Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Write a life story about one of the bullies in the classroom. Include all of the important events up to the point where they were sitting in their desk chanting, "Piggy!"
(Back-story, why they bully.)


  1. Alyssaw
    Life Store of Ashely

    Hello my name is Ashely I am blonde and 15 years old. I was born july 12 1997. I never met my parents and I grew up in a foster home, everyone was so mean and no one ever talked to me. One day when I was 11, a woman came into the foster home looking for a child to adapt and she wanted me. I remember leaving to go to her home aweek later. Her home was so small and she said she only wanted me to make money off of me. She was never home and was always out with her boyfriend. When I started high school I was popular I had so many friends. I felt so awesome. I played soccer and was the star player. I was dating the star football player and everything was actually going good! This kid was always called piggy so I just kinda joined in because everyone else made fun of him.

  2. At dinner tonight, mom made us roast beef. I run in to the dining room and start stuffing my face. I'm not usually this hungry, but I did just jog ten blocks home from school.
    "Hey sis, "says my older brother Bison, "save some for the rest of us."
    I grab my second portion before he can even get his first.
    "Hey," he pushes me and my food flies all over the place. "You don't need any more food, you pig."
    I run upstairs before he can hurt me anymore. In my room, I take off my clothes and put on a fresh pair of pajamas. Is that how he sees me? As a pig? As an animal who stuffs itself until it's too tired to do anything but lay in the mud?
    I work on my homework, until 8:30. Then, I curl up in my bed and go to sleep.
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    In the morning, I wake up, eat my breakfast and go to school before Bison can harm me anymore.
    When I get on the bus, there's a new kid. He sits next to me. I notice that he is a very large boy. He pulls out a foot long sub from his backpack. He eats the whole thing in the five minutes that it takes us to get to school.
    When we get in to class, I sit down. Our teacher stands at the front of the class with the new kid and introduces him. Afterwards, she tells him to go sit at his new desk, beside me.
    When our teacher leaves, I call out, "Hey look, the new guy's a piggy!"
    The whole class starts to chant, "Piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy..." He got so upset that he left the classroom. And he should feel bad. It's not my fault that he's a pig.

    ~ Alessandra Puglielli
