Wednesday, November 28, 2012


If your google account is working, please answer in that format. For those of you who don't have a working account now, you can answer here.

What did you like/dislike about the text so far? Explain.

What statements might the author be making about society in this book? Use evidence from the text.

Make an algaebraic expression that would solve for how many times your name would go in the draw for the Hunger Games (varies according to the # of people in your family and how old you are).


  1. Something I like about text is the reaping draw and how citizens of district 12 don't know if there getting picked or not , it's very suspenseful and gets you excited to read the rest.

    Statements that the author makes to the real world that I saw while reading were how that not everyone turns out successful because life not fair , I see this in the text when the mayor's daughter was wearing a nice dress but the others can barely afford food.

  2. I dislike the text so far because it's confusing. The author is talking about the reaping without explaining what it is, what happens, or what/how you get "entered" into the reaping.


  3. I forgot about the other questions. :/

    The statements the author was talking about the Panem games and North America but that had nothing to do with the book.

    I'd have 6 entries but I can't figure out how to make an expression for it.


  4. Jessica W

    age 12 5
    age 13 6
    age 14 8
    age 15 9
    age 16 10
    age 17 11
    age 18 12

  5. Verda Anwer 1

    What did you like/dislike about the text so far? Explain.
    I like that the text is different from others, it is not a regular story that you can easily relate too. It is different and interesting which captures my attention and makes me want to read on. Some of the things I thought was different about this book was the setting, characters lives and scenarios happening in the book such as trading for food, a family sharing one bedroom and a reaping.

    What statements might the author be making about society in this book? Use evidence from the text.
    I think the author is making a statement on society, judging that poor and wealthy people are not treated equally. I think this because in the text the author creates a scenario where the wealthy are treated differently from the poor. The scenario is wealthy people are not in need of food and the poor are, so if the poor would like to receive a year’s worth of grain and oil they have to enter their name according to how many people in their family plus them and one original entry as well. This means the poor are at more of a risk to get chosen to compete in the Hunger Games than the wealthy.

    Make an algebraic expression that would solve for how many times your name would go in the draw for the Hunger Games (varies according to the # of people in your family and how old you are).
    There are 6 people in my family so according to that the algebraic expression for me would be 4n-41 n=age
