Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Can you figure out how to subscribe to our blog?

If you have a google home page, see if you can subscribe to our blog.

Rotations in the Cartesian Plane

In class we found a few basic rules for rotating on the cartesian plane.
-we rotate in increments of 90 degrees
-ignore the shape and just focus on the points
-clockwise is a negative rotation
-counter-clockwise is a positive rotation

Here's a video that sums up what we have learned.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Due Dates and tests

Music Test - Tues March 26
Poetry Reflections -  Tues March 26 (look down in the posts on the blog. They are here.)

Dance Reflection - Wed March 27 (look down in the posts on the blog. They are here.)

Math Culminating task - Wed April 3rd

Poetry Folio - Thurdsay April 4th

History Test - Friday April 5th

Geometry Culminating Task Due April 3rd

Culminating Activity: Grade 8
For this task, you are going to create a map of a city called PICK A NAME.  The civil engineer who designed PICK A NAME was obsessed with geometric relationships and made the streets cross to demonstrate various line, circle and angle relationships.  Create the detailed map. You must label all streets and the angles that they intersect. Be as creative as you can!
Your street map for PICK A NAME must contain the following:
         At least 1 pair of parallel streets
         Two streets that are transversals
         Two intersections that have an alternate angle relationship
         Two intersections that have a corresponding angle relationship
         Two intersections that have an opposite angle relationship
         One street that meets another to create a pair of supplementary angles.
         A park that is a quadrilateral, with walking paths that meet perpendicularly
         A Town Centre that has three quadrilateral buildings. Each building has a path to the centre.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
-         I understand how geometric properties can be applied to the real world.
-         I included all required geometric properties.

-         I created a street map that has angles that are geometrically correct.
-         I solved angle relationship problems involving interacting lines, parallel lines, and transversals.
-         I calculated complementary, supplementary, and opposite angles.

-         I identified application of geometric properties in the real world.

-         I included angle relationships that complement each other accurately.
-         I labeled all angles names, degrees, and geometric properties correctly.

What was well done ...

What was missing

Congruent Angles

Check out this link for a tool for congruent angles.
Here's a video that explains what you were learning in class.

Water Cycle

Symbolism ctd

What are some things that symbolize protection? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are some things that symbolize good versus evil? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

Give an example of what colours symbolize? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are symbols that are used to represent death? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

What are symbols that are used to represent life? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?

Invented symbols (advertising) - lulu symbol, underarmour, peter pan - eternal childhood

Maps - crossed sabers may show a battlefield, roman numerals for numbers

Names - representing people?

In literature, an author will often use a symbol over and over to create deeper meaning, or use variations of the object to create an overarching mood or feeling.

Our gravestones symbolizing the death of the old words.

Symbols Continued

What are some things that symbolize good versus evil? Give an example of the object/action/idea and where you have seen it used. What does it mean to others or to you?
Try to think deeply on this and give a few examples. Remember that we are trying to see "What lurks below the surface" in our work these days.

Feel free to do some research on these topics on the internet or with other people.

Starwars has many examples of things that symbolize good versus evil. One of the first things we notice is the colour choices (Darth Vader in all black) and Luke is often in white jedi clothes or earthy toned colours. Think about what he wears in Return of the Jedi when he is gone over to the 'dark side' of the force (his outfit is now black leather instead of white cotton).
The innocent Princess Leah is in a long white gown when she is introduced to us, showing her innocence and potentially helplessness.
There are also lots of religious connections/symbols to be seen in

Metaphor Reflection

Here are your questions for reflection from Miss M. They are due to her first thing Tuesday morning.

Which was your favourite metaphor created? Why
How do metaphors help send a message?
What imagery does this metaphor give you?
What are your general opinions on metaphors in poetry?

I think metaphors are important in poetry because...

Friday, March 22, 2013


There is a music test on Tuesday next week.
Yellow verification forms are due by Thursday next week.
Dance presentations on Monday.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Food for thought

Dead last
is greater than
did not finish
 which trumps
did not start!

What do you think of this quote?

Monday, March 18, 2013

From Miss M - Dance Criteria and Poetry

"Grade 8's,
When creating your choreographed dances remember your dance elements (levels, space, and unity). Also, consider the meaning you are trying to portray, song choice, use of technology, and dress!
You'll do great!"

