Monday, January 21, 2013

Personal Opinion

There has been much information in the media lately around Lance Armstrong.  Undoubtedly he has done many great things over his career. In your opinion (support it with evidence) is Lance a hero?
Remember to start your post with your name so I know who it is from.

Don't forget to do a bit of research as well for your two songs for our homework;)

ALSO - Please come with a cartoonish picture that you can use for art class. It should be like a colouring page. The more colour you can use in it the better. You only need to bring the black and white copy of it for tomorrow. If you have fine tip markers, you may want to bring those too.


  1. Verda Anwer

    In my opinion Lance Armstrong, is not a hero. I think this because he is not an honest or fair player. I think he is dishonest and unfair because he has used illegal substances during his cycling races. To me, Lance does not have the charachteristics that sports players should have. The charachteristics you need are playing fair, being honest, having good sportmanship.

    1. I agree with that and what has he done any good for sisiatdy. how would him willing effect the other racers. I like how you used facts and your own option and backed it up

      from taylor

    2. Christina: I agree, Lance Armstrong does not have any of the characteristics that sports player/heros have.

  2. Tejasv
    I think Lance Armstrong is not a hero because we have been thinking he is extraordinary because he has won the Tour de France 7 times, US National Cycling Champion and many more cycling races but the truth just came out that he was doping all along.

  3. Lauren

    Personally, I don't think Armstrong is a hero. Yes, he rode 3653 km on a bike, but he was on drugs, so it shouldn't count! Terry Fox although, ran 5373 km, on one leg, with no drugs, help, etc. If Armstrong was really a "hero" why couldn't he have rode without the use of drugs? Cycling is easier than running with missing limbs. Therefore, I don't believe that Armstrong is a hero, and will support Fox whenever I can.

    Oh and I can't print anything at home, my printer is broken :$

    1. I like how you used the information that she gave us to support your answer.


    2. Christina: Good job, I like how you gave evidence to support your opinion!

  4. We think he is a hero because he rode a bike pumped full of drugs for 3653 km.

    Jessica M, Meagan, Alyssa

    1. I would like to add to this, I belive that lance was diffrent and had bad things but also good things like as people may say he "Cheated" or he "unfair" but he also did do a lot of good things like he raised a lot of money for cancer funrasing(: -Jessica

  5. Alessandra 16

    In my opinion, Lance Armstrong would not be a hero to me because he cheated in all his races. I know he did do some good things in his life too, like he created LiveStrong, a cancer foundation. But, he still cheated and how can you look up to someone like that? I feel bad for all of those kids that looked up to him and are now disappointed that their hero would cheat. In conclution, I think Lance Armstrong is not a hero and is a disappointment to his fans.

  6. Amit #22
    I think lance is not a hero because he is a bad example for most people and kids like me because I supports his live strong foundation so he is a negative role model .

  7. I don't think that Lance is a 'hero' because he cheated. And like it says in the picture Terry Fox ran even more miles on one leg. I think everyone looked up to Lance when he won Tour de France and other races like that. But now that the truth actually came out, everyone is thinking twice and they know now that he cheated and was on drugs that helped him. So, I do not think Lance is a hero.

  8. Taylor 25

    I do not thin that he is a hero because he won the tour de france 7 times and with every time he won he got millions and fame beyond his wildest dreams. But the only reason he won is because he used drugs and steroids to help him will and without the help of the drugs he would never have won everything he did. Also he had many people looking up to him and now to find out that he was a fake drugs addict. which is an extremely bad example. He is the very opposite of a hero because he took a lot from all the other cotestances in the races, and if he had not won the second place person would be in the fame and fortune. Yes he did do some amazing things in his life but he would never have had a chance to so many of the of these things if he hadn't won because he got all of the fame and money to do good things that he did.

  9. no he is not because he took drugs and thats a bad infulence to other people he should now not be able to cycle for a few years

    Dylan k

  10. Yes and No. Even though he didnt really win the Tour du France 7 times, over 1999-2005 he rasied over 500$ Millions dollars for Livestrong foundation.


  11. Kelsie:
    I strongly believe Lance Armstrong is not a hero because not only did he use performance-enhancing drugs, he dealt it too.For over 7 years Lance has lied about taking drugs, even his own kid(s) believed he didn't take them, every time someone at school would say their father took drugs, they would defend him and say he didn't. Terry Fox, Rick Hanson, and Brain Donato are all heroes in my eyes and others too because they inspired people to never give up but Lance Armstrong has inspired people to believe that if you don't think you will do good in a race take drugs it may help. My last thought is how someone can think they are a mentor to kids when they are lying to the whole world. Lance Armstrong's will never be able to be called a hero and I'm glad he is getting stripped of his medals he doesn't deserve them

    1. I like how you described others that are heroes and why rose r

  12. Christina:-)
    I believe Lance Armstrong is not a hero because in the his interview on the Oprah Winfrey, Oprah asked "What was, for you, the flaw or flaws that made you willing to risk it all?" and his response was "I think this ruthless desire to win."
    I think that Lance Armstrong is not a hero because a hero does because a hero is a person who has done a heroic act and is a model/inspiration to others and Lance Armstrong has NOT done anything that is heroic because of his reason to use banned substances just to win the Tour de France, he did not believe that he could win so he decided to use the substance "doping" so he could be more powerful and stronger.

    1. I like how you provided evidence from an interview, to support your opinion!


  13. Allann

    Out of the fact that lance used these performance enhancing drugs I feel that he is not a hero and he deserved to have his tour de France titles taken away. He was someone people looked up to from what I've read and to me he is not a hero because he didn't earn his respect through actual hard work and perseverance.

  14. 24 Alyssa Whitelaw

    I honestly think Lance Armstrong is a hero because he tried so hard to get is titles and was stripped of them for doing drugs. I think if you are strong enough not to do drugs his story is very inspiring. He shows that you always work to get what you want. And you never ever get into drugs. By Lance Armstorng doing drugs he got stripped of all his tittles and had all of his metals taken from him. Lance is curently getting charged and I think he shouldnt be. It is his body and he is not the only athlet doing drugs. Either every athlet doing drugs should be stripped of there tittles or no athlet .

  15. no a hero is considered some one who has saved someone or animal he hasn't saved no one. he sued a person for millions of dollars for defamation of character, and could make a person living on the streets! steven

  16. i dont think he is a hero because he cheated and took drugs, he is not a hero because hero's are someone that helps someone or does someone thing for someone and he hasent.


  17. I think Lance Armstrong is not a hero because I would not look up to someone that cheats and does drugs.I will say he has done some good things in his life.

  18. I think lance armstrong is not a hero because heroes are people that you look up to and you can't look up to someone who lies and cheats what does that teach his fans? Also he did drugs to make him faster to win the races and really he should talk about how drugs are bad
    rose r
