Monday, November 7, 2011

Homework and Reminder

Please begin your story ending with your name.
The Little Girl Who Did WHAT???
Write a conclusion to the story The Little Girl Who Did WHAT??? with a solution to the problem we outlined in class today.
Your solution should be reasonable and include some references to the characters that we have already met. Remember, we left off with her when the giant butterfly swooped down and lifted her into the air. The last line read,
'Then something very magical happened.'

On a side note, if you have access to a yoga mat, please bring it for gym class tomorrow. We will use our gym mats, but there are likely not enough for our combined class.

If you have access to a spare black button, please bring it in for an art project. We are going to make poppies and will use the button for the middle of the poppy. The button should be at least 2cm in diameter.

If you are on Tech crew, we need to set up the sound system tomorrow morning at 8:30 with the speakers (no mic or visual).


  1. Saloni T.
    Then something very magical happened...
    The biggest butterfly lifted the little narrow faced girl into the air and the other butterflies formed a tornado around the girl. The giant butterfly put the girl down and everyones jaws dropped to the ground. They couldn't believe their eyes, the little girl had grown these beautiful and magical wings! From that day on no one in the town between the two narrow mountains were ever afraid to be different!

  2. Mariam W
    Then, something very magical happened. The little girl from the narrow village flew the enormous butterfly to the mayor whose mind was not so narrow, as he lived just outside of the village. She explained her depressing situation and politely asked if she could change the name to “the open village”. She knew the name would impact the citizens; since they’re so narrow, they would have no choice but to make their personalities match their village’s name. She then flew to the sign and replaced it. Suddenly, the entire village changed drastically! The sun came out and the people became relieved that they could live a life with a wide open mind. She was treated equally and no different than others, and the little girl felt proud of what she did and became happy to be herself, a hero.

  3. Sumun B.
    Then something very magical happened...
    As the people form the very narrow town caught up to the little girl and the giant butterfly. They saw somehting incredible! There was another town, one they had never seen before. But something was different about this town...
    All the citizens were farting butterflies! Suddenly the narrow town citizens felt a feeling they had never felt before, that was being different. So, from that day forth the citizens of narrow town never judged anyone ever again!

  4. talha RANA

    I THInK tHaT IN END OF THE STORY THE GIRL will go far up in sky and when everyone relizes that they shouldnt have been mean to her and PICK ON her she will come back down and her problem will be fixed. then everyone is going to relize they shouldnt have been mean and people wont be mean from then on and they will be happy :).

  5. Ivana B.

    Then, something very magical happened that effected everyone who liveed in “Narrow Village”. The little girl flew faster than a jet down the street and changed everything that was narrowed in to being more open and different. The little girl knew that if she helped the people of the “Narrow Village” picture a place where everything is more open and different, it would open their minds and accept people that are different. The butterfly’s pixie dust flew over houses and roads and changed them from being narrow. Everyone was speechless and couldn’t believe their eyes. The little girl and butterfly knew that there was one last thing they had to do. The village was sandwiched between two tall, dark mountains; which is why the people are so narrowed. They went between the mountains and pushed the mountains apart until they saw a round sun appear behind the tip of one of the mountains. The little girls sighed with a feeling of relief while enjoying the shine of the sun on her face. Everyone clapped and cheered for the girl. The people that lived in the village finally realized that they should accept people that are different which allowed them to enjoy the new style of their village. From that day on the little girl was known for being courageous by facing obstacles, and helping people reach inside their souls and discover their gifts. She was accepted and loved for who she is. Who would have known that a child that everyone found strange would become a hero!

  6. Ivana B.


    Then, something very magical happens that effect everyone who lives in “Narrow Village”. The little girl flew faster than a jet down the street and changed everything that was narrowed in to being more open and different. The little girl knew that if she helped the people of the “Narrow Village” picture a place where everything is more open and different, it would open their minds and accept people that are different. The butterfly’s pixie dust flew over houses and roads and changed them from being narrow. Everyone was speechless and couldn’t believe their eyes. Especially the grandma who judged the little girl after seeing what the she has the ability to do. The little girl and butterfly knew that there was one last thing they had to do. The village was sandwiched between two tall, dark mountains; which is why the people are so narrowed. They went between the mountains and pushed the mountains apart until they saw a round sun appear behind the tip of one of the mountains. The little girls sighed with a feeling of relief while enjoying the shine of the sun on her face. Everyone clapped and cheered for the girl. The people that lived in the village finally realized that they should accept people that are different which allowed them to enjoy the new style of their village. From that day on the little girl was known for being courageous by facing obstacles, and helping people reach inside their souls and discover their gifts. She was accepted and loved for who she is. Her parents were extremely proud of her and knew that they should have never given up on their child no matter who judged her. As for her aunt and uncle, they apologized to the little girl several times after going through the change in their life style. Of course the little girl accepted their apology because she is not the type to hold a grudge. This is something people in the “Narrow Village”, which is not so narrow anymore, had learn from the little girl. Who would have known that a child that everyone found strange would become a hero!

