Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec 5th - Weekly Update

Lots going on this week!

Monday night - check your gmail account for a small assignment. (do the one called Monday night's homework -  not the Oceans of Data - this is for class tomorrow)(if you are one of the few who don't have one, please try to set yours up at home using first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of your last name, then the four digits at the end of your school connect login - mine would be
In addition to the assignment, try and change your image for your profile. I think Jake has successfully changed his already.
Tuesday - several of you have plans for baking for the festival
Tuesday - choir 3:10
Wednesday - Winter Festival
Wednesday - Flag Football
Thursday - Monthly Assembly in the afternoon- Courage
Friday - OP Band presentation

What else

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