Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Geography Review

Here are the 4 topics that will be covered on your test this Thursday.

If you are making flash cards for this (and you have a smart device), check out the app called flashcardlet. It allows you to create and share your own deck of flash cards and you can manage them as you master them.

Settlement Patterns - linear, scattered, clustered, what makes a great settlement site, site and situation

Services - low, middle and high - order services, other services, what are the 6 factors that affect population distribution

Population Density - formula for calculating this, census, why do some areas develop faster than others

Population Distribution - patterns are the result of ..., what time frame had the largest impact on population distribution, crop rotation, industrial revolution, farming,

**Know the historical factors that influenced population distribution in Europe and North America in the late 18th century.

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