  7. Tyler .D

    I think the story should end like the giant butterfly cured her of her disability and that's the magical thing that happens. People find out that she's cured and treat her with respect then they feel bad for not treating her with respect in the first place so they apologize to her. And that solves her problem.

  8. David

    She farted 500 butterflies! All were different and all were beautiful in their own way. The butterflies stunned all of the narrow people and made them all different. All the houses changed. All the rooms, all the books and especially all of the people. Everything was open. Just like your minds should be.

  9. Roohit G.

    Then something very magical happened! The butterfly placed the little girl on its back and flew like the wind across the narrow town, in front of the narrow people. At first, the little girl was petrified but upon realizing how gentle the butterfly was, and how exhilarating it was to be up in the air, the little girl began to enjoy the flight. The narrow schoolchildren all shouted in delight when they saw the little girl. They watched the little girl as she flew across the open sky wishing that they too could be up there. The narrow children all accepted the strangeness of the little girl and ran to her, also wanting to fly around with the beautiful butterflies. Instead of being narrow, the little girl has made the schoolchildren and the people of the narrow town more open. After all, nobody else could create butterflies that would let the children soar in the air!

  10. seemaab #30

    I think the ending of the story will be that the little girl will stop farting butterflies and be normal like every one else.

  11. Eyrie C.

    I think she grew butterfly wings. This is because of the book cover (Which made it seem like she had wings) and because, when I think of the story, that is a reasonably likely thing to happen. I can only guess the people of narrow-town come to admire her for her uniqueness.

  12. rob

    if the littel girl is happy with what she does then her family should be to and not try to keep her from doing it if she likes it then they should lave it a lone and be happy for her and who cares about what she does it would be awesome if some one could do that and we should not exclude some one just because they are different from ever one.

  13. ADAM

    then something very magical happened.

    the little girl farted a thousand butterflies, and they filled the sky with a hundred different colors. all the narrow people looked up at the magnificent display in the sky and cheered. the giant butterfly flew gently back to the ground and everyone apologized to the girl, and everyone wanted to be friends with the little girl who farted butterflies

  14. Jake
    ....She farted an even bigger butterfly, but this time everyone was mesmerized by the huge colorful butterfly now flying over them. When the one carrying her brought her down, no one even cared anymore that she farted butterflies and they all lived happily ever after. The end.

  15. amanda p.
    this is my improved one..

    then something very magical happened... she was flying on the very huge and beautiful butterfly and she saw someone else high up in the sky on a big butterfly too! They talked for hours and realized being different is good, everyone else noticed that not everyone is narrow minded and that its better to be open minded. They all lived happily ever after and they all learned to accept others differences.

  16. april

    Then, something very magical happened.. she farted an even bigger butterfly. it was so big that everyone stoped noticing the "bad negitive" things about her and relized that its actully beautiful also that something so different and weird can be seen to more then it is as a amazing talent.

  17. raees.a

    My solution to the girl who farted butterflies is that soon after she farted again and there was a humungus butterfly who carried her all the way to an enchanted land where there were all diffrent kinds of people. Fat people, wide people, skinny people, the little girl finally found a place where she belongs.

  18. Eric

    she farted a butterfly that lifted her up in the air and droped her an she laned on her head then nocked her out and she woke up in the hospital and her family hugged her and she dint fart another butterfly agien!!!!

  19. anmol.

    then something magical happened..
    she farted another giant butterfly, and after that happened she grew wings, and her parents relised that it doesnt matter if shes differents, shes still a human but with wings,a nd everyone stoped judgeing her.
    the end.
    the end.

  20. and then the sky turned into a giant rainbow across the sky with magnificent colours and everyone was amazed of the colours and all of a sudden the narrow village wasn't so narrow and the people weren't narrow anymore and the mountains grew biger but spread apart and one by one the doctor noticed that one by one people were hugging eachother and then one by one they all started to fart butterflies and the doctor was going crazy and all of a sudden he said WHOOPS! and he farted a butterfly. When everyone realized that she wasnt so different they appoligized and then her parents went WHOOPS!!!! daniel
