Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tell me about you.

I would like to know more about you. Please add your comment to this post.
Begin with your first name and last initial.
Tell me:
1. Do you have any brothers or sisters that go to our school,
2. What your 2 favourite school memories are,
3. What your 2 favourite subjects are at school, and why,
4. If you could get rid of one subject for grade 8, what would it be and why,
5. What is something you really like about yourself,
6. What is something you really want to get better at?

After you answered these questions, choose to submit them 'anonymously' then click 'preview' and enter the verification letters. Your post will only be visible to me this time.

In the interests of being fair, i'll answer the questions first.

Mrs. F.
1. My brother and sister and I all went to school here, and many of you know that I bring 2 kids to school here each day.
2. My 2 favourite school memories are, winning the senior girls 3-pitch tournament in my grade 8 year (yes the tournament was around back then!), and taking part in the Terry Fox Run when I was quite young (maybe grade 2), and getting to spend time with my older buddies while we were doing the Run.
3. In grade 8 I loved physical education because I like playing games and I liked math (I came a long way here - I got a D in grade 5 math- I had trouble with multiplication and division). I got a boost of confidence in my math skills after I won a math award for a test we wrote in grade seven. Now I love teaching both of these subjects!
4. I think I would have chosen geography. We had to make a lot of maps back in my day, and memorizing things was not a skill I had back then (this may have been a big part of my multiplication and division problem in grade 5).
5. I like that I can usually stay pretty calm in situations that sometimes stress people out. This can help by not getting others around me worked up.
6. I need to improve my organization skills. I can find things pretty quickly but it doesn't always mean my desk looks neat and tidy!

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