Monday, November 28, 2011

Reminders for this week

Remember to finish up your MacMillan orders and return them to the school on Nov 30th so we can submit them on time.

Hunger Games Homework - complete the calculations for the Class Reaping and read the rest of chapter 8 and all of chapter 9 (try not to read any further than this).

Add at least 1 good question for discussion to our blog (remember to include your first name). Feel free to comment on the questions posed by your classmates (with your first name included). Here is one to get you started:
Primrose Everdeen has her name called even though she only has one slip of paper in the drawing. Do you think Prim's name was drawn intentionally at the Reaping? Why or why not?
What motivation would someone have to "rig" a drawing?

Choir is cancelled for tomorrow after school.

If you have a male sibling in grade 6 or 7, there is a KEWL new club that will be run after school on Tuesday's beginning tomorrow (3:15 - 4:30).
Breakfast of Champions is this Wednesday morning at 8:15. Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Homework Club forms are due back ASAP. Sign up to get some extra help and have some fun on Monday and Wednesday nights.
Bring your small nut-free candies to decorate an ice cream cone tree. Smarties, rockets, small jube-jubes...


  1. Sumun B.
    My Question:
    The last time Katniss met her mother and Prim before she left for the hunger games, she told her mother to take care of Primrose.How do you think they are doing? Has her mother returned to the state she was in when Katniss's father died? If this was to happen what do you think Prim would do?

  2. japnam
    is peeta just saying he loves katniss for publicity and sponsors? or does he catually love her ? or is he just wheeling her ? ( thats not A BAD WORD ) is he just trying to get people to talk about him so he wins in the games ?

  3. Amanda.

    why did Katniss score so high? what impressed the gamemakers?

  4. Roohit G.

    I do not think that Prim's name was intentionally drawn at the Reaping because she had been quiet and peaceful her whole life. Nobody in her family had been in trouble with the law before the Reaping, and therefore the capitol had no motive to punish Prim. Furthermore, even if Katniss or Prim had broken a law, there are peacekeepers to ensure that they never do again. In addition to this, the only misdeed Katniss has done is hunt. The peacekeepers eat the food that she hunts and therefore do not tell the capitol of her felonies. Thus, the Capitol has nothing against anyone in her family, giving nobody any reason to target Primrose Everdeen.

    Someone might rig the drawing in order to get revenge because if an enemy was sent to the Hunger Games, they will most likely die or at least suffer a lot of pain, torture and misery. Moreover, they could rig the reaping so that the sibling or child of an enemy was sent to the Hunger Games, in order to make them go through the emotional trauma the family of a tribute goes through every year. In addition, someone might rig the drawing in order to save his or her child or another loved one from being subjected to the horrors of the Hunger Games. This would relate to the question of whether the mayor could rig the reaping so that his daughter was spared from having to enter the games.

    My Question: Does Peeta really love Katniss or is this just a strategy to gain more sponsors?

  5. Ivana B.

    Why is the Capitol more interested in players with heat in them? Would it be important for the players to have heat in them while in the games?

    Why did the author choose to include a flashback of how Gale and Katniss met? Why would Katniss be thinking about that with so much going on?

    Why did Peeta decide to be trained separately? Perhaps he was jealous that Katniss got the highest score?

    Why wouldn't Katniss want the sponsors to know about her family, sense of her life, and what she cares about (in other words why wouldn't she want for the sponsors to get to know her)? Would it bring any harm?

    How would the red-headed girl (avox) make Katniss feel protected?

    Why does Katniss change her personality around Haymitch (she becomes sullen and hostile)?

    Did Peeta say he loved Katniss in the interview just so he can get more sponsors?

  6. Why was katniss mad about peeta saying he loved her? Was it good anger or acual anger?

    Why did the gamemakers decide to give Katniss a almost perfect score? Daniel S

  7. Anmol D.

    If peeta likes katniss then why did he want to get coached sperataly?

    Why does katniss act differently around haymitch?

    does peeta actually have feelings for katniss or is he just trying to trick her?

  8. Saloni T.

    Does Peeta actually love Katniss or did he say that for publicity/sponsors?

    Does Katniss love Peeta back?

    How did Katniss score an 11 from the Gamemakers?

    How did Peeta score an 8 from the Gamemakers?

    Once the Games start, will Peeta and Katniss stick together or split up?

    Why did Peeta want to be trained seperately? Was he threatened by her score?

  9. David

    Why did Peeta admit that he likes Katniss?

    Is he being truthful?

    Why did Peeta decide to train alone?

    Does Katniss like Peeta?

  10. Rade. P
    1.Did Peeta say hes in love with Katniss for publicity and sponcers or is he saying it so she knows before he or she dies.

    2.What were the chances for primrose everdeen to be picked for the reeping day.

  11. Mariam W
    Is Katniss' interesting, different personality going to gain her more sponsors or is it just going to make the sponsors dislike her and not want to sponsor her?
    Deos Peeta want to train seperately because he is intimidated by Katniss' skills and feels like he needs to work on his own skills so he can survive? Or is it because he just doesn't trust her anymore?
    Did Peeta plan to announce his love for Katniss or was it just a sudden outburst that he didn't intend to make? Was it hard for him to come out with his feelings to the entire world?

  12. In chapter 8 Katniss was only talking about Gale, but also added information about Peeta, Which one does she actually like and why?

    Is Katniss starting to gain feelings for Peeta, will she hold back if her objective is to kill Peeta?


  13. Jake K.

    What did the Gamemakers think when Katniss shot the arrow at them?

    Where scared or impressed?

    What is Peeta's scheme when he said he loved Katniss?

