Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Glad you checked!!

So don't forget your math homework tonight pg. 391 #2 and 3. Remember to try and keep your communication of your answers clear like we did in class today. We will have a short assessment on integers this week before we move onto our next topic which involves exploring circles and cylinders.
(if you happen to be one of the people who doesn't have a textbook and forgot to pick up the copy of the questions, you will need to be resourceful to get the questions that you need to answer)

If you did not finish the factory to cell comparison in class today, you need to have it completed for homework tonight. This will help you for your test on Thursday in science.

No weekly challenge this week other than to study your cell information, math and do a bit of research on a global issue that interests you. We will use this information in our writing in class shortly.

Your question to comment on is:
What was the purpose behind the 2 kids, 1 crayon activity that we completed earlier in the year?
Please remember to include your name in your comment.


  1. LOOL these pictures are hillarious!!!


  2. Roohit G.

    I think that the purpose behind the two kids, one crayon activity was to teach us about teamwork because two students had to work to together with only one crayon to finish the art in time. Furthermore, we only had one crayon so we had to pay even more attention to one another and since we didn't have more crayons, we couldn't put our own ideas on paper without discussion. Therefore, it also teaches us about cooperation because we have to get along and not fight over who gets the crayon, in order to finish this assignment.

  3. Ivana B.

    The purpose behind the 2 kids, 1 crayon activity was to work together to finish the task by using different strategies in order to get each other’s ideas out on paper but, using only one crayon. This required your communication skills (telling your partner your ideas), your listening skills (listening to your partner's ideas), compromisation (to make a deal where one person gives up part of his or her demand), and patience. This task was a way of revealing these skills which are essential in our everyday lives and will be used when working in groups. For example, one way me and my partner did it was having one of us with the crayon drawing each other ideas down while the other partner shares their ideas.

  4. Saloni T.
    The purpose of the activity was to learn how to work together and take turns using the crayon. But also to be creative as in some groups chose to break the crayon in half and each use one piece so they can draw at the same time.

  5. daniel. s
    To work on teamwork and working together and we had to share the crayon and take turns drawing on the paper and we communicated until we figured out to break the crayon into 2 so we could both equaly draw on our bug.

  6. What day is our test on?
