Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Post your stories here please


  1. “Please don’t make me stay.” I pleaded.
    “Lilly this is not an open discussion.” Mum raised her voice, and when she raises her voice you know not to argue back. She knocked on the door.
    I sighed in defeat.
    My uncles a librarian he’s old with grey hair and for some reason he always smells like floor cleaner. My uncle said his usual speech blah blah blah you look so tall blah blah.
    I snorted. I really don’t care if I grew big deal. We all waved our goodbyes to mum and she drove away leaving me in this dump.
    Stan was showing me his books and asked me what I liked to read “horrors.” I grunted he showed me to his horror and went to help someone else.
    I picked up a book with a snot green colour. Never judge a book by its cover I thought and flipped through it. The musty smell of that really old book made me sneeze.
    “Bless you!” a little girl whispered “you know why people say bless you?” I must have looked confused because he continued, “Because when you sneeze part of your soul flies out and if no one says bless you the devil can catch it. But that was what my mom said and who knows she was a madman.” I looked around for her I don’t see her and the only people I do see is Stan and the man he’s helping. “You don’t understand do you? I’m not living. I was murdered. Dead. D-E-A-D. I can’t rest until you find out who killed me.”
    I woke up. It must have been a dream. But I wasn’t in my own bed so it wasn’t a dream. I looked for Stan but he must have been in the library so I went down to look at some books. I went to the back room to see if there was any new books. It was a small space: the only light in there was coming from the tiny window in the corner; this room gave me the creeps. That’s when I noticed the room was full of newspapers. Why would someone want all these? I picked up one, ‘Six years old girl murdered,’ was the headline and it was dated March 6th 1998, it said her name was Tori. Something about that day made me stomach turn. Then I remembered that was the day my dad left us.
    What are you looking at?” the girl asked. I jumped. That’s when I saw her. Her silky brown hair was tied with pink ribbons; she was wearing a matching polka dot dress. I smiled she pointed to the picture “that’s me.” And that was it she vanished.
    That night Stan and I were eating burgers that were surprisingly good. They must have been store bought because Stan could not cook. I asked him about my dad what happened after he left he told me he went crazy and shot a bunch of girls, and he got the death sentence. He look pretty surprised I asked about him then asked why I wanted to know, but I interrupted and asked to be excused from the table. I ran full speed to the library.
    “Yes, Lilly.”
    “I know who killed you. I’m really sorry. It was my dad he went crazy, shot a bunch of people. You were one of them. But don’t worry he was hung.”
    The ground started to shake; I fell to the ground with a thud. Everything seemed like it was spinning. Mum was sitting on my bed combing through my hair saying “It’s okay.”
    “What happened to Uncle Stan? And Tori?”
    She looked confused “Honey I’ve never heard of those people in my life.”

    ~ Alex 0.o

  2. -Lauren R
    Walking in the forest with the rain making puddles at my feet is the only thing that can relax me. I then noticed that there was a book on the ground; it was hard cover, about twenty chapters long, and looked as if it was misused and thrown around a lot. I picked it up, held it out in front of me because it was sopping wet, and brought it home with me. When I arrived home I called Max and asked him to come over.
    When he arrived we sat on my bed and started going through it. I hadn’t known Max long and didn’t know he spoke Arabic until he could understand the book and I could not. Instead of having him explain the entire book to me as he read, I left him alone and watched his eyes as he read I like watching people’s eyes while they read, especially Max whose eyes are a bright blue and his hair is dark brown. When he had finished chapter two, his phone rang. He said a few “okay” and asked why, too. Then hung up the phone, exclaimed that he had to go home and started walking downstairs. I followed and before he left, he told me to be cautious with the book, not to keep it too close to me tonight. I looked at him, confused and asked him what happened in the book that I needed to be cautious of. He just shook his head and started walking home.

    I grabbed some Dr. Pepper and ran back up to my room to examine more of the book. Because I couldn’t understand what it was saying or what was going on, I flipped through the pictures. Then I noticed something strange about the book; there was some plant growing from the spine. Maybe this is what Max was talking about, had he saw the small plant starting to form and decided not to mention it to me? I couldn’t stay awake any longer, it was midnight, I needed sleep. I rested the book next to me, slipped under my covers and fell asleep instantly.

    I woke up to Max shaking my shoulder slightly, it was around 7:30 am, guessing by looking at the sun shining brightly in my eyes. He looked at me like something was wrong, I looked at him and he nodded towards my torso, I looked down and saw that there were vines grown around me. I jumped, or tried to, but the vines held me down. Max went and got the scissors that were sitting on my desk and started cutting the vines away. We couldn’t tell anybody, they wouldn’t believe us. We had to figure it out on our own.
    Max finished cutting the vines off my waist and we decided to head to the forest. We jumped out of my window, into the tree and climbed down to the ground without making any major noise that would wake my parents. Max and I walked side by side into the forest area and found a spot that wasn’t wet from the rain to talk about the book. It was only a five minute walk but it seemed longer than usual. I guess it was just because I was still waking up. We sat down against a tree and talked about what went on in the book. Max said that it was a book that he read in grade school before he moved to Malaysia. We started wandering around the forest to see if there was a plant that looked like the one growing inside the book. After looking around a while, I looked at my feet and saw the vines that looked like the ones that had grown over me last night. Max had travelled deep into the forest to which I couldn’t see him. I yelled his name and he came running back, I pointed at my feet when he found me. Out of breath he nodded and gave me a thumbs up telling me that it was the right plant. I let him catch his breath while I cut a piece of the vine to take home.

    On our way home, I realised that the book had been in the forest for so long that the plants had started growing in it. I told Max and he was acting differently, like he knew that the plant had grown in the book the whole time. Why didn’t he tell me? Oh well, I know what happened now, so it doesn’t really matter. Although, there was no explanation as to why the vines would grow so fast, but that will remain a mystery.

  3. 25 taylor story part 1 My trip to hell

    I flop down on my bed and think about why I can't read the book I found in the basement today. My parents say its dangerous, but how can a book be dangerous? What book can be dangerous? Well now with all these warnings its killing me not to read it, so I do! i run down the stairs and push open the wall and there it was, i flew up the stairs and back to my bed. I open the book... nothing happened, not even a little dust. But as I flip through a few pages, I become extremely drowsy and can feel my eyes getting very have and, my eyes slowly starting to close. The more i fight the harder it is to stay awake. I wake with a thud on the ground but when I open my eyes I am not in my room anymore, I am in a place that makes me wanna run and hide, this place is what Hell should look like. I drag myself to my feet and look around, there is lava everywhere. The temperature is hotter than I ever have felt, I feel like my skin is slowly dripping off my body. When I see it, Its a man but I can see through him, and he looks as if he is floating but he is still on the ground. I scream when I see him which is something I will regret, then he turns his head and stares but not as if he is looking at me but, through me. It is the scariest thing I have ever seen, and my heart starts to pound, I can feel it pounding in my chest and I feel that it is going to burst. He starts walking toward me and all I know is that I need to run so I do, but I don't get very far because I almost run straight off a cliff and at the bottom is a pile of bodies. The sight of this makes me feel so dizzy that I almost fall off but I catch myself just in time to feel breathing on the back of my neck. I whip around to see the same guy that was looking through me. “Hello my name is John and I bet you have a lot of questions. But please know that I will not harm you and will tell you everything you wish to know” exclaims the guy in a voice that brings me a strange amount of comfort. “Who are you? How am I here? Where is here? How can I get back home?”
    “I am the ghost of the teenager John Wilson who died five months ago. You are in Hell, and I have no idea how you even got here, so I don't know how to get you out.” he explains. The sound of that makes me scared but I can't show it so I keep my head up and take it all in. In my head I am freaking out, the world starts spinning and, I am wondering if i am ever going to get out. But I can't show John that so I try to think about happy thoughts but nothing works. All I can think about is that I’m in Hell, and have no way out. “Lets go see my master maybe he can tell you something about what's going on, and how you can get home” says John. But the way he is saying this he seems that I will not find any answers or if i do they will not be good, but I go along with him. We walk along the lava and we reach a bridge that looks like it won't even support itself, but we need to cross. As we step on it the first piece it groans under my weight but I keep going until we reach the other side.

