Friday, November 30, 2012

Winter Festival...

So, it is almost here!!! Remember to get your plans/materials together this weekend for your contribution to the table and fill in your shopping list for Wednesday.

Here's one of the things on my list again this year!) What's on yours?

Great job so far on the Pennies for Change drive! You have made a change for five people already! Your enthusiasm is catching on with the younger students! Keep it up!
On the topic of younger students, I have an Active Playground initiative for interested students. It would involve learning and leading some games for nutrition breaks on the blacktop (variations of 4-Square, wall-ball,...). Let me know if you are interested in taking on this project.

Remember to come prepared on Monday for your first book talk with your group. If you are one of the directors, make sure you have some questions ready (if you are stuck, you can always look online for ideas). If you didn't finish your Eatum Hall response today, please have it submitted on google to me before Monday.

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