Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some free verse poetry samples for you. Which ones do you prefer and why?

A Cannibal in Love

I want to make a feast out of you
your fat swollen chops would be great
nourishment for my lovesick mind
your savory lips pack the flaky crunch
that goes
perfectly with crimson molasses like my
dear honey bear draining the life out of its belly
oh yes! the belly!
my tongue yearns for medium rare sausages …
your tubular will do perfectly
fillets off your midsection
still fresh and perfect for sushi
won’t you say?
I can’t wait to get a bite out of you and
won’t you want a piece of me too?

All I Need Is a Friend Magazine

Photo credit: Mariana O., Tecate, CA
Books fill up my room.
Not baseball cards,
or pictures of girls,
or basketballs.
Maybe a blown up picture of …
… Pam Anderson might help.

Black-framed glasses
and a white,
I should start working out.

At least I can read.
I read four books a day last summer.
The librarian,
80-year-old Mrs. Woodsworth,
she knows my middle name.
If only I had a real friend.
I am sick of seeing her old,
pale body.
Although it resembles mine.

The kids at school laugh.
Is it the way I dress?
Ralph Lauren,
La Tigre.
I’ve tried every designer out there.
Staying in the house really saves me money.
My stupid rich parents give me $50 a week for lunch.
$50 times 36 weeks …
what is that?
I should probably know.
Straight A’s 12 years in a row
and counting.

With all of this,
or none of this –
it depends how you look at it –
all I need is a friend.

Stuck and Unstuck Love 


  1. forever alone :( (last one) wahwahwah

  2. i Liked the 2nd one because it had a meaning to it that i easily understood. heart touching .. <\3


  3. Daniel S.
    i liked the 3rd one. i think it was talking about a man going to jail and having to leave his true love but eventually when he gets let out she has found someone else and he knows he was to late.

  4. eric
    the first one because its weird and thts what makes it intresting :)

  5. rob

    i liked the 1st one bcause it show no matter what u have or what u do friends dont come easy

  6. Will
    I pick A Cannibal in Love poem because its different.

  7. Tyler .D

    I liked the third one because it shows that love could not be broken like the birds can't be ungriped off the wire but it sometimes can be broken like the gust of wind blowing the birds apart.

  8. Jake K.

    This one was supposed to be set 50 years after a nuclear war in the 22nd century. It is called, The Wasteland.

    A miasma,
    a world and innocence lost,
    lonely sleepy cities
    struggling to survive

    An endless journey
    moving onward
    travelling the wastes
    finding pieces of a
    broken home
    broken dreams
    a desolate avenue
    forever discovering the new world.

  9. Betrayed
    Spoken--a word implicit.
    A concept--broken.
    A token, dropped
    In the machine--
    Time's up.
    I have proven over
    And again, I am
    Tougher than I seem--
    A fool still, hopeful.
    And you never say
    You grant me equal credibility
    Or similar delusions.
    To believe everything
    You say--how can
    I give you what I am not given?
    But I do--
    I would, and I will.
    And I let you
    Keep pieces of me
    Locked, keyed to you
    Secretly--only I
    Can no longer
    Be sure of finding them--
    You will tell me,
    I or you
    Right or wrong.
    And this new
    Revisionist me
    Wants only to be right
    And for you to know.

    Copyright © 1997 by Katherine Foreman.

    i like this becasue its just so beautiful
    and everyone goes through a betrayel, or everyone betrays someone. (hopefully not )it just sounds beautiful like someone can relate to it , you can feel the emotion rushing through you. i love it

  10. April

    One touch--
    Like death with ribbons or
    Pain with sprinkles,
    A beautiful package for sadness and loss.
    And I loved every moment, dared to feel
    Triumphant at the beginning of my own destruction.
    And it was my own fault,
    My own feet stepping on every ember of cautiousness.
    You can't take it back, but I don't want you to.
    It has been long enough, waiting in darkness
    For candlelight.
    And there is no such thing as
    Wonderful enough.

    i like this because its simply sounds just beutiful. i like the word choice and really makes me understand what this person is feeling.

