger. Also Stranger Danger signs on peoples doors. If you go to this house if somebody is following you or doing something bad to you, you can go there and you will have protection.


  4. Your house and family your house because they surond you and protect you from the bad stuff in the outside world.

  5. my when i played sports i always got the number 13 because its gave me good luck and i always played with it so that's why

    Dylan kish

  6. Some things that symbolize protection are a shield, a suit of armor, a helmet, knee pads medicine etc.


  7. Verda

    My friend has a pin with a shield on it and that symbolizes protection to her, she wears it when she's nervous or doing something that she is unsure of.

  8. I think something that symbolizes protection is a home because it give you warmth, and it makes you feel secure from the outside.

  9. Delvina Berisha #3

    I think that my braclet that my grandma gave me when I went to Kosova when I was 7, symbolizes protection because, I feel like it is my lucky charm and that whenever I have it I am lucky aad always protected. It makes me know that I will always have a piece of her with me. To me it is really important and special because shes amazing and I know that I only get to see her about once every 3 years so whenever I put it on or see it, it reminds me of her and how protected and safe I feel whenever I am with her.

  10. 24- Alyssa Whitelaw

    Something I think I have that symbolizes protection is my alarm system. It keeps me reminded that my house and my family is safe at all times.

  11. Something that symbolizes protection for me is that my family loves and believes in me because when I am scared of something, I just think that my family loves me and I feel confident that I can face my fear.

    ~ Alessandra Puglielli

  12. My First Trophie when I first started soccer till this day I got back to the trophie and it gives me hope in myself and I feel like it gives me power

    -JessicaMurray 12

  13. To me protection is a house because it keeps me safe and protects me from the cold and some pretators
    Rose rolfe

  14. I think dogs symbolize protection because they are always guarding their owners. It means alot to other people because dogs save peoples lives in many ways like when someone is blind or has epilepsy and seizures or just danger in general.

    -allann p

  15. i have a pair of socks that are my favourite because they are really colorful and i like colorful things.

    meagan peters 14

  16. Kelsie:
    For me my dog Mason symbolizes protection because when im home alone he is always by my side and if someone is close to the house he barks.

  17. My house because it protects me and provide the harsh weather out mad heat inside

    Amit 22

  18. Your house or your family they surond you and suport you when your going through toughf times and the walls are your barryers to the outside world so no one can hurt you.

  19. JessicaMurray;

    For my life style my dog repersants a big part in my life because he symbolizes protection because when someone goes to hit me as a joke he barks or gets infront of me so he could protect me . #12

  20. Danger signs let us now there's danger ahead and there will be safe and protection if we be careful.


  21. my house my riot shield steven

  22. Dylan Kish

    My House and my parents is a protection symbol because the protect me and give me things to survive like food, shelter
    and water and my dog barks when ever some ones at the door.

