Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuedsday's Homework

Check out this link for an interesting article.

Your task to complete after you've read it is,

Start your post with your name.
Find out what the minimum age is for working in Ontario.
Are there any specific exceptions in Ontario (like farm labour)?
What is the minimum wage right now in Ontario?
Do you think you will have a job while you are in highschool or post-secondary school? What would you like it to be?
What job would you like to have later in life?

As an asside, if your parents ask you to do chores around the house, this is NOT an example of child labour:)


  1. amanda p.

    11.00 $
    yeah probably, i want it to be something easy and not that stressful, like tim hortons or like a fast food place at first and then switch over to like stores.
    i would like to have a job as a dentist, doctor, family doctor, i wanted to do something creative like have a job where you are creative because i am very creative and i would like to have a job like that because i would enjoy it.

  2. Japnam
    Ontario minimum wage rate will remain at $10.25 per hour in 2011, the highest provincial minimum wage in Canada.

    What is the minimum age for working in Ontario?
    The minimum age for working in Ontario is 14 years for most types of work. However, 14-, 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds are not to be employed during school hours unless they have been excused from school attendance under provisions of Ontario's Education Act. Some regulations specify higher minimum ages for certain types of work, as follows:

    Underground Mines: 18 years
    Construction: 16 years
    Window Cleaning: 18 years
    Logging Operations: 16 years
    Factories or Repair Shops: 15 years
    Stores, Offices or Arenas: 14 years.

    In a restaurant, the food preparation area would be considered a factory, with a minimum age of 15 years, whereas the cash register would be a shop - minimum age: 14 years.

    there are exceptions for restaurants since they consider food preparation area a factory they have a minimum age of 15 years thought they sometimes take 14 year olds too.

    i think i would want my job to be a job in a mall or a layers or doctors assistant which i dont doubt will happen because that would be very easy for me because my cousin is a lawyer and my other cousin is a doctor or will be by then.
    i want to be a criminal lawyer because i feel as if i am really good in debates and i just want to fight for people. it is a also a well payed job. recently my family friend had committed Suicide and it was very hard for me so i want to fight for these things fight for there families and i dont mean that is a issue to take to court im saying i could help those families with my money and i would talk to them about it since i would be good at that because i would be lawyer.
    :) japnam student # 7

  3. talha r

    in places like Industrial establishments such as offices, stores, arenas, restaurant serving areas.have the minimum age of 14.Also other places like factories including restaurant kitchens, automotive service garages, produce and meat preparation or shipping and receiving areas in grocery stores, laundries and warehouses have the minimum age of 15. Also some places you have to be over 16.

    for minimum wage in ontario there are certain types of wages. general mininmum wage is 10.25 $ per hour, students working under 18 there wage will be 9.60$ an hour.

    I think i will get a job in high at a normal fast food place or at a store or any place that will hire me. After highschool and university i would like to be architectural technologist or industrial engineering technologist. i wouldnt mind being a neuro surgeon either.

  4. David

    The minimum age for working is 14. Yes, but if you are under 16 you cannot work on construction sites, in industrial manufacturing or on scaffolding. $10.25. I think I will have a job when I am 16(when I'm in high-school). I would like it to be a cashier at McDonald's because it is right across the street from me. I would like to be a doctor because I enjoy helping people.

  5. Autumn.e
    -A teenager is allowed twork at the age of 14 -
    16 legally.
    -Fastfood,petstores have the exceptions of younger workers.
    -$8:50 now or LESS.
    -I would like to work at a pet store.
    -I would like to work as an veterinarian.

  6. Mariam W
    The minimum age for working in Ontario is 14 years for most types of work.
    The Ontario government has a few exceptions:
    • Underground Mines: 18 years
    • Construction: 16 years
    • Window Cleaning: 18 years
    • Logging Operations: 16 years
    • Factories or Repair Shops: 15 years
    • Stores, Offices or Arenas: 14 years.
    The minimum wage currently in Ontario is $10.25 per hour.
    I think I will have a job in high school, probably starting in grade 10 or 11 when I’m older and am ready to commit to a job. I would love to be a waitress because I enjoy taking orders, serving dishes and I think I’d do a good job of being kind and entertaining to the customers. Waiters also get great tips which would be useful!
    I’m not completely sure what I want to be later in life, but am aiming towards two jobs; a teacher or something revolving health (eg. doctor, dietician, etc). I may want to be a teacher because ever since I was a little kid I loved playing teacher and filling in worksheets just so I could mark them. I still like watching my mom make her plans and give her some of my ideas. I’d also like to be something revolving health because that’s something I’m passionate about because I like to eat healthy and help others achieve goals. When my dad said he may have diabetes I would help him watch what he ate but still occasionally let him have something sugary if he deserved it. :)

  7. seemaab #30
    14 industrial establishments
    15 most factories
    16 logging operations
    16 construction projects
    18 window cleaning

    The minimum wage right now in ontario is $11.00

    I think i will have job in high school because i might need money in high school. I think the job i want is to work in a pizza store.