  4. 25 taylor part 2

    We walk for five more minutes until we get to this grand castle with flags, guards, a mote, and everything a normal castle would have. As we walk up the steps the guards are very hesitant about letting me through, but they eventually do. Inside, the walls are white with paint and marble (a big improvement to outside. Which is red, black, full of lava, and most of all, so hot that I feel that if I stand in one place for too long that I would start to melt.)We walk up a case of large marble steps that lead into a large room with a throne in the far side and a man, with black short hair, bloodshot eyes as if he hadn't slept in a week, and a crown sitting in it. As we approach, he stands as if we are the royalty. We stop before we are close, and as soon as we do he speaks. His voice is low and raspy, as if there is something stuck in his throat. “Human, how are you? Would you like something to drink?” he asks.

    “How am I? I am not great and , all I want are some answers”. “You will get them but first I need to tell you something and, it won't be pretty.”. “Tell me”. “Okay well first, the only way you could have got here is that either you are dead, or you opened my book.” he says in a voice that makes me think again to the warnings everyone have givin me about the book, and that I didn't listen to them. Your book that book is from my family and are you sure that we even are talking about the same book? “ Yes it is my book, it is the only one of its king and the reason it is in your family's possession is because I hid it in an old house so no one could find it but you did. I explain everything I know about what has happened and what he knows about the book. As I finish he finally looks up at me and says “Do you want to go home?” in a voice that makes me wonder why he is asking. “Yes I wanna go home, I wanna go home with all my heart and, will do whatever it takes.”

    “Be Careful what you wish for!” “What do you mean by that” I try to say in a calm voice but comes out scattered. “Well the only way to get out of Hell is to take the place of someone living, which means killing them and you going back to fill the void. Or you can become a ghost and still be dead but will be able to see everyone, it would be as if you were watching TV, you can see the show but its like you're not there and, you will still be dead.” This hits me hard and takes a bit to sink in. But when it does, I wish it hadn't.The thought of that makes me weak in the knees and I fall to the ground and begin to feel the tears starting to pool up in my eyes. I can't kill someone just to let me live, I won’t it's my fault that i'm here and it is my price to pay. I drag myself to my feet and wipe the tears from my eyes and say the worlds I thought I would never need to say.“Kill me”. All I know is that if I don't do this someone else will pay the price. I know that these are the last few moments of my life and all I can think about is all things I am going to be missing and my friends and family. Someone is going to have to find me. That is my last thought alive, I think. Suddenly I am about to get a bullet through my head and I wake up. I'm in my room with the book open beside me and I am fine.

  5. Mrs.Fraser it would not let me put my whole story because it had to many characters. So i have split it up into 2.

    The Noise in the Attic
    They warned me that peculiar things had happened in my house but I didn’t listen and now my wife is dead..

    My wife Linda and I entered our brand new house, I set down the awkward box filled with my great-grandma’s china. The air smelled like new car mixed with febreze.”I will go and get the rest of the boxes.” I insisted to my wife. I stepped outside the crisp frigid air hit my face like a ton of bricks, I noticed my new neighbor standing on his snow covered lawn staring me down. I walked over to him “Hello my name is Andrew Harvey, my wife Linda and I have just moved in.”

    “Leave..get out of that house...before it gets you...or you will end up like the others!”

    “What do you mean I will end up like the others?”

    “Just get out..” the creepy old man yelled and with that he vanished into the old gray brick house. I walk back into my house without any of my boxes, that I went out to get. “Honey who were you talking to?” she yelled at me.

    “Oh just our new neighbour, he seems really.. interesting!” After the long day of unpacking, we were both very tired, so we headed up to our bed. At 3am, my wife and I awoke with a startle, “Do you..do you hear that?” my wife asked. THUMP THUMP. “It’s just the wind, darling, go back to bed.” I answered. “AHHHHHH... HISS HISS!!”

    “Thats not the wind!” my wife screamed. “Okay, okay I’ll go check it out.” I hopped out of the bed and grabbed a broom in the nearby closet. I lifted my left foot than my right and I finally reached the top of the stairs. I placed my hand around the doorknob and twisted it. As I entered my attic, my eyes drifted from one side of the room to the other but I saw nothing. As I went back downstairs, I thought I heard hissing and scratching. “It’s nothing.” I told myself.

    * * * *
    The Next Night

    THUMP! THUMP! HISS! “Do you hear that?” my wife questioned me. “Yeah but I bet it’s nothing” I answered.

    “HELP ME”

    “That’s not nothing” my wife said with terror in her voice. For the second night in the row, I opened my door to my attic. But this time I saw something, the old TV that the people before us left was on. I placed my index finger on the dusty old power button and pushed it down. “Hey hun it’s just the old TV, that’s it.” I yelled down. “But how did it turn on?” she bellowed back.

    * * * *

  6. For the next few weeks that question haunted me. After we had removed the TV, we had no other problems.
    “ I will miss you and try to have fun” Linda said with a smile and a wink, “But are you sure I won’t hear anymore sounds?” she asked. “ Yeah, we got rid of that ancient TV, and we haven’t heard any noises since” I assured her and with that I walked outside to my cab which would take me to my golf tourney.
    * * * * 1 week later
    “Honey I’m home, I missed you” I shouted. I heard nothing, so I walked upstairs, and there she laid on the steps of the attic in a pile of blood and gooey, white stuff that looked like melted marshmallows. My mouth went dry, I couldn’t even look at her, it was like someone ripped her to shreds. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911. The paramedics got there within minutes. I jumped in the back with my wife.
    * * * *
    “I’m really sorry sir, but we couldn’t save your wife, it looks like she was attacked by a rabid animal.” the doctor whispered. My body went numb it was like I was standing outside the first day we moved into our new house, my lungs filled with hospital air and I almost could taste the medicine in my mouth. “Could a dog carry rabies?” I hesitantly asked. “Of course sir, Why?” the doctor questioned me. “Because my creepy old neighbour has a dog that I believe has rabies and the dog has never liked my wife. And they had visited my wife while I was gone” I explained. “Maybe” the doctor answered back. After telling the doctor what I thought, I went to the police and told them. They had thought the same thing so the took the dog away.
    * * * *
    I am sitting at home in my living room listening to the men on my roof swearing and hammering shingles down. All of a sudden I see something start to move under the carpet. I stand up and grab the chair I was sitting on and pull it behind my head and smash it to the ground. BOOM! Blood spreads all along the carpet, I peel my carpet back and there lays a raccoon with foam coming out of his mouth. I realize what that means foam.....rabies...foam, this raccoon has rabies, he was living in the attic until the roofers started to work, he must have turned the TV on by accident and made all those weird animal noise. He killed my wife..it killed my wife. I grab the chair one last time and swing it down towards the raccoon, it’s blood now covers my face. That was for my wife.

