Sunday, June 12, 2011


Greetings Future Grade 8's!!

    I am excited to be creating this blog space for us to communicate with in the upcoming year. I am PUMPED about teaching you all next year, as I know you are an outstanding group of individuals! I love teaching grade 8 and am looking forward to our time together. When I heard I would be teaching grade 8 again, the wheels  in my head quickly started turning about all the amazing things we will do together (believe it or not, I've actually started thinking about your graduation)!

    Grade 8 is a special year. For many of you it marks your 10th year here at our school (which has a special place in my heart as it was my elementary school as well). Even if you haven't been here for all ten years, I have no doubt that you have already formed many lasting memories from the time you have spent here. Grade 8 is a unique time when you get to enjoy your final year as the 'big fish' in our lovely little pond, but you also have an important role in helping to form those important memories for the younger students at the school. In addition to those two important things, you will also be completing your final preparations for beginning your highschool careers! I especially enjoy working with grade 8's to transition to grade nine.

    Slowly, this year's grade 8's have been handing over responsibilities around the school to you, and you have done a wonderful job as you've taken up these responsibilities. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better and learning what your personal talents and passions are and helping you to put those talents to use in our school and community. Over the next few months I would like you to think about the legacy your class wants to leave here at our school. I will post topics for us to discuss and share ideas about. I am hoping that we can form a number of different groups to help yourselves, the school, and the community around us.

Mrs. F.

1 comment:

  1. im goingto enjoy the trips pizza orders and other things im going to be nerves about grad