    I will like to be in police because its not boring and you get good pay.

  8. Saloni T.

    The minimum age for working in Ontario is 14 years old.

    Yes 13 year olds can work at farms and by 16 you
    can work at a factory.

    The minimum wage for Ontario is $10.25.

    I think I will have a job, I would want it to be either at a restaurant or a doctors office.

    I would like to become a doctor in my later life.

  9. April - 5

    offices, stores, arenas, restaurant serving areas- 14 years old.
    Most factories- 15 years old.
    Logging operations-16 years old.

    What is the minimum wage right now in Ontario? $8.75 an hour

    Well i think i would have a part time job in high school. Maybe not in my first couple years because there's so many students applying for jobs and not allot of people like to hire young people that have no experience. For my first job probably as a bust girl for a restaurant but not toilets and stuff yuck ;) more like busting tables or even cash register in a grocery store.

    later in life i would really enjoy being in dentistry i have wanted to since i was so young! iv always had an interest in it, when i was the ages of 3-6 i would always watch my hygienist clean my teeth and be so fascinated with it.

    if not a dentist or hygienist i would also really like to be a vet. i love animals so much and it seems like a fun job. tho there are pros and cons such as a pro would be working with animals and helping them and their owners with whatever problems, but a con would be having to see them suffer and putting them down etc.

  10. Tyler .D

    Minimum age for working in Ontario is 16

    Exemptions are babysitting and paper routes

    Minimum wage in Ontario is 10.25/hour

    Yes I would and it would probably be at Gamestop or EB games

    Later in life I would like to be a video game tester/creator

  11. Eyrie C.

    1) 14 (In offices, stores, etc.)
    2) 15 for most factories,
    16 for logging operations, construction projects, surface mines, and mining plants.
    18 for underground mines, window cleaning, and the working face of a surface mine.
    3) $10.25
    4) Yes I do think I will have a job. My first choice would be a writer, but if not, I would like to work with my dad.
    5) At 22, I was hoping to become a soldier in the Canadian Forces, and later become a member of JTF2 or become a sniper. After that, I might become a police officer.

  12. Roohit G.

    The minimum age for working in Ontario is mostly 14 years old. In industrial establishments (e.g. offices and stores), the minimum working age is 14 years old. In addition, the minimum working age in most factories is 15 years old and for logging operations, the minimum age is 16 years old. For construction projects you must be 16 years or older and for underground mines and window cleaning you must be at least 18 years old.

    There are exceptions for certain people such as those who have jobs delivering newspapers. I think this is because the Ontario government feels that these jobs are not considered dangerous and are much easier.

    The general minimum wage right now in Ontario is $10.25 per hour and the student minimum wage is $9.60 per hour. Furthermore, the liquor server’s minimum wage is $8.90 per hour and the hunting and fishing guides minimum wage is $51.25 if they work less than five consecutive hours in a day and $102.50 if they work five or more hours in a day whether or not the hours are consecutive.

    Yes, I think I will have a job while I am in high school. I would like to be a lifeguard because I have been swimming since I was about three years old and I am in the last course I have to complete before I am able to get a job (Bronze Cross). However, I would like to wait until I am 16 and do NLS before starting to work, in order to get a better job, hopefully at Brewster Pool!

    I would like to be an orthodontist later in life because I always enjoy going to the dentist and seeing all of the treatments they give their patients. In addition, some dentists know that I would like to be an orthodontist so they always explain to me what they are doing and I think that I would enjoy that occupation. Also, orthodontists are extremely well paid. Moreover, I have wanted to be a dentist ever since I was I child, it has always been one of my dreams.

  13. WILL 14 is the minimum age in Ontario. yes would require permission from a federal Labor Standards Officer.
    Student Minimum Wage
    $9.60 per hour General Minimum Wage
    $10.25 per hour. i would like to work a ufc fighter being a ufc fight when i grow up

  14. Sumun B.

    1.What the minimum age is for working in Ontario?
    The minimum age for working in Ontario is 14.