    Kelsie Young

  7. The house in the middle of the woods!

    I moved to a small, very unusual house that lies in the middle of the woods in a little town called GhoulVille. Before I bought this house off the bank it was abandoned because it had a light that would NEVER shut off, and the people thought that the house was haunted. My friend Rochelle, Justin and Kyle came with me all the way from Deadlock to live in the house with me.
    We arrived close to dinner time and it’s dark outside already and I'm frightened. We don't have any furniture in the living room so we just sit on the floor. BANG a loud terrifying noise just came from upstairs. “That sounded like someone fell and it came from upstairs,” yelped Justin.
    “Let’s all go check and see what that was,” Rochelle shrieked . When we go upstairs there is nothing there only that light that will never shut off! We go back downstairs and this time we shut off the light. As soon as we get to the last step we hear a noise upstairs like someone is walking around. We walk back upstairs and the light was on again.
    “SEE THERE IS A GHOST IN HERE!” yelled Kyle.
    “You have to be crazy to think that,” says Rochelle.
    Today is day two in the so called haunted house. Kyle, Rochelle and Justin went out to get furniture today and its just me, alone. I hear another noise but this time it comes from downstairs. I slowly stumble down the stairs very frightened. I don’t see anything, then I turn the corner and I find dirty, yellow, sticky clothes that looked like they had just been worn. It can’t be anyone’s though, no one’s here except for us.Im really scared, I feel like im just going to burst out crying. I sprinted up the stairs as fast as I could run. By the time I came back from downstairs Rochelle, Justin and Kyle came home with a couch. It was a soft color beige, when you sat on it, it felt like you were sitting on a really fluffy cloud. “I found some clothes downstairs they looked like they belong to someone, do they belong to you guys?” I asked.
    “we are still wearing the same clothes as yesterday,” Kyle explained.
    We have been here for three days now and still haven’t found out who or what’s in the house. I’m starting to think this house is haunted. It has been a busy two days so today we are just relaxing on the new furniture. swossshhh all of a sudden we hear a noise that doesn’t really sound familiar.
    “What was that,” questioned Rochelle.
    “It sounded like it came from outside. Lets go check,” said Justin. Kyle opens the door, and we are nowhere close to the ground, somehow we are up in the air.... I have no idea how we got up here, our house is like a rocket ship.
    “How are we supposed to get down?” I ask, but no one knows so they don’t answer. THUD,We hit the ground so hard that the dishes fling right out of the cupboards.
    “How did that happen?” Justin whispers.
    Right then a strange man walks out of the bathroom. “Who are you guys, and what have you been doing in my home” he says with anger. We calm him down by telling him that we bought this house off the bank and that we just moved here because no one was living here.. “My name is Mr.Ham,” the strange man explained. “This house was built in the 1940’s and I have been living here ever since. What you just experienced with the house flying into the air, I built rocket launchers on the bottom of my house. So now every few months it just randomly launches through the air. And all along that was just me walking throughout the house turning on the lights and stuff.” “The bank didn’t know i was living here because when I first had the house i couldn’t afford it and i had nowhere to live so I just stayed here and no one ever found out.”
    “If you are still living here then we will leave and go back to our old town” I said to Mr. Ham. After we packed up all of our stuff we left as soon as possible back to our town Deadwood. Mr. Ham told the bank that he was living there and they made him move out, and helped him find a house that he could afford. He moved there and now he is happy with not sneaking around in his own house.

  8. Mystery Story-The Pests Verda Part 1

    I struck several times at the creature that lurked beneath the neatly weaved carpet. This atrocious creature had been disrupting my sleep for the past three weeks now. As I picked up my antique, chestnut-colored chair to strike at the creature for the last time, the doorbell rang.

    Who could it be at this hour, I anxiously wondered? I slowly headed towards the rusty hinged door and opened it slightly, but there was no one in sight. I anxiously looked outside squinting my eyes, but all I saw was the shimmering dark blue sky. As I was closing the door, a vibrant turquoise brochure caught my attention. I stooped to pick it up and make my way inside.I carefully examined the brochure and was delighted to find it was exactly what I needed. In my hand I held the answer to all the restless nights I had spent. It was a pest control brochure. I felt comfortable and relieved, It was as though someone had taken a large burden off my shoulders.

    The next morning I received a call from my office. My work required me to go on a three day business trip to Germany. After attending the call I informed my wife about the trip, then handed her the pest control brochure. I told her to call them and get the job done before I came back. Soon after that, I packed for my trip and headed to the airport for my flight to Germany.


    Three days have passed and I’m back after an incredibly exhausting trip. I blissfully walked towards my house and as I did, I noticed a figure walking with some sort of bag. But decided not to look back and stepped right into my house. When I walked inside, the first thing I did was put my enormous crimson red luggage bag to the side. Next I decided to take some rest in my room; I walked in and found my wife taking a nap. I planned to surprise her. I tip toed gently and grabbed a pillow and threw it right in her face and yelled “Surprise!” but she gave no reaction. A frigid chill ran down my spine, I shook her back and forth but she was absolutely motionless. I swiftly checked her pulse...and there was none. My body quivered and I fell to the sharp, solid ground, unable to move. A river of sorrow drained from my eyes onto my pale face. My mouth tasted bitter like a gourd, my tongue had stopped producing saliva and was dry like grainy sand.The air had a tragic scent that made me feel uneasy.

    After a long, deep black night, morning arrived. It was time to get to the bottom of this mystery, I wasn’t just going to let this go. The first thing I decided to do was call my neighbor. When I called him, the first thing I asked him was: who had visited my house in my absence. He replied: the mailman, Linda (my wife’s friend) and the pest control worker.

    Later, after talking to my neighbor, I tried remembering the figure walking on the sidewalk in front of my house... it was Linda. If it was Linda, then what was the load she was carrying in the bag she hung from her shoulder? I clenched my fists and thought as hard as I could about this matter. My conclusion was, maybe the bag that Linda was carrying held my money and

  9. Mystery Story- The Pests Verda Part 2

    valuables that I store in my bedroom. I quickly checked my room, all my money and valuables were gone. Yes, it all made sense now besides Linda was my wife’s close friend and visited my house very often. After thinking about all of this once again, I assured myself that the culprit was Linda. But, I needed some strong evidence to prove Linda guilty.

    Suddenly, I remembered that I had installed CCTV cameras in my house; the footage from the cameras can give me solid evidence against Linda. In all of the frustration, I had almost forgotten about the cameras. I had installed the cameras two weeks ago because of the devious pests in my house. Whenever I would hear sounds of pests in the night I would check the footage to track the pests down. I quickly opened my laptop to see the recorded footage from this morning.


    After watching the footage, I had discovered something... Linda was not the culprit. It was the pest control worker. The footage showed that the pest control worker had asked my wife to leave the house for two hours while they fumigated the house. My wife had agreed and left our house immediately. As soon as my wife was gone, the worker headed to our bedroom. He searched thoroughly through every single nook and corner of my room until he had found my valuables. Next he unscrewed my air conditioner and filled some sort of a substance in a small area. After that he made his way out of the house carrying my valuables along with his equipment. A short while after, my wife and Linda made their way inside the house. They both sat in the living room together and Linda showed my wife some clothes in the bag that she had carried inside. Momentarily Linda had left, and my wife went inside our bedroom. She turned on the air conditioner and laid down for a nap.

    I quickly ran to my room, unscrewed the air conditioner and took the substance and poured it into a small bottle. Then, I took it to the lab to get it examined. The researcher said that it was some sort of poisonous gas. Once inhaled, one experiences sudden death.

    Shortly after discovering who the real culprit was I called the police, showed them the footage and handed them the poisonous substance. After investigating, the police had tracked down the worker and found out why he had killed my wife. The so called “pest control worker” was my wifes ex-boyfriend seeking revenge. He had released pests in our house and had also left the brochure at my doorstep. He had pre-planned everything, so that he could succeed with his devious plan.

