Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Responsibility Nominations

Please give me the name of 2 students in our class that you feel have shown a commitment to September's character trait of RESPONSIBILITY.
Please include at least one reason for why in your answer. You may send it annonymously and can nominate yourself if you feel it is appropriate.


  1. Dylan

    because he helped me with my math

    and he helped me with my homework

  2. Amit and alessadra
    because they help with tench crew

  3. christina because she helps the jks when i go do milk

    alex because shes very nice and does milk and helps the jk sks

  4. meagan because she has just to me shown responabilities because when we had to this test she wanted tocall me and study she also wanted tocall me and do homework and she wants to get her work done and today she brought in all her stuff and she finished it this morning because she wanted it done.

  5. Christina:
    I nominate Verda and Alex.
    I nominate Verda because me and her always do recess duty witht the JK/SK's at first break even though she rather hangout with her friends at break.
    I also nominate Alex because she always come to lunch montior with me and because she helps with milk.

  6. Delvina- because she has shown responsibility by helping me out with Halloween for Hunger.

    Meagan- because she showed up everyday for announcements

  7. taylor because she al ways helps with the jks and sks

    sadie because she helps all the time with everything

  8. Alessandra because she always shows responsibility in the things she does. Like, coming to school on time or early to finish homework. Taking responsibility in different school tasks such as the Legions remembrance day contest.

    Lauren because she is always willing to help younger kids in jk/sk, deliver milk and tcby.

  9. Amit shows responsibility because almost every day after school he comes to Dylan's house and helps Me, Brandon and Dylan with our math.

    Steven because he is nice and helpful to younger kids. when they ask him a question he's polite and answers with care and helps them with stuff.

  10. Verda for helping me with my math and explaining the question to me. She's also responsible because she finishes all her homework and listens

  11. Delvina for sticking to her word when she promised someone something. She's a loyal friend and truly responsible

  12. Alessandra because she helps out with lunch monitering & tech crew. She is responsible by coming to class early to work on her assignments & running events such as The Royal Canadian Legion Poster & Lierary Contest for the whole school!

    Lauren because she helps kids all around the school with their everyday tasks. She is a lunch moniter for the JK/SK's and will help out the teachers!

  13. Brandon and Amit because after school we help eachother with our homework.
