Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Missing Millionare Donation Assignments

I am still waiting to get the 3 paragraphs from students with the #'s
1, 7, 12, 21, 30.
If you are one of these people (or one of them is your friend - message them to check this) please send me a post so I know you got this and make sure it is in and done for first thing tomorrow morning.

If you are a parent and are reading this, you can ask your child what their 'role call' number is in class;)

1 comment:

  1. Eyrie C.

    This is unrelated to the topic of the millionairess assignments, but I would like to propose a topic for discussion in class.

    Not too long ago, the hacker group,'Anonymous', which has become very well-known in recent years, had a supposed member who was handing out pamphlets for his job in Veracruz, Mexico kidnapped by the Los Zetas, a powerful Mexican drug cartel.

    In response to this, Anonymous released a video to the internet, aimed at the Los Zetas. (Linked below.) It threatened to expose all those working for the Los Zetas.

    I think this would give the class a good thinking practice while reflecting on something that affects the world. Some questions I would like to suggest are:

    How did the Los Zetas find this member? (Explained in article linked.)

    Why only one person?

    Why are Anonymous going so far to retrieve this member?

    Those are merely questions I suggest. feel free to ask your own. Also, if you would like to know more about Anonymous, I can tell you quite a few things about them, and there are undoubtedly sources on the internet you could go to.