    The mystery was solved, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter. All I was left with were precious memories of my dear wife, and an unexplainable feeling that would never vanish. My house was no more a home, it was just a building with walls, a door and windows.

  10. Tejasv part 1

    The Murder of Mrs. Dickens

    I am seething with anger. I can’t think. I can’t speak. I can’t hear. My vision goes blurry and I see something crawling towards me under the rug. I grab a chair and smash it on top of the rug. I glance towards the rug and see a thousand small, spindly spiders scurrying towards me. I grab a beautifully painted picture of my great-grandfather and chuck it at the spiders and they mysteriously morph into one five foot long snake with its fangs bared and its green scales shimmering around the room. I lunge toward a desk and heave it in front of me. I crouch behind it, sweating and I slowly peer around the desk and see my wife walking toward me, but it isn't my wife. She has the same face but she had long green talons and an ugly sneer covered her face. I grab a baseball bat that used to belong to the famous Babe Ruth and charge. I whack her on the head twice to knock her unconscious, and then I grab a shard of glass from the broken frame of the painting and plunge it into her neck. She gurgles with crimson blood flowing freely from her wound and her mouth. Her eyes slowly go blank and I dash upstairs to my room and hide under the blankets of my bed, whimpering, then after an hour or two, I finally fall asleep.

    I wake in the morning with my head aching. I can’t remember a thing about last night. I probably had too much of that delicious, bitter beer that I bought last week. I walk downstairs but something seems wrong. There is an eerie silence surrounding the house. “Honey,” I call to my wife. “Can you make me a cup of coffee? My head is aching like a male platypus stung it.” There is no reply. She’s probably gone to get the groceries. We were running short for a while now. I enter the kitchen and make a hot cup of coffee for myself. I then go into the living room and freeze. The coffee cup slips from my hand and lands on the Persian rug with a loud thud. There, in front of my eyes, are the room’s contents broken, damaged and destroyed. My eyes wander the room and spot something so horrifying that it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and gives me shivers down my spine. I want to throw up, cry, shout and bury my head in a pillow all at once but the only thing I manage to do is pull out my cell phone and call the police. Then I lie on the couch and sob softly and gently into the sleeve of my shirt.

    I climb out of the police car and stride inside the house. I enter the living room and seep in a great deal of information. This is what makes me one of the best detectives in history. I am quick to grasp information and have the record of the smallest time to solve a murder mystery case. But this is a very special and an extremely odd case. I had heard there was no evidence of the murder entering or exiting the house at all. The police had called me the day after the murder occurred and had explained the situation.

    I now stood at the side of the body and examined her carefully. She was obviously killed by a shard of glass (which the police had removed from the body) but two parts of her head were almost caved in like someone had whacked her with a bludgeon. I look a few feet to my right and see a baseball bat on its side as if the murderer had thrown it aside after whacking poor Mrs. Dickens. After a moment of thinking about all of the information I have gathered so far, I walk upstairs to Mr. Dickens’ bedroom and see him sullenly sitting on his bed, staring into empty space. “I am sorry for the loss of your wife,” I say. He merely nods his head. “Can you tell me anything about what had transpired two days ago?” Mr. Dickens shook his head. “Mr. Dickens, we need all of the information we can get to solve this mystery and bring the murderer to justice.”

    I can’t tell you what happened because I don’t remember anything. At first I thought I had been drinking but I can’t even remember drinking. The last thing I remember is having an argument about our financial issues and then I remember walking away from her angry. The next thing I know, I was waking up in my bed.

  11. Tejasv part 2
    “Do you mind if I have a look around?” I ask. He shakes his head. I walk around the room, examining every nook and cranny of the place. I open his closet and spot something in there that makes me suspicious. Mr. Daniels’ shirt has a little, dark red stain on it looking suspiciously like dried blood. But it didn’t make sense. Why would Mr. Dickens call the police if he didn’t kill Mrs. Dickens? It’s not like he would want to get caught. “Thank you Mr. Dickens. I will be going now.”

    I walk out of the house, enter my car and drive to the police station. I march in and see an officer gazing intently at his computer screen. I stride up to him and say, “I want all of Mr. Dickens’ criminal records or any other important information regarding him.” After a few moments Mr. Dickens’ face pops up on the screen.

    “Apparently,” says the officer reading from below the picture, “Mr. Dickens, in grade three, had a humongous rage and started toppling over desks and chairs, and started ripping off charts from the wall. In his rage, he accidentally broke someone’s arm. After the incident, he was fined and expelled from the school. He claimed he didn't remember anything about the situation and he said the last thing he remembered was someone bullying him.

    I thanked the officer, entered my car and went home. For the rest of the day I keep wondering about Mr. Dickens and the murder of his wife. After two hours of thinking about the case, I finally fall into a disturbing sleep about serial killers with pitiless eyes, guns, bones and death. I wake up to the sound of my cell phone ringing. “Hello?” I say wearily.

    “Hello, Detective Daniels,” says the head of the Stoney Creek Police Department. “Sorry to disturb you but we have a match on the finger prints on the shard of glass that killed Mrs. Dickens.” My heart thumps in my chest loudly. “His name is Mr. Dickens.”

    “Get to the house as fast as you can,” I say quickly, and without a reply I cut the phone. I get ready as quickly as I can, and run out the door and into my car. I drive as fast as I can to Mr. Dickens’ house and when I get there, I see the officer already waiting for me. I explain the situation and his expression goes grim. We enter the house and find Mr. Dickens in his bedroom. “Mr. Dickens, you are under arrest for the murder of Mrs. Dickens,” I say seriously.

    “You dare accuse me of the murder of my wife?” yells Mr. Dickens. His face grows cherry red and his eyes bulge out of his sockets. He grabs a lamp from his bedside table and chucks it at us. We dive to avoid the incoming projectile. He screams maniacally. He is having another one of his rages. He snatches a sharpened pencil from a desk and thrusts it at me, trying to stab me. I dodge out of the way and push him away from me as hard as I can. I don’t want to hurt him. He reels away and falls down. He grabs a knife that he was using to cut an apple and charges at the officer. The officer ducks under the blade and punches him in the stomach. Mr. Dickens stumbles back and falls as his breath is knocked out of him. I mouth two words at the officer and he understands. He pulls out his gun, aims carefully and fires. There is a huge bang and a thud as Mr. Dickens pitches to the ground, dead.

    After work, I go home and sit on the couch heavily; my head slumped against my chest. My wife senses something is wrong and asks, “Is something wrong?”
    “I just had a rough day,” I reply and I go upstairs and climb into bed.


  12. Amit - There it was. Sitting there in utter loneliness. I didn’t know what it was. It made a quick movement and startled me. And this is what happened..

    Two weeks before, as I was sitting down filling the morning crossword I caught a shadow from the corner of my eye “What was that?” I asked myself. I walked over to the back porch to see what was going on. Nothing was there,so i figured it was probably just a bird. Once I turned around only seeing a glimpse of a light shaded figure moving away from me. Curious to find out what was under the rug I’ve never seen such a thing.

    After that moment, I thought I was going insane “Boy I must be seeing things, especially at this age,” Then I felt the rug under me move “It’s real!” I see a round like shape moving side to side, “ I can't believe my eyes.” Not wanting the pest inside my house I grab the closest object to me, a chair. “That will do,” I slam the front of the chair towards the pest. “Shoo!” I yell. The figure makes a squealing sound as if it was dieing , as I lift the chair once more to strike this time with all my force. I fall off balance and get knocked to the ground.

    The next day, realizing I was knocked out cooled from the fall I was feeling tired and too weak to move. I could barely remember what happened because of how serious the blow was to my head was. I feel debilitated, my body aching for rest. I start thinking “What was that, that pest?... Why is it pestering me?”

