Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Remember to find information related to a political scandal/corruption in Canadian government.

Do you think the Mayors in each of the 12 Districts would have enough power to rig the voting system so that their own children would not have their names entered in the reaping process? Explain your thinking.
Do you think that this would be a necessary action when you consider how the tessare impacts the number of times that your name is entered?Explain why or why not.
If you were the Mayor of a District, would you try to have your child's name removed from the ones that get entered for the reaping? Explain why or why not.

Also, several of you have to finish your glog homework. Check that post on our blog to make sure you have included all of the requirements, and then make it public so that your classmates can see your work. Several of you also need to make your Father of Confederation glog public so that your classmates can see it too. Check out a few glogs that your classmates have made. What do you like about them? How could they be improved?


  1. SALONI T.

    Do you think the Mayors in each of the 12 Districts would have enough power to rig the voting system so that their own children would not have their names entered in the reaping process? Explain your thinking.

    Yes I do think that the mayors are capable because they are the mayors of the Distirct so they have alot of power but then again if someone would rig the system they would probably feel horrible because those who are less fortunate don't have enough power to do that, but they would obviously think what if my child got picked and they could die from the Games.

    Do you think that this would be a necessary action when you consider how the tessare impacts the number of times that your name is entered?Explain why or why not.

    This is necessary but it's wrong because then everyone else's children have to be put through the vote and if they get chosen that could be one more life gone. The tessare is very useful because that can feed one person from your family(depends on how many times you put your name in again) but is it really worth the life of your child? I don't think so.

    If you were the Mayor of a District, would you try to have your child's name removed from the ones that get entered for the reaping? Explain why or why not.

    Obviously you wouldn't want your child to be chosen to compete in the Hunger Games, but your child may not even get chosen. So, if I was mayor I wouldn't rig it, I would be thinking if I was in the position of the other parents and families who aren't mayors and the sacrifice they have to give to put their child's name in and they also may put it in again because of the tessare so that's even worse than just once or twice. In conclusion, no I wouldn't rig the vote because in the end I would feel horrible.

  2. Autumn.Eveleigh
    i have found a canadian political curruption so im just going to send you it in this comment becuase i dont know want you wanted me to do with it.
    well here it is:
    4. The hospital document scandal: In January of 1978, Solicitor General Francis Fox was forced to resign from Pierre Trudeau's Liberal cabinet after he was found to have helped procure an abortion for a woman with whom he had had an affair. Fox had signed the woman's husband's name on a hospital document – not a terribly acceptable action on the part of the country's top law enforcer.

    Fox was back in cabinet two years later, however, and stayed there until he was defeated in the 1984 election. He returned to practising law, became an executive with Rogers Wireless Communications, and eventually returned to the backrooms of politics, serving as current Liberal Prime Minister Paul Martin's principal secretary through most of 2004.

    the website i got it from is:

    hope its useful.

  3. David

    I think that they would have enough power because everyone in the district has to listen to them. But, I also think that he wouldn't because there are officials that are higher than him. If he was to bribe an official secretly then he would be able to get away with it.

    No. The major does not need the tessare because he already has enough money to buy food. For the rest of the people, yes. They would do anything to keep their names out of that picking. Although the tessare is very useful, it is very risky.

    Yes. I would try to have my child's name removed because I would not let my child die for other people's enjoyment. Also, I would not take a chance and never see my child again. If I was caught, I would probably be executed but my child would live his/her life for another year until reaping day again.

    I think that they were very colorful and eye catching. I think we could all improve on using better videos.

