Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Symbolism Continued...

Symbolism continued from today's lesson.
Remember last week when Raees was sharing the story about how the father that was willing to sacrifice his son's life because God told him to? Then the sheep came along and he was able to sacrifice that instead. Well I was thinking that sheep are closely related to goats, and both were used in the past as sacrifices. Now I'm wondering if that goat cheese that Prim gave to her sister was a symbol of sacrifice. What do you think about that? SAY SOMETHING...
This is goat cheese. Yummy!
This is a goat! I don't think it is as yummy as the goat cheese.(too hairy for my taste)


  1. Eric
    that makes sence and it's got to have to do something with reping day because on reping day they sacrifice 2 people to kill eachother...

  2. Saloni T.

    I also agree and think that the goat cheese Prim gave to Kat was a symbol of sacrifice because since we have been reading the Hunger Games I picked up on some key facts, one the day Kat went hunting was reaping day which is when they get chosen for the Hunger Games and the number of times your name is put into the jar is more likely for your name to get picked and Kat gets even more votes because of the tessare which means your family will get fed wheat and other food. Also, we decided that Katniss was her families provider so that is a sacrifice to because everyday she breaks the law by going into the woods and hunting for food for her family.

  3. Roohit G.

    I think that the goat cheese that Prim gave to her sister is a symbol of sacrifice because you can infer from the story that the Everdeens are living in poverty, and suffering from hunger every day. Therefore, Prim is giving up the small amount of food left over in order to give to her elder sister on reaping day. You can tell that this small amount of food has an important value to their family because of the excitement it caused Katniss and Gale to experience. In addition, this is a symbol of sacrifice due to the fact that Prim is going to get a smaller amount of food than her regular, already tiny, portions of food.

  4. seemaab#30

    I think Prim gave her the cheese because she volunteered to go to the games instead of her

  5. Ivana B.

    I think that the goat cheese may symbolize “sacrifice” because, Katniss went out to look for food in the woods to feed her family, even though that’s illegal, sacrificing her own life. Therefore the author may have wanted to portray that through a symbol of a goat. When I read that part I was asking myself, “Why the author chose to use particularly goat cheese when there are several of other food options that she could have chosen?”. Now I realize that the author was trying to tell us something without stating it by using a symbol. I went on the internet and I found what a goat symbolizes: “The goat is a symbol of practical wisdom and an emblem of a man who wins victories through diplomatic means, rather than by force. It may also represent one who is willing to work hard for high honors. The goat was associated with Christ, since both were partial to high places and had sharp eyes. A man bearing this symbol was thought to have God on his side. The goat is a symbol that is often found in armory.”. Therefore, a goat symbolizes a genuine person who wins fairly and has god on their side at all times. Due to this, I think the author may have tried to portray that Katniss is a kind person because she is willing to feed her family sacrificing her life and because of that God will be on her side. It also might mean that Katniss will win the “Games” fairly without cheating later on in the book. I think this because we know she will be chosen to enter the games instead of her sister so maybe the goat symbolizes something that will happen later on in the book. Perhaps she will win fairly or maybe she will lose.

  6. i understand how it would symbolize sacrifice vwcause they are about to sacrifice two of there own to save the others and the goat cheese is saying to katniss that she has a big chance of getting picked on reaping day because if how many times her name has been entered.

    daniel S