    Later that week I drove off to the supermarket to get pesticides and traps to finally get rid of the ‘pest.’ When I got home I set up the traps and sprayed the pesticides, then I waited for it to make its move. Days went by it seemed like it would not return , also thinking if it did return “Would I be able to get rid of the pest.”

    Two weeks later it returned. I slowly guided it towards the traps “Whoosh!” went the trap closing like a crocks jaw. The animal screaming in terror. I lift the rug to discover that the animal was just a little cat crying to be free. I felt terrible for harming such an animal I called the vet right away. Five minutes later the vet showed up and he started examining the poor cat. He said it was harmed by the pesticides in the house and that the cat was a stray and had nowhere to live. I realized the cat must have come in at night when I would go for a walk. Shocked as could be I asked, “How can I help save the cat?”

    The vet replied, “You could adopt the cat and have it as one of yours.” I accepted the cat to live with me, That day the cat and I went to the supermarket not to buy pesticides but to get some Iams food for my new cat named Bug. Looks like it was just a cat under the carpet all along.

  13. The Box
    By Spencer Bouwhuis

    Finally, moving day! The U-Haul backs up into the driveway of the new house. “Here buddy, you be the first one in the new house!”my dad says enthusiastically. Its the gold one”. My dad is an engineer for Ford Motor Company. There are four people in my family, my mother Cheryl, my father Kurt, my sister Angelina and myself Austin. My mother just gave birth to Angelina three months ago. We moved to our new house because our old house was too small for our family. My dad whips me the keys, I catch them with a tight grip. There’s at least twenty keys on the key ring. Why so many keys? There aren’t twenty doors in this house. Or is there? I clutch the car door handle and I bounce out of the car. My eyes rose to the new house and I seem to be mesmerized. The house is huge. There are four giant pillars holding up the roof. The outer layer of the house is covered with bright red and a tangy orange bricks. There are six windows in the house, three on each side. I sprint to the front door. I jiggle the key ring trying to find the gold key. The lock turns and I throw open the door. I slowly smell the fresh, clean air from the new house. I close my eyes and become relaxed. “Austin help your mother and I move some things in okay,” my dad screamed from the car.
    “Alrighty” I replied back.

    After five hours of placing boxes here and there we were finally done moving in, almost. I check my watch, it is six sixteen pm. That’s lots of time to sit down and relax. “Sweetie, there’s one more box. Put this one in the basement” my mom says calmly.
    “Yeah ma,” I reply. I pick up the box and head to the basement. I slide my dry hands onto the rough door handle, turn it, and it is locked. Why is the door locked? I thought Dad was just downstairs? “Mom, why is the basement door locked? I ask. No answer. “Mom!” I repeat again, still no answer. I’m about to turn around and find the keys when the white coloured door creaks open. I shake my head pretending that never happened, and go back to what I was doing.

    Spencers story Part 1

  14. The basement is completely black. I can't see the stairs and I can't see a light switch. I search for a light switch so that I can actually see. I drag my hands across the smooth walls looking for one. Nothing. I whip my left hand above my head and my right hand holds the box. I clench my hand and feel a piece of rope. I yank the rope and FLASH, a bright, powerful light appears. I stroll down the freshly painted stairs, and come to the end of the staircase. I place the box beside the dresser and rugs and head towards the stairs. I’m about to go back up but something peculiar catches my eye. I turn around and spot a small brown wooden door, looking like somebody jammed it in the wall. The door has the height of about one and a half feet and a width of a half of a foot. Only a cat or small dog would fit. I walk towards the door, turn the knob and it’s locked. I feel disappointed, but before I get up I notice a keyhole in the doorknob. All those keys I think to myself! One of them has to fit! I dart up the stairs like a lion racing to kill its prey.
    I dive for the keys on the kitchen counter, and dash back downstairs. I plunge to the front of the door twisting and turning each key until CLICK! I gradually turn the handle and the old wooden door slowly cracks open.

    There lies a levitating box with another small keyhole. I squint at the box, and become very interested in it . Its a very narrow, pint-size box. Its a glistening blue colour. I reach my hand in to grab the petite box, but my hand was propelled back behind my head. I looked around in confusion, trying to pace myself back to reality. There must be a force field barricading me from getting the box I think to myself. I try to put my hand in once more but the same thing happened, my arm flinging back like it was shot out of a catapult. My frustration over came me and I shut the door, locked it and walked away. I turned around one last time before I went upstairs and when I did the door was gone. I smashed my fists on the concrete wall where the door used to be, but I knew it was gone. Rage overtook me and I raced upstairs and slammed the basement door shut. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and dived onto my bed. So many questions barreled through my mind. Was I imagining all this? Was the door even there in the first place? Why was there a force field in the door? But the question that bothered me the most was “What was in the box?”

    Spencers story Part 2

  15. I walk in the house and am overtaken by the aroma of pizza, I say "Mom when is the pizza going to be done? " She says "In ten minutes Robert! " Soon after I dig into my pizza I am suddenly startled by loud yelling coming from my neighbor's house. I walk out very ’ who he is yelling at and why? I am surprised to see him yelling at 11 year old Spencer. I give him a strange look and say "What's your problem?" He looks over at me giving me a nasty look and says " Be quiet you annoying child!" I wonder how i'm a child when he is the one freaking out on an 11 year old boy. I tell Spencer to leave and he does as told. Greg pushes me into the wall and walks away in furiously. I just walk in my house in anger.
    I call my friend David and tell him to come hang out and spy on Greg and try to find out what he is up too. He say "Okay." Minutes after I hear David knocking on the door. I open the door and tell him to come up stairs. I get binoculars and we peek in the window and see him walk in the his door following someone. Approximately 10 mins after we here a couple high pitch screams! Then complete silence. We both get up to look through the window and see Greg dragging out a bag that looks like the form of a body. We look at each other shocked and I say "He must have killed the person screaming!" I tell him we should sneak in at nine to see if we can find any clues to prove he killed someone.
    At 8:55 we get our shoes on and head out the door. We reach Gregs door, I grab the knob and adrenaline starts flowing through my body, i'm nervous. I turn the knob gently and push slowly and the door makes a loud creak! But i'm not scared because I hear him snoring piercingly, so its its obvious didn't wake him. We tip toe and find a door with bright light glinting through the door. We curiously walk in, and am astounded to find a hanging dead body and bags with what looks like bodies. The smell is horrid and the hanging body is white as a polar bear's fur. I walk through wanting to get out because i'm about to barf but I hear a bang! I turn and see David has fell. The I. Hear loud footsteps and I just stop and see Greg coming toward me. He grabs me firmly and throws me into a wall. I can't get up. He gets a hold of David and throws him into the curtain and he gets tangled in them. He grabs a chair and prepares to hit David. I get up and rush at him sending him through his windows. I look over and see he is not breathing. I get David up and we walk away.
    Soon after we here knocking on the door and. see my parents at the door and two police officer's. They turn and call us over. I ask "what's going on?" He replies asking "Do you know what happened to Greg?" I say " No What happened? " I lie. "Well he has been found dead in his house." I gasp and act like I don't no what happened and lucky for us he leaves saying "Ok sorry to bother you guys."

  16. That House
    As I’m on my nightly walk I past this house that is normally abandoned. It has a light on in the attic and the looks like it is taking off look a rocket. I want to go inside and look around but a couple years ago a kid lose his soccer ball in the house and he went in and never came out.


    I have been watching the house every night for the past week and nothing has happened. I think tonight I’m going to go see what is up with that house. I quietly crawl up to the house and try to look in all the windows on the ground floor but I can’t see there's stuff blocking the windows.

