Monday, June 13, 2011

Thanks for Sharing

Sevens!! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and answers with me today. You gave some interesting and honest answers. Please remember to start your comments with your name. You can become a follower of our blog if you have a gmail account. Check with your parents to make sure it is alright with them if you want to get an account. They can also become followers too.
I had a great time getting to know you better today in class and on the baseball field. I can tell you are a group that works well together.

I was thinking that it would be interesting to have a 'big idea' to tie together many of your contributions to the school and community over the next year. It would be nice if this was tied to a legacy that you want to leave at our school. One example for this could be focused around fitness or healthy living. This would tie to a Halloween for Hunger event, something connecting to the fitness value in dancing for your dances and intramurals that you could run for younger grades and a healthy lunch day like subs that some of you mentioned in your comments. If you do some Me to We events, you could connect them to this 'big idea' as well.

Anyhow, I'm excited about the next 12 months, and as you get ideas, please post them in a comment on our blog.
(I promise I'll try and see what we can do about making history more interesting for many of you, and I hope that my love of math helps to make some of it easier to understand and less 'boring':)
Mrs. F.

p.s. I liked your submissions for names for our blog. I'll take suggestions until June 21st and I'll buy the winner a healthy lunch.

p.s.s. If one of the individuals who said that they really liked drawing was interested in creating a logo for our grade 8 blog, I think that would be really cool!!

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