Eastdale’s Best Dance Crew
In groups of 4, your group will choreograph a dance to compete against other groups for the title of Eastdale’s Best Dance Crew. You will perform to your dance to the judges and be scored based on a point system. The winner of Eastdale’s Best Dance Crew will be featured in the first 15 seconds of Eastdale’s Harlem Shake.
Within your dance, consider the movements or choreographed moves we have learned about in class (Ex. Line dancing Cotton Eyed Joe, Zumba, movement cards). Your dance must be 2 minutes long and portray a particular theme. [Remember during our movement lesson we created movement pieces that portrayed an environmental issue].

-          Ideas: Celebrity videos/ dances, Zumba, movement cards, line dancing, etc
-          Where the audience is sitting
-          Dance Elements
o        Levels
o        Use of space
o        Time
o        Energy
-          Multimedia
o        Song choice
o        Costumes
-          Technology
o        Background projected backdrop
o        Lighting

Once you have choreographed your dance, you will write a final dance reflection. Your reflection will explain the choices you made in your dance piece. For example, why did you choose your theme? What movements demonstrated your theme? Why did you choose that particular song? What technology and costume choices did you make and why? How well did your group work together?
Your reflection must be 1 page double spaced.
1- 5 Points for:
-          Use of Technology
-          Appropriate song choice
-          Costumes 
-          Performance
-          Unit of movements
-          Use of space
-          Use of Levels
-          Within time range
-          Visibility of Theme

Rubric Assess Reflection and Choreographed Dance
Knowledge and Understanding- What I say or do
- I used appropriate dance element vocabulary 
- I incorporated the requirements of the dance assignment 
- I used appropriate choreography to create a dance piece
- I used technology to enhance the message being communicated

Thinking- The way I explained
- I highlighted the theme and elements in my choreographed dance
- I explained my thinking process to why we made certain decisions |
(ex. choreography, technology, lighting, costumes, theme, etc)

Communication- The way I reflected and expressed my ideas
- I made connections to choreography and theme choices.
- I expressed my creative choices using dance elements vocabulary.
- I edited my work to ensure there were little to no spelling or grammar mistakes.

Application- How I connect to it
- I choreographed a dance piece incorporating elements of dance
- I made connections between dance and theme.
- I was a polite and respectful audience member.

What was well done

What was missing

The poems we looked at today:
Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shelf Silverstein
Love is Patient by Corinthians
Where is the Love? by The Black Eyed Peas
Oh Pioneers by Walk Whitman
Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr.Suess

Today, write poetry journal. I want you to write a reflection on how you feel about poetry.
1) Here are some questions to get you started
2) When I read poetry I feel...
3) My favourite poem is...
4) My favourite/least favourite part of poetry is...
5) I think poetry is about ....
6) How does poetry connect to emotions?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Geometry Quiz

Hello Grade 8's

For your quiz on Friday please review:

- Quadrilaterals
- Triangles
- Geometric properties
- Geometry Vocabulary
- Supplementary angles
- Complementary angles
- Opposite angles
- Transversals
- Bisectors

Check out these websites for practice.
[ ]
[ ]

Also, as I mentioned in class page 274 also has practice questions

See you tomorrow,

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Complementary and Supplementary Angles

Here is a great video that supports what we were learning in class today about supplementary and complimentary angles.

Remember the 'remembering' trick:

Complimentary angles have a Corner (they add to 90 degrees)
Supplementary angles are on a Straight line (they add to 180 degrees)

Opposite angles -

Geometry Review Quiz

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Geography Review

Here are the 4 topics that will be covered on your test this Thursday.

If you are making flash cards for this (and you have a smart device), check out the app called flashcardlet. It allows you to create and share your own deck of flash cards and you can manage them as you master them.

Settlement Patterns - linear, scattered, clustered, what makes a great settlement site, site and situation

Services - low, middle and high - order services, other services, what are the 6 factors that affect population distribution

Population Density - formula for calculating this, census, why do some areas develop faster than others

Population Distribution - patterns are the result of ..., what time frame had the largest impact on population distribution, crop rotation, industrial revolution, farming,

**Know the historical factors that influenced population distribution in Europe and North America in the late 18th century.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Geometry Site

For math tomorrow, we will be going on a quadrilateral hunt. You can bring in your iPod to take pics of the ones you find with your partner/group.

Here is a site from Ms.M about what we will be working on in math for the next few weeks.

This is a link for a virtual geoboard (and all kinds of other fun stuff to play with as well).