    I find a back door and to in to find a tail of blood going up to the attic. It’s the boy that went in and never came out. I ran back downstairs and out the door right to my house and into my room. I locked the door and went to sleep.

    I wake up and there are police at the door of the house to get the dead body. I just stay in my house. It was about 12:00 pm when I heard a knock on the door. I open it and the police wanted to know what happened in the house. The police want to know if I knew the boy and why the boy went in. “I said he went in to get his soccer ball and never came out”.

    After the police left it was about 7:30 pm, so I thought about going into the house again. I walked up the attic and this time it was boarded off. I could hear a little boy’s voice asking for help. I asked myself if I was going crazy or if it was a ghost. I looked up quickly because I could hear footsteps in front of me I did not see anyone. I think this place is haunted.

    I walked home like nothing had happened. I will never go in the house again. The next morning I called a detective I wanted to know more about what happened in that house. The detective showed up not long after. I showed him the house and he said that he would find out more. The next morning he called and said that the house was once a mental hospital. At one point two of the men hung themselves in the bedroom across from the attic stairs.

    A year after I was on my nighly walk and the house had a for sale sign on. Couple bought it and knocked it down and built a new house.

  17. 3 Delvina Berisha-
    “Hello? Police?” I try to whisper, “There is someone in my house! I think he’s trying to kill me. He’s been following me around and I need help now.”
    “We’re on our way,” They answer.
    This is the story...
    I always lived a normal life. I’d go to college every morning and I worked a part time job in the mall. It was great and my life was easy enough with no problems. I was pretty fit and I’d try to go to the gym or go out for runs and walks. Everything was absolutely perfect. Until a few weeks ago.
    I had gone out for a walk and just strolled through my local park. Just in front of the play structure, I looked over my shoulder and saw an old man. I looked a little closer and noticed it was the same man everyday I’d go out. But today, he started following me.
    I would try to transition from a walk, to a jog, to a run, but he always seemed to be a feet few behind me. What does he want? I wonder. He even had an elderly scent, like oatmeal, that wouldn’t go away.
    At one point, after maybe 10 minutes of him following me, I looked back once more and he was gone. I think he’s finally gone. Maybe he gave up...
    When I got to my front door, I turned back around, and there he was. Just standing there on my front lawn. I let out a small scream, ran inside the house and locked every door. I grabbed the phone, just incase I needed to call the police, and ran into the living room to hide under a blanket under the table. I was terrified and I kept asking myself what this person had against me.
    He stormed in but I don’t think he saw me. That’s when I called the police. He kept pacing around the living room, and out around the entire house. But even when he left the room, I didn’t dare to move.
    But, what is that in his hand? I thought just before I noticed it was a kitchen chair. “Oh no!” I whispered, a little too loudly. I could taste the dust from the hardwood go into my mouth as I spoke.
    Uh oh. I shouldn’t have said anything. He must have heard me, or I must have moved because the next thing I heard was, “Brittany!”
    He’s going to hit me. He’ll kill me. And just at that thought, he pulled me out from under the table, and hit me while I was still covered with the blanket. I don’t think he wanted me to take it off. He hit me in the head four times and twice in the back. I’m surprised I haven't been killed.
    I kept screaming for help, I was so terrified. But just then, the police ran in a handcuffed the old man. “Alfered Greg, you’re coming with us. Anything you say can and will be held against you.”
    The police asked me question like how badly I was hurt, or if I needed any kind of treatment, but I really do think I’m going to be fine. I told them I was in pain, but said I’ll be okay. I am the most thankful person in the world. I wouldn’t have survived if they didn’t come to help me.
    Once I recovered, I did continue going out for walks and runs around the park, and in the exact spot I saw him, I would look over my shoulder and turned back with a smile on my face since he was never there. My life is finally back to normal and nothing out of the ordinary, like getting bludgeoned with a chair, is going on.

  18. 24 Alyssa Whitelaw part 1

    In the town of Deadlock there was this abandoned house. Now this isn't no ordinary house, this is the oldest house for miles. This house has windows beyond windows, but all the windows have been barred shut. The front door is black, and huge at least ten feet tall! No one quite knows who owned this house or why they left. The house is all white with blue shutters, it has to be at least three stories high, its huge! I have only seen this house a couple times because it really creeps me out especially because no one in town has ever gone in it. Everyone calls this house the haunted house. Everyday walking to school I take the long way just to avoid passing the house.

    Today is Halloween. And I am super excited. Every year on Halloween my family and I dress up in our most amazing, beautiful, hideous costumes! My twin sisters are being witches this year and are going trick or treating with mom and dad, so that means I can finally go on my own with my friends. I am fourteen years old and this will be my first Halloween with no parents and it will be awesome! There is something about Halloween that scares my parents a lot. I think its that house, you know the haunted house with the black door and all the windows. My parents always tell me that I better not ever go near the house.
    This year I am going to be dressed up as butterfly. My wings are purple with green dots and there is sparkles all over. And I am wearing a beautiful pink dress that goes to my knees, the dress goes tight at my waist then flows. The only reason I got this beautiful dress is because it was on sale for twenty five dollars the normal price is one hundred and that’s way out of my mom's budget. Everyday after school my best friend Sandra and I would go and just stare at the beauty of this dress.

  19. 24 Alyssa whitelaw part 2

    Later that day Kyle, Michael and I went over to meet at my best friend Sandra's house before we went trick or treating. By the way Kyle and Michael are my other best friends, ever since kindergarten! Kyle, Michael, Sandra and I were inseparable growing up and still really are. Sandra’s mom ordered this delicious pizza for all of us. The pizza had cheese beyond cheese,it was so big and greasy, I have never had pizza that good before. A while after pizza we all left the house, Sandra kissed her mom goodbye and we were on our way. My favourite part about Halloween has to be scaring everyone around me. But when it comes to me I am scared of everything, my friends know that too and thats why they dared me to do the impossible. We were outside of the house, the one and only haunted house. Kyle said, “Taylor, I dare you to go up to the haunted house knock on the door and scream trick or treat.”

    I didn't even say a word back to Kyle, I just walked toward the house . Inside I felt as if I was going to die. Butterflies in my stomach grew and grew and I felt like I was going to throw up. As I was getting closer to the house My hand grew into a fist . When I started walking up the stairs to the door I looked back at my friends and they all had a smile on their face except for sandra she looked scared. As I lifted my shaking fist up to knock on the door I hear Sandra yell, “Taylor don't!” and I ran back to my friends as fast as I could I don’t think I have ever ran this fast in my life. I hugged Sandra and she pointed to the window at the very top of the house and the light was on. My heart starts to beat faster than it ever has, I am scared. Michael whispered “Let's go check the house out”
    Taylor started arguing saying that its a trap and we shouldn't go in, but of course as usual Michael won and he headed over to the house as we followed. I jumped in front of Michael and and reached up to touched the door handle it felt really cold, as cold as the winter snow or even colder. The door handle was an unusual shape it kinda looked like a square.

  20. 24 alyssa whitelaw part 3

    Later that day Kyle, Michael and I went over to meet at my best friend Sandra's house before we went trick or treating. By the way Kyle and Michael are my other best friends, ever since kindergarten! Kyle, Michael, Sandra and I were inseparable growing up and still really are. Sandra’s mom ordered this delicious pizza for all of us. The pizza had cheese beyond cheese,it was so big and greasy, I have never had pizza that good before. A while after pizza we all left the house, Sandra kissed her mom goodbye and we were on our way. My favourite part about Halloween has to be scaring everyone around me. But when it comes to me I am scared of everything, my friends know that too and thats why they dared me to do the impossible. We were outside of the house, the one and only haunted house. Kyle said, “Taylor, I dare you to go up to the haunted house knock on the door and scream trick or treat.”

