Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Please email me at my school email with the link for your Fakebook pages for your Hunger Games character. I would like to check in on them to see how they are coming along. By now, you should have your Profile completed with where you are from, birthdate, hobbies and occupation. You should have at least 7 friends (one of whom should be you). You need to have a minimum of 2 good conversations between your character and their friends by now. Remember, I should be able to hear the character's voice in how they are commenting between each other. For example, Haymitch would probably have a pessimistic comment on something that had been happening or a drunken rant about how he feels about the way the Capitol has been treating him, or you or another character in the games.
Remember to check with your success criteria and the rubric to make sure you have at least all of the required elements.

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