Thursday, December 22, 2011

Flash Mob Fun!!!

That was AWESOME!! We are so proud of you guys! What a fun way to spread a little cheer at Christmas. Can't wait to see all the video. If you have some, it would be great to be able to compile them all together.

Emma and Owen are now doing the steps in my kitchen. Teagan is a big Bieber fan too!
See you in the morning. Don't forget your donations for the dance, and icecream money.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Please remember to bring a zippered hoodie for tomorrow.
In the afternoon, if the weather cooperates, we will be going outside for some fun games. Please make sure you have appropriate clothing to be running around on the soccer field for about an hour.
Remember your donations for the mitten tree and food collection. (If we don't pick it up a bit, i'll have to eat all the cookies myself:)

Also, I am looking for 2 volunteers to write and say a short blurb at the assembly on Thursday about the Mitten Tree and food donations (why we do these and any connection to citizenship - the trait of the month). Please let me know if you are interested.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Two music related things:
1- please post songs here and I will add them in the comments (and our dj crew can start compiling), (also, if you are bringing food for the dance and you post here, i'll add it as a comment so we can start to get that worked out),
2 - Mrs. Henkel asked me to let you know the following:

Can you let the students know sometime tomorrow (before the weekend) that I will write out and demonstrate some examples of what I am looking for in regards to their next assignment (which is a four measure 4 beat rhythm that they will create using drumsticks). They are not expected to write it out ... just perform it but I already told them that.
We spend time talking about it and working through rhythms today. Next week, I will take 5 minutes or so at the beginning of class to show them some possible examples to be sure they understand, and then the rest of the period will be their work time and time for me to help them individually. So, the first 5 minutes will be in class and then we will go to the gym.


Practice your groups moves for your upcoming Gym assessment this week. Don't forget to accentuate the moves. Tall arms, and bend low on the 'down.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Remember your donations for the Mitten Tree. New or gently used hats, mittens, gloves, scarves are appreciated.
We are aiming for  70 items (mittens or food donations) before Wednesday next week.

Math test on Data Management tomorrow
Census vs Sample,
biased vs Reliable
types of graphs
making conclusions on data.

Pizza day tomorrow.

History Glogs are due on Monday.

Post ideas for JAM's party (food, games, music, guests)
Listen to Bieber's Mistle Toe song.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Here is the video from class today. I like your idea of just shutting off the phone when you are driving a car.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Homework - Week of December 12th

Venn Diagram word problems.

Word problems

Depending on the type of learner you are, you may wish to have a pencil and paper in front of you for this one to help you solve it (I know I find it easier to draw this out to help me solve it).

Converting Measurement Problems

What is the relationship between a square cm and a square metre
Square and Cubic Units

It's a Birthday and You Are INVITED!!

In one month, the birthday boy turns 197 years young! Can you guess who this is? The birthdate of this individual is January 11th. Do you know who it is?
I've entered our class in a contest to throw the most creative birthday bash. Some of you have planned a wedding on the moon already, so this should be a cinch. There is a limited budget, but we can have fun with NO budget in our class.
Here is the criteria:

-we need cake, games, guests, presents, music, a venue
-it must be clearly related to the individual whose birthday it is

So, I guess the first thing is, do you know who's birthday it is? What ideas do you have for the party? If your ideas are so-so, then we'll spend one period on the party. If your ideas are fantastico, the we could spend the whole day involved in the party!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Please email me at my school email with the link for your Fakebook pages for your Hunger Games character. I would like to check in on them to see how they are coming along. By now, you should have your Profile completed with where you are from, birthdate, hobbies and occupation. You should have at least 7 friends (one of whom should be you). You need to have a minimum of 2 good conversations between your character and their friends by now. Remember, I should be able to hear the character's voice in how they are commenting between each other. For example, Haymitch would probably have a pessimistic comment on something that had been happening or a drunken rant about how he feels about the way the Capitol has been treating him, or you or another character in the games.
Remember to check with your success criteria and the rubric to make sure you have at least all of the required elements.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dec 5th - Weekly Update

Lots going on this week!

Monday night - check your gmail account for a small assignment. (do the one called Monday night's homework -  not the Oceans of Data - this is for class tomorrow)(if you are one of the few who don't have one, please try to set yours up at home using first 2 letters of your first name, first 2 letters of your last name, then the four digits at the end of your school connect login - mine would be
In addition to the assignment, try and change your image for your profile. I think Jake has successfully changed his already.
Tuesday - several of you have plans for baking for the festival
Tuesday - choir 3:10
Wednesday - Winter Festival
Wednesday - Flag Football
Thursday - Monthly Assembly in the afternoon- Courage
Friday - OP Band presentation

What else

Weekly Spelling Homework.

The words for your spelling this week can be found at Week 3 Spelling words.
Send me a comment at least 3 times this week with your score. Remember to start your comment with your name.
Explain in one of your posts why you think I have chosen this image for this week. You will earn bonus points for your tribe.
Your vocabulary work is Vocabulary Work.