    I didn't even say a word back to Kyle, I just walked toward the house . Inside I felt as if I was going to die. Butterflies in my stomach grew and grew and I felt like I was going to throw up. As I was getting closer to the house My hand grew into a fist . When I started walking up the stairs to the door I looked back at my friends and they all had a smile on their face except for sandra she looked scared. As I lifted my shaking fist up to knock on the door I hear Sandra yell, “Taylor don't!” and I ran back to my friends as fast as I could I don’t think I have ever ran this fast in my life. I hugged Sandra and she pointed to the window at the very top of the house and the light was on. My heart starts to beat faster than it ever has, I am scared. Michael whispered “Let's go check the house out”
    Taylor started arguing saying that its a trap and we shouldn't go in, but of course as usual Michael won and he headed over to the house as we followed. I jumped in front of Michael and and reached up to touched the door handle it felt really cold, as cold as the winter snow or even colder. The door handle was an unusual shape it kinda looked like a square.

  21. I'm on my knees weeping to have my wife in my arms for one last second. My house is empty I need a hand can anybody hear me?Why can't I understand. As I grab my chair and whip it to the ground I see that this big bumpy thing was running all over my ground,It was running super fast hairy body but weird thing is it has a weird cry.. what should I do with my wife gone i have no clue.

    I wake up all gooey and wet with a big scratch across my face, what kind of thing would do this to me I yelp.I finally pick up my chair where this bump was and smash this hairy thing with it. I pick it up it's trying to attack! I step back and throw it right in my garbage and locked it and toss that nasty thing outside. I hear crying and scratching all night I don't know what it is I thought it was all over?i'm feeling just sick and tired i just want whatever this thing may be out of my house.


    I feel something nibbling at my toes under my blankets its has a sharp pain it feels like someone is stabbing me with forks and knives. As I pull the blankets off my feet I see this ugly black and purple spotted creature run sprintting to my living room.As this ugly little demon i would say went sprintting by i smelled his fear by that time i knew i had him.My dog hunter was barking extremly loud i couldn’t hear myself think.My house was a mess and i was cunfused.
    I taste the greasy steak from last nights dinner, as i was trying my best not to throw it back up.. this animal sickens me i can see he was picking through the garbage last night. I'm believing this is the end i am going to end his or hers life for once and for all!
    As i'm repeating to myself i am Marcus haw i believe i believe as i'm coming from my kitchen with this big knife i'm heading towards my living room i see this animal run under my carpet back and forth,i'm running after him i throw my knife into the carpet and boom everything was changed

    Blood all over the ground. Knifes in my hand.I have accomplished my job.I knew my wife would never would have been proud of what i have done or what i have became but I have to do what i have to do.

  22. The Diary of Vines: By Christina Doan
    I remember when I was six and I found my mother and father lifeless on the floor. The night before, my mother gave her diary to me and she said “I will always be there by your side, wherever you are.”. I was petrified with fear, I called the police as quick as I could and they came darting in less than 10 minutes. They asked me questions that I couldn't answer because of all the fright in me, then they told me that I'm going to have an adoptive mother, and ever since then, I've been Lidia Jones's little minion...

    * * * 13 years later... * * *

    Lidia's bedroom is monstrous and disgusting and she expects it to be sparkling and dirtless by the time she gets back from "work". Lidia always thought I was a little worker of her’s, and since she wouldn’t give me money, I couldn’t afford to go to college. As I was cleaning Lidia's broken down aged drawer, I caught a sight of a cloudless but glowing pink journal, on the front it said "Eleanor's Diary". My eyes grew wide looking at the contaminated dusty book, I lost my mother diary as a child when Lidia stole it from me. I remember her exact words before she took it away, “Give me that stupid dumb book! It’s worthless, just like your mother.”. I bolted to my room and stashed it between my bed.

    After a long day of purgating and purificating Lidia's room, I took a quick warm shower and rushed to my room and got her diary. I faithfully opened the book and the first page says "For Ella. I love you." I turned the the page to see full paginate written in elegant beautiful cursive. The diary smelt just like her; the same old cheap perfume my dad always bought her. I started reading and reading. She wrote everything about her life, her family, high school years, she even wrote about dad and how they met. I always wondered how my mom got murdered, whenever I asked Lidia, I would hear her yell at me and slap me for asking. The thought of not having my parents breaks me inside. Somedays , I’m fine about it but other days I break down, bawl and sob to myself, and sometimes when Lidia sees me crying, she beats me and clamors how useless and insignificant I am. I turned the page and saw a white blank paginate, but I noticed a little vine with lustrous green leaves between the pages, they felt soothing and gentle like grass. My eyes started to shut, and before I knew it, I was in deep sleep.

    “Ella! Wake up and get down here this instant!” I woke up to the sound of Lidia’s voice and a tingle on my arm. My eyes awoke to the vines in my mother’s diary. I noticed that the vines grew more leaves, or were they like that? I realized that the pages are fully written.
    “Ella, get your butt here now before it gets whipped!”
    “Yes Lidia!” I exclaimed. I started the pages and gasped in horror.

  23. (Continuing of Christina's)
    Dear Ella,
    Thank the lord you are reading this. You need to run away from Lidia Jones, she is the murder of your father and I. This may seem unnatural but I am the vines in this diary. You need to escape right away, we need to stop Lidia.
    I will always be there by your side, wherever you are.

    As I was getting off my bed, my door was open with a loud bang. I twirled around and saw a furious Lidia.
    “I called you 10 minutes ago, why didn’t you listen?!” screamed Lidia. Her face was red as a tomato and her eyes were in rage.
    “Did you take that from my room?!” Lidia blared, referring to the journal.
    “Yes, you were the murder of my parents!” I screamed.
    “Yes I was, and guess who’s going to be the murder of you? Me!” I shoved her out of the way, making a break towards the door and down to the kitchen with the book in my hands. As I was getting the phone to call the police, a knife was thrown to the wall in front of me. “Ugh! So Close!” Lidia barked.
    I dialled 911 and pressed “call” and then was on the dense, firm ground, with Lidia on top of me. She takes out a razor-sharp knife and brings it to my neck.
    “Say goodbye to your life.” she declared and simpered.
    I taste blood from biting my cheek to hard, feeling the sting of the knife on my neck. Suddenly, I see two thick vines that were the size of arms charge Lidia off me. As the vines attacked Lidia, I took the knife, went behind Lidia and jabbed her near the heart. I let go on the knife and Lidia falls to the ground. I gasped, trying to catch a breath and be calm about what just happened. I turned around to see the diary and see beautiful vines and leaves in beauteous green coming out of the diary. Suddenly, the leaves and vines started to glimmer and gleam, I took a step back and then I saw her. There she was, she was so beautiful, simply flawless.
    “Mom?” I said softly.
    “Ella.” She answered.
    I gave her a hug, I wept tears of joy as she squeezed me tightly. “I missed you so much, mom.” I confided.
    “I miss you too. I told you I will always be there by your side, wherever you are.”