    2.Are there any specific exceptions in Ontario (like farm labour)?
    They should have knowledge and experience for the particular job.(eg.for farm labour they should have some agricultural knowledge).

    3.What is the minimum wage right now in Ontario?Ontario's minimum wage is $10.00 per hour.

    4.Do you think you will have a job while you are in highschool or post-secondary school? What would you like it to be?
    I might have part-time job like working in a call center.

    5.What job would you like to have later in life?
    I would like to be a teacher later in life.

  15. Patrick

    The minimum age for working in ontario is 14 and
    the minimum wage right now in ontario about 9 dollars an hour. I might have a job later in highschool nothing really big just like work in a restaurant/store and when im older i would like to be a car mechanic because i really like cars so i would like to work on cars or an electrician because my dad is an electrician.

    i didnt get the "Are there any specific exceptions in Ontario (like farm labour)?" question.

  16. name: Raees, #1

    Age for working: 16

    Max wage : 7 to 8 $

    Expectations: factory labour

    My work in highschool: Most likely

    What i wanna be when im older: bASKETBALL OR FOOTBALL player, or a Lawyer

    Future Jobs: Most l.ikely fast food

  17. the min. age is 14
    the min. wage is 10.25/H
    maybe, if i do either at a fast food place or gamestop.
    later in life i want to make video games.

  18. Ivana B.

    Find out what the minimum age is for working in Ontario:
    The minimum age for working in Ontario is 14 years for most types of work.

    Are there any specific exceptions in Ontario (like farm labour)?

    Children under the age of 14 may work on farms in Canada. In some provinces, child labour laws do not apply, or only partly apply, to farm work. Employers everywhere in the country have a duty of care and must ensure that the health and safety of young workers are protected.

    What is the minimum wage right now in Ontario?
    The minimum wage right now in Ontario is $10.25.

    Do you think you will have a job while you are in high school or post-secondary school? What would you like it to be?
    I do not think that I will have a job in high-school because, my parents prefer me to be spending my time on homework and studying. They believe that a job is unnecessary for me to have because they can finance anything that I need and that if I had a job I would be taking up a lot of my time for studying. I believe that I do not need a job either because I would like to be focused on school work. On the other hand, some jobs can be life-threatening (as mention in the article) depending on where you work. However, if I were to work somewhere it would be in some sort of restaurant because, it is unlikely to be severely injured in a place where you just serve food.

    What job would you like to have later in life?
    Later in life I would like to be a dentist because, as a little girl I always dreamed of being a dentist. Dentists have a fairly clean job where you are guaranteed that you won’t get injured. In addition, I have been always interested in science (and math) and to be a dentist you have to ensure that you understand concepts like cells.

  19. Jake
    14 years of age.
    No, not from what I could find.
    For a student, it's $9.60.
    Yes, and probably at Bowlerama Stoney Creek.
    Either a Mechanical Engineer or a PC hardware engineer.

  20. daniel
    the minimum wage in ontario is $10.25
    the minimum age is 14 to work
    i think i would get a job with my dad helping with driving to places to get parts for a furnace.
    i think it would be really good because my dad if i had to do something related to school he will let me go do it also its good money
    i would like to be an architect or a vet whe i grow up.

  21. the minimum wager in ontario is $10 I would like to work at a fast food restraint when Im in highschool and I would like to be an enganer when I'm older

  22. minimum age is 14
    Yes like sports like baseball for umping and soccer for sidelining
    minimum wage is $10.25
    Maybe cause by the time i get to highschool my parents might not support me with much money so i might have to get a job to get money.A job in highschool i would get is jsut a basic job like at grocery store or diffrent simple ones.I would like to be a dentist.

  23. Derek #16
    the minimum age is 14
    9.50$ per hour
    I would like to be a life guard when I am in high school.
    The job that I would like to have later in life is to be a meteoroligist(storm chaser)
    some exeptions are soccer sideliner and baseball umpires.

  24. Devon
    age 14 for working in Ontario

    minimum wage right now in Ontario is $10.25
    yes I might have a job while high school it will be at a fastfood restrutant
    I would be a doctor

  25. anmol.
    the minimum age is 14 for working in ontario.
    yes there are some exceptions.
    the minimum wage is $10.25 or $9.50 in ontario.
    i think i might have a job and i would like to work as a cashier in fast food resturants or stores and later on in the life i would like to be a volleyball player or a baseball player because i love playing volleyball & baseball :)