  11. Today is a new beginning.
    Dawn told me this once
    As the glow of the rising sun grew closer
    The dancing stars faded
    When I felt like giving up,
    The morning air reminded me that today is a new day,
    The sky took me on a journey farther than the clouds and
    Night taught me to never give up.
    Because tomorrow is a new day

  12. The Rose
    Disneyland holds all the answers
    But now you would go skiing
    With snow-blue eyes for company.
    My fingers on splinter-blunt thorns
    Feel wrong, as if the pressure of
    Bending a wire could spiral the stem,
    Unnatural, twisted and shattered.
    The tips of cream-silk petals bleed.
    This is what happened to me, then,
    Being there at the wrong confluence of time,
    There and shining with no one looking.
    I grew my own thorns, climbed into a vial,
    And the blush bleeds from the petals of my skin.

    Copyright © 2000 by Katherine Foreman.

    I like this poem because it's very beautiful and you have to think about the words that are chosen because she says "I grew my own thorns, climbed into a vial,And the blush bleeds from the petals of my skin." I have to think about what she means because it's a difference wording to what I think means that she grew independent and the blush part is probably her blushing.

  13. Dear little bird
    You sing a dirge.
    A sorrowful moaning
    In the quiet night.
    Your wings are folded,
    Your feathers are ruffled.
    Your head is dusted with snow,
    As it flutters around you.
    You are sitting,
    In the blusterous wind's path.
    The cold winter is coming,
    Dreary and harsh.
    It will not stop for you alone.
    You must fly to a safer home.
    Fly, fly, go fly away.
    On this beautiful winter day
    By Alison D., Schnecksville, PA

    I like this poem because it gives me an amazing picture in my mind because of the interesting adjectives that were used. It deeply describes the scene and the features of the bird. I also find it interesting that they chose to write about a bird in the winter since we don't typically see or hear birds during the cold months. This poem expresses the beauty of animals and seasons which makes it engaging and intriguing! Mariam W

  14. Roohit G.

    The Limit of the Universe

    We are closest when we
    are apart.
    Each takes tiny steps back
    We are finally together
    Forced away by the
    Thoughts of closeness
    risen from solitude.
    Lonely alone
    Lonely together
    This is not what I had in
    Where fear is the driving
    Fear must be of each other
    A wedge forever standing
    Until we need not be afraid
    Which in this stifling,
    Disallowing world
    Must never happen


    I grew up with it, but it's not
    Wrong or rejectable for that.
    Whoever had the shirt saying how little I hold Cannot make me over into what I already am, Still cannot set me against it.
    They and I may stand forever
    Regardless of how much I inch toward them, Without a thought for the answers I always find, The bridges I know I need to build.
    I remember the way the words felt when I first Gathered the courage to recite them,
    The way my heart felt when I knew what they meant.
    I tremble now too, with their weight.
    And I tremble again as the music
    Dangles my faith over a fire and a flood--
    It is not a thing you can ignore.
    With racing pulse I try the words on my lips, The melody in my throat.
    It feels good. It feels right.

    I chose these two poems because I feel that these poems are extremely meaningful, especially the poem “Ponder”. Therefore, it has great voice, showing lots of emotion in the writing. My favourite lines in the poem “ponder” are “I tremble now too, with their weight. And I tremble again as the music Dangles my faith over a fire and a flood-- It is not a thing you can ignore.” because of the way these words so accurately describe how the author was feeling and thus it makes me feel the same way. These lines make me relate to my experiences and make connections that help me understand the authors situation.

  15. Saloni T.
    The Rose is mine

  16. FOREVER ALONE!!!!!!!!!

  17. Roohit G.


    Flaming red hair
    Beautiful green eyes
    Short as a child
    Wind whistles
    I'm in love
    Then come nightmares
    of stabbing
    of choking
    I'll kill her
    My face,
    white as a sheet
    I stay away,
    to keep her safe,
    anything for my love
    Can't control myself
    Two broken hearts.