  4. Mariam W
    Yes, I think the mayors would have enough power to rig the voting system. Mayors are powerful people and judging by what we’ve read so far, the Hunger Games are harsh, cruel and brutal. I’m sure the mayor definitely wouldn’t want his child to have to participate in these games. The child would most likely be killed! Also, the book stated that Madge didn’t have to worry about going to sleep hungry or hunting for own food, which I predict means their family is wealthy. Since they have the money I think there’s a good chance her father found a way to get Madge’s name out of the draw.
    I think it still would be a very slim chance of Madge’s name to be chosen since she doesn’t need to put in extra names because her family is wealthy and well supported. However, putting even just one ballot can still result to her name being chosen—it’s still a possibility. For example, I can think of a few years ago at the school cake raffle. In the biggest cake I put only one ticket and I still got picked and won the cake. This shows that the only way to be sure you won’t be chosen is to have absolutely no rocks of yours in the jar.
    If I were the mayor, I can honestly say that I would try to get my child’s name removed from the jar if I had enough money and power. I cannot imagine the terror and disgust I would feel watching my child compete in the hunger games, and to know that they would only have a 50 percent chance of surviving would horrify me. Even though it’s unfair and deceptive, I would rather do that than give my child up and I think most parents would agree.

  5. yes i do think they would have enough power because they are very powerful people and they could just say we would make this bad for u(make something bad for them make a rule that benefits them in a bad way or take something away from them or even blame them for something they didn't do) if we don't get our way since they are powerful, they also probably have connections which can help them with getting what they want.

    yes i think it is necessarily accuse their age can be 18 or 12 you don't know and they would not want their kids taken away.
    yes i would have mine removed because i would love my kids more the the world and i would not want to risk even 1 percent of a chance of them getting taken away from me. because anything can happen even with 1 vote they might get picked.

  6. Sumun B.
    1. I think that the mayors wouldn't have enough power to remove the child's name from the reaping because in the book they show that the reaping process is very powerful and it is basically impossible to avoid it. Even if the mayors don't have enough power to stop it they can have their child's name entered less than the others because they do not need tessare.
    2. I think that it wouldn't be as necessary because like it said in the book, the children from poorer families can have there child's name entered over 20 time so there is a very small chance of the mayors children to be picked.
    3. If I was the mayor I would try to remove my child's name from the reaping because even if there are slim chances of my child being picked I would not want to risk it with my children so if I had the power to stop it or to at least try to, then I would.

  7. i think he probably did remove his daughters name from the box thing because he has the power to do so, also he can blackmail them that he will tell his district something about the government and forcibly removed his daughters name. yes because the more you enter your name the ore chances youll have to be chosen, but it all about luck from my perspective. i would question the authority to remove my childs name since i am a mayor have lots of control over others. talha r

  8. Ivana B.

    Do you think the Mayors in each of the 12 Districts would have enough power to rig the voting system so that their own children would not have their names entered in the reaping process? Explain your thinking.

    I do think the Mayor in each of the 12 districts would have enough power to rig the voting system so that their children would not have their names entered in the reaping process. I think this because the mayor is a very wealthy man so he could just bribe the people by offering a lot of money to take their children’s names out saving their children from possibly getting chosen to take part in the Games.

    Do you think that this would be a necessary action when you consider how the tessare impacts the number of times that your name is entered? Explain why or why not.

    In my point of view, I think that it is unlikely that Madge’s name will be chosen to participate in the games since she does not have as much names as other children (such as Katniss: 20 and Gale: 42). Other children in her district are poor and need the tessare in order to survive which is why their names have been entered several times. However, Madge is extremely wealthy and her family is supported because her dad is the mayor of the district. Therefore, they did not need to enter the reaping in order to get the tessare. However, that does not mean there is no chance of her getting chosen. Even though, Madge’s name will not appear in the jar many times, I feel as though her father, the mayor, should still take action and try to get his daughter’s name out of the jar because, as long her name is in the jar she is in danger of becoming chosen even if it is unlikely.

    If you were the Mayor of a District, would you try to have your child's name removed from the ones that get entered for the reaping? Explain why or why not.

    I think I would try to have my child’s name removed from the ones that get entered for the reaping. It is bad enough to see a child get killed, even if it is not your own, because knowing that the child has not had the opportunity to have some experiences that all children should experience at one point in their lives (e.g. graduating and having a family of your own) is extremely heart breaking. However, if it was your own child that is even emotionally worse for a parent because, the child is a part of you and you want to see them succeed in life. Therefore, to experience them being torn away from you and gone forever is a torturing feeling. If I were a parent I would definitely do anything to keep my child safe, even if it means scarifying my own life.
