Monday, March 25, 2013

Symbolism ctd

What are some things that symbolize protection? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are some things that symbolize good versus evil? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

Give an example of what colours symbolize? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are symbols that are used to represent death? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are symbols that are used to represent life? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

Invented symbols (advertising) - lulu symbol, underarmour, peter pan - eternal childhood

Maps - crossed sabers may show a battlefield, roman numerals for numbers

Names - representing people?

In literature, an author will often use a symbol over and over to create deeper meaning, or use variations of the object to create an overarching mood or feeling.

Our gravestones symbolizing the death of the old words.

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