  18. Anmol D

    Dead is a state of mind:

    Im sorry for everything
    everything i did
    i didnt mean
    to hurt you
    your feelings.
    Im Sorry.
    Forgive me please.
    Let's go on a picnik
    find a shady spot
    forget everything.
    I love you

    Dead is a state of mind:

    My feeling
    for you
    are imposible
    to count,
    I love that
    you forgave me,
    but are you sure
    your mine?
    I've seen you with
    another guy
    that i dont seem
    to like,
    i hope you
    stay away
    from him
    and closer to

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  20. Saloni T. Freeverse-Twilight

    His skin glitters in the sun
    Brighter than a light
    Hands as frigid as ice
    His voice
    Clear as a crystal.
    His face
    More ravashing than anything
    His skin
    As white as a winter wonderland.
    He fell from heaven
    Killer in his eyes
    See no purity.
    Hear his voice
    "I'm a monster."
    Through my eyes, I beg to differ.
    Love of my life.

  21. Rade P.
    Colossal waves breaking in
    People Screaming
    Water splashing
    people yelling for help
    Cars flying people dying
    Water flowing
    People drowning
    No sight in anyone
    Shut your eyes
    Silence sets in

  22. Derek H.

    Far over
    the misty mountains cold
    to dungeons deep
    and caverns cold
    with Balin, Dwalin
    and Ori, Nori, Dori
    and Oin, oin
    Bifur, Bofur, Bombur
    Fili, Kili and
    Thorin too
    Recovered Orcrist
    strong and true
    travelling with Gandalf
    and small little Bilbo
    towards the lonely mountain
    to journey's end.

  23. David J. Freeverse. Hitting a lot of green lights in a row.

    The air smells like a cologne.
    A very horrible one.
    Beetlejuice uses the same one.
    It's very quiet tonight.
    The only sounds are subtle.
    Like the sound of crickets.
    And the ocasional dog barking.
    I am in a concrete paradise.
    Every 100 meters.
    A traffic light stops me.
    Right in my tracks.
    It turns green.
    And so do the rest.
    It is an amazing feeling.
    Being free to keep going.
    The last one turns yellow.
    I start shifting like mad.
    Accelerating like crazy.
    Travelling at hyperspeed.

  24. Talha R.

    Chilly,creepy,lonely nights
    gloomy, spinechilling darkness
    No there to help,
    bitter, cheerless
    has this world become,
    People howling with fear,
    Afraid of the government,
    hanging on for life,
    the lights are now fading

  25. Patrick

    Hideous execution
    man raising black stick
    i yell "NO!"
    no one hears me
    theres a flash
    not of light
    of blackness
    my little sisters dead
    crowd moves over
    theres a firey explosion
    i look
    my sisters on fire
    my sisters alive
    shes a witch!

  26. a PoEm bY mE

    Plane Dropping
    Losing altitude
    alitemeter is one long beep
    hangers open
    tanks falling into the ocean
    I feel as heavy
    as an elephant
    I can see the
    water only 100ft away
    at the last brink
    of hope the plane
    started to rise
    and the alitimeter
    starts beeping again

    Seemaab Y.

  27. Autumn.E
    It has flooded everything
    It killed many
    So many stranded
    So much lost
    Houses destroyed

    Painful memories
    Lost pets
    Children missing
    Scary to imagine
    New beginnings

  28. Ivana B.

    New Moon

    Very serious problems
    So why do they seem so insignificant
    Here I am
    With my father in the woods
    Smell of the pines rushes to my head
    Finally relaxed
    Finally free
    We broke through the last of the branches
    The sound of the branches breaking
    Reminds me of my broken heart
    Too deep to be fixed
    But can be replaced
    The way he moves is like he is gliding on ice
    I looked in my father’s beady eyes
    I saw the reflection of someone behind me
    His eyes were twinkling like stars
    Only once have I seen those eyes before
    They belonged to my love I had once before
    I felt someone squeeze from behind
    I turned desperately
    There he was
    I squared my shoulders and walked towards my fate
    The smell of his cologne smelled like heaven
    And that’s when he said, “I arrived, my love.”