  24. The Mystery of 22 Oak Road

    Alessandra Puglielli 16

    The call came at six in the morning. Shelby Mallard, the 32 year old woman who lived at the corner of Ryan Street, had gone out at 5:30 am for her morning jog. She’d gone as far as Oak Road and was about to head home, when she spotted an odd figure lying under a street lamp and went to take a closer look. Once there, she saw a dead man lying on the sidewalk, his skin as pale as snow. Horrified by the sight, she pulled out her cell phone and called the police.
    At 8 am, when the sun was just starting to rise, I, Detective Alexander Jones, was at the scene of the crime, along with two of my fellow officers. By now, most of the residents of Oak Road were awake and a crowd had formed around the murder scene.
    “Officers,” I directed the men, “We have a large group here. Ask around to see if anyone knows anything about the victim.”
    And they did so. As soon as they’d left, Mrs. Mallard walked towards me. “Thank you for coming at this hour in the morning, detective.” she said, “It’s such a tragedy.”
    “Yes it is, Mrs. Mallard.” I looked up at the house that stood behind the crime scene. “Do you happen to know who lives here at number 22?” I asked, pointing to the house.
    “No, sorry. I don’t think anyone knows. This house is sort of a mystery.”
    “Really? How so?” The house seems completely normal to me. It looks no different than the others on the street, except that it’s bigger and more beautiful than them.
    “Well, when this house was first built, everyone wanted it. There were so many buyers that they held an auction for it. When Mr. Henry placed a bid of five-hundred thousand dollars, everyone thought he’d won. But at the last minute, a mysterious man in a black ski mask and overcoat placed a bid of two million and we knew we’d all been beat. Since the day he moved in, he has never come out.”
    “Strange,” I stated, “Do you remember anything distinctive about him?”
    “One thing,” replied Mrs. Mallard, “He had a small tattoo on the back of his left hand.”
    I walked over to the victim and lifted his left hand. “Like this?” I asked.
    0J:W0 , it read.
    “Yes, exactly.” she uttered softly. For a brief moment, there was a stunned expression in her face.
    “From the looks of his pale skin, he died due to major blood loss or blood poisoning. Does anyone in the neighbourhood have access to medical equipment?”
    “Um, yes. Mr. Henry, he’s a doctor at the town clinic.”
    He also wanted our victim’s house. Why is she so quick to say this information? Or is she quick to blame?
    “Officers,” I shouted to the two men, “I’ll be back. I have to pay a visit to Mr. Connor Henry.”
    * * *

  25. The Mystery of 22 Oak Road

    Alessandra Puglielli 16


    When we arrived at the police station, I let Mr. Henry sober up before I questioned him.
    “Where were you between 7pm and 5am last night?” I asked.
    “I was out at the Harrington having a few drinks with my friends.” answered Mr. Henry.
    “Seems like more than a few.” I thought and chuckled to myself.
    “They kicked me out at about 10pm. My friends drove me home and made sure I wouldn’t get out, hence you having to kick down my door. I passed out and then woke up to some raging maniac at my door.”
    “And who was tha... Oh, me. But then tell me, why were you using a syringe?”
    “I wasn’t. You told me about the injection holes in the victim’s body. If you knew anything about medicine, the substance in this needle would have been injected and blood would have spewed out, covering the culprits hands and clothes. As you can see detective, there’s not a speck of blood on me.”
    He was right and his friends confirmed that he was wearing the same clothes last night, so it couldn’t have been him.

    * * *
    It was evening when I rang the doorbell to the Mallard residence. Mrs. Mallard answered the door.
    “Detective Jones, what a surprise. Please come in.” she welcomed.
    “Thank you, ma'am.” I replied and walked in.
    Once inside, I sat down on their large sofa.
    “What can I do for you?” Mrs. Mallard asked. She sounded a little concerned.
    “I just wanted to know if you had any more useful information.” I looked around the room. A large, golden frame on the wall caught my attention.
    “‘For Graduating the University of Medicine and Health’.” I read aloud.
    “Oh, yes. That would be my husband’s. It’s a very high degree. Shame he never became a doctor. Guess being a locksmith is fine for him.”
    Suddenly, something behind Mrs. Mallard caught my attention. It was a blue cotton sweater with a peculiar red spot, hanging on the back of her chair.
    “Lovely sweater you’ve got there.” I said.
    “Oh, yes. That’s Mr. Mallard’s as well. His best sweater. He wore it yesterday.”
    “May I take a look at it.” I asked.
    “Of course.” Mrs. Mallard handed it to me.
    “Blood,” he said, “Care to explain?”
    “Don’t...” whispered a voice. It was Mr. Jacob Mallard. Mrs. Mallard looked away.
    “You killed him, didn’t you?” I declared, “I’ve heard you know lots about medicine and locksmith technique. You broke into Mr. Henry’s house, stole a case of poison needles and killed that man by injecting him. You returned to Mr. Henry’s house and positioned everything so that he could take the blame.”
    “We loved his place. I promised Shelby I’d make sure we’d have it.” sighed Mr. Mallard.
    “I never thought you’d go this far, Jacob.” Mrs. Mallard said firmly, tears in her eyes.
    “You’re under arrest Mr. Mallard, for the murder of...” I paused. A large rumbling sound was coming from outside. We all ran out of the house down to 22 Oak Road. An astonishing sight awaited us. 22 Oak Road burst from it’s roots like a rocket. With rocket-like boosters propelling it up, it launched towards the stars. From the top window, a note came down.
    “If I can’t have it, no one can. - James Winters’ spirit” it read.
    I turned to Mr. Mallard and cuffed him. “... for the murder of James Winters.”

  26. Mystery story

    I wake up laid flat on my stomach. As I try to push myself up I realize that my arms are restrained, shackled to the ground. I struggle to get up using only my lower body. I get a brief look at my surroundings and notice there is a tall man standing in the middle of the staircase, watching my every move. I look him straight in the face but my vision is off, i've been drugged.
    “Tick, Tock, it seems your life is running out.” the man says in a mysterious voice. He slowly crept up the stairs and left the house. I stand up and throw my arms up above myself with all my might, vigorously tearing the rusted shackles from the aged floor in one shot, I wasn’t this mans first victim, that was too easy. I dash towards the door and thrust my right foot through the door with a direct shot, blasting the door nearly 2 feet away. This must be his kill room, dark, gloomy, with two tables, one lay his killing tools and the other has straps connected to it, he must have restrained his victims and then killed them. I can almost hear the screams of his victims. On the walls are pictures of about 30 people, 30 that have gone missing in the past year. I know this man’s a killer, just got to find out who this cold blooded murderer is. I travel upstairs for more evidence and I scavenge the room for anything that can tell me about his identity. A laptop, just what I needed. I open it up and find his name, Shane Kenney? I know this guy he’s all over the news, top homicide detective, one of Miami’s greatest. Why would such a great detective be a killer? It’s because he knows how homicide detectives work he can always stay one step ahead, what a great actor.

    I arrive at my house and the first thing I do is research about this so called great detective, Shane Kenney, and he’s clean, nothing not even a speeding ticket. I guess i’m going to have to stalk my prey and find my own reason to kill him.

    I prepare my tools for a kill but soon realize that I can just borrow his, the irony. All I need to bring is a tranquilizer, lightweight jobs are so much easier. I wait for him in my car calmly watching as he arrives in a grey Volkswagen. He carries out two large duffle bags in each hand, I tail him into the house being as silent as a cat, and inject him with a syringe filled with M16, a tranquilizer used on animals. That should keep him asleep for a few hours. I open the duffle bags and find 5 human heads, the heads of the people who were missing since two weeks ago. This man will have gone missing as soon as I kill him. I take him into his own kill room strap him up to the table and await for his awake.
    “Where am I? Who are you?” he says.
    “Don’t you recognize this place? Don’t you recognize me?” I question him and he stays silent.
    “ You held me captive, just outside of this room.” I say in an interrogating voice
    “You don’t understand, seeing all these day to day murders has made me a monster, seeing my son being murdered in front of my very own eyes has made me a monster!” he snaps back.
    “Monsters like you don’t deserve to live, Monsters like us.” I say calmly.“But in order for me to satisfy my monster I have to kill people like you”

    THE END.