    Did Peeta lie to make her trust him or is he being truthful?

    Does Katniss feel the same about him?

    Is District 12 as a whole confident in their tributes?

  14. I think that it was intentionally drawn because maybe whoever rigged it knew that Katniss would volunteer and take her sisters spot maybe they were jealous of her bow skills and maybe she took all the animals and game and they wanted her gone.

  15. april b

    why did the gamemakers give katniss such a highscore?

    i think they gave katniss a highscore because they liked her temper, because they need a little intertainment during the games to feirce things up.

  16. Will
    my question is:is gale hunting to feed his and katniss family and how is katniss family doing is her mom taking care of primrose

  17. Tyler .D

    Why did katniss feel nervous about the interveiw?

    Why did katniss shoot an arrow at the gamemakers?

    Did katniss have a good reason to shoot an arrow at the gamemakers?

    Due to the events that happened to katniss
    eversince she volounteered for prim, does katniss regret it?

    What was katniss's reaction when she thought that peeta was talking about her on the interview?

  18. Does Peeta actually love Katniss or is Peeta just saying that so he has a partner at the hunger games?

    why did the judges give her such a high score when she shot an arrow almost at them?

  19. Patrick

    Does Peeta actually love Katniss or is Peeta just saying that so he has a partner at the hunger games?

    why did the judges give her such a high score when she shot an arrow almost at them?

  20. Why is the Capitol more interested katniss? Would it be important for katniss to impress them

    why is the author always bringing gale and katnisses adventures? is he trying to relate there adventures with hunger games? will they be simular? talha

    will the avox be helpful in the future?

    who will sponser katniss

    is peeta really in love with katniss?or is it for publicity? is it all a plan to kill katniss?

  21. eric
    why did katnis get a 11 if she shot an at the gamemakers

  22. Autumn eveleigh
    hunger games QUESTIONS:
    1:why would peeta like katniss?

    2:why would katniss shove peeta?

    3:why is peeta not mad at katniss for shoving him into glass?

    4:is peeta going to ask katniss to date him?

    5:will katniss fall in love with peeta?

    6:what would happen if katniss and peeta started dating?

    7:will peeta's love for katniss get in the way of the hunger games?

    8:will peeta give up his life for katniss?

    9:will peeta end up killing katniss?

    10:will katniss kill peeta or will she refuse to kill him?

  23. Eyrie C.

    Why would the Avox girl make katniss feel protected? Shouldn't she be a symbol of the power the capital has over her?

  24. Brandon

    Did Katniss shoot the arrow as a symbol of dissatisfactory or was it a symbol of courage and that she follows her own set of rules and not theirs?

    Could this affect the way that the tributes view her way of fighting?

    Will she use this as an advantage in battle?

  25. Does Peeta really love Katniss or is he just saying that he does for a partner in the hunger games?

    Why did Katniss have a sudden rage and shoot an arrow at the gamemakers?

    Why did the gamemakers give Katniss such a high score after she shot an arrow at them?

    Derek. H

  26. Autumn .e
    I do not once so ever think that prims name was pulled on perpose because katniss had said everyone adored prim.And no one besides effie, the mayor and the capitol has the power to the girl tribute names!Effie has never even met prim, what would the capitol have on her she's not a rebel and the mayor proaly doenst know her or adores her.Lastly haymich is always drunk and doesnt even know her!

  27. Tyler .D

    I think Amanda's question "why did Katniss score so high? what impressed the game makers?"is good because it is a mystery about why katniss got 11 out of a scale of 1-10.

    I also like jakes question "What did the Gamemakers think when Katniss shot the arrow at them?" because
    the gamemakers should of bin furious but I think they were impressed and they gave her a score of 11 out of a scale of 1-10.

  28. Mariam W
    No, I don't think that Prim's name was drawn intentionally. In the book, Prim is said to be someone everyone adores, so why would anyone plot against her and rig the vote so she would have to play in the Games? There was no enemy of Prim's or someone that was jealous of Prim, therefore I can't imagine that anyone would rig the draw.

  29. Roohit G.

    How do you think Katniss's family is doing?

    I think that Katniss's family is doing fine by gathering food and selling the cheese from Prim's goat. Moreover, Gale promised Katniss that he would help to provide food for her family and make sure that his sister and mother do not starve. Since he is her best friend and she trusts him completely, I think that he will fulfill that promise that he made. Also, the baker (Peeta's father) also said that he will keep an eye on Katniss's little sister and make sure that she is eating. So because of the tips that Katniss gave her family, and all of the people that are looking out for them, I think that they are doing fine without Katniss in terms of surviving.

    Has her mother returned to the state she was in when Katniss's father died?

    I think that Katniss's mother has not returned to the state she was in when Katniss's father died because as she said in the book, she had been ill at the time and did not have the medicines that she has now in order to treat herself. In addition to this, Katniss has talked to her mother regarding this issue and in the book Katniss told her mother to take care of Prim. When she said this, she expressed all her anger and fear at her mother's abandonment and that was when her mother told her that she had been ill.

    If this was to happen what do you think Prim would do?

    I think that Prim would try her best to gather and provide food for herself and her mother since that would be their primary concern. She might try to gather edible plants like Katniss used to before she began to hunt, such as dandelions, katniss roots, etc. Also, Prim can use her goat as another source of food, and she can sell her goats milk and cheese in order to earn money to pay for other necessities such as clothes, and soap. In addition to this, if her mother did abandon her once again, she could always turn to Gale, who is Katniss's closest friend, because he has promised Katniss that he will make sure that Prim does not starve.
