Monday, January 9, 2012

Hunger Games Questions

These are for Tuesday's class. Please answer in your gmail and 'share' the document with me so I can read it. Make sure to back up your work along the way so you don't loose it. You have 2 periods to answer the questions so be sure to answer them thoroughly. If you finish early and have checked them over, please continue to update your Fakebook page.

1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?

2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?

3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?


  1. Autumn.E
    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?
    -The benefit of alliances are that you have more backup if someone comes to attack you.
    -The downfalls of alliances are that you become friends and then you have to kill them when it comes down to it.

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?I would join an alliance and somewhere in the middle of the games I would leave them to be on my own.

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?
    -to "rue the day" means that the person will one day bitterly regret what they have done.
    -rue means regret or sorrow.
    -because the tributes who killed her end up dying in the end.So they "rued the day".

  2. 1-to have some one have ur back in a fight. and the downfalls are that you will have to kill
    the people that you are in the aligns with.

    2-play on my own because if im in aligns with some one they could kill me when im a sleep.

    3-it means that a person will regert the day of what they did or something like that. its symboilc because katniss rue the day when rue die.and she could not do anything about it.

  3. Will

    Please 'share' the document with me so I can read it. Make sure to back up your work along the way so you don't loose it. You have 2 periods to answer the questions so be sure to answer them thoroughly.

    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?

    The benefits of a alliance is that you have more food you can give a job to every person and the downfalls is that they can backstap you and they eat more food.

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?

    yes because i can get more food.

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?
    it means regret and its symbolic to rues death because she started killing people over her death.

  4. Derek H. #16

    1. A benfit of joining an alliance is that it would be easy to pick off single tributes by teaming up and taking them out with ease. A downfall to having an alliance is that if you and your allie(s) were the last remaining tributes, you would have to kill the person or people that had your back and helped you survive.

    2. I would join an alliance with someone who is highly skilled in survival and killing so we could survive until the end. But it would have to be with someone I loathe because if it was with someone whom I am good friends with, I wouldn't want to kill him/her.
    3. The name "Rue" means to regret. To "Rue the day" means to regret the day. It is symbolic of Rues death because, since Katniss left Rue alone to start a distraction, Rue would have to go up against the career's which are the toughest of all the tributes. So when Rue died, Katniss regreted leaving Rue by her lonesome, hence to "Rue the day".

  5. cole d.
    1.The benefits of a alliance is protecion,gathering more food,better chance to live. The downfalls of a alliance is being betrayed.

    2.On my own because i'l be test ing skills to survive in the willderness.

    3.Rue means to regret or wish something very happened.

  6. eric
    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?
    1-there stronger in a pack and if one person spots them he can kill them all
    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?
    2-i would play the game on my own so i dont get back stabbed
    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?
    3-the word rue means to regret intensely or to regret something

  7. 1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?
    Benefits are you can pick people off easy (easly to kill people.. 2v1) Downfalls are if your alliance is last alive your gonna have to kill them , And it might be harder for you to kill them because they helped you to the end and now your gonna have to kill her and shes only 12 years old so its sad killing a 12 year old

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why? Yes i would be in an alliance but with someone who is not skilled so at the end i would know their weakness's and it would be easier to kill them but i might even solo because if i was katniss i would feel bad killing a 12 year old at the end but i would rather alliance and kill the person because i would want to live and see my family again.

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death? The word ''Rue'' means You will regret what you did or what you said ''You will Rue the Day'' he /she will regret was he/she did or said.Its simbolic to Rue by if you Kill her someone might come after him/he so hes or she gonna regret killing her.
    RADE .P~~~~~~!@# QWT

  8. David

    1. The benefits of alliances are; you are a stronger force, you are more intimidating, and it is easy to backstab your allies. The downfalls are; you have to kill them and if they are strong, you have a higher chance of dying from them.

    2. Yes I would join an alliance because I am small and I can be in on it and at the end hide and backstab them all.

    3. The word 'rue' means to regret. 'Rue the day' means that you will regret the day. This is symbolic of her death because if they do kill her, they will regret ever killing her. If she were to die of natural causes, the capitol would regret it because of the poverty that goes on in Panem.

  9. Daniel S
    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?
    >the benefits of peeta aligning with the careers to guarantee a spot in the final 7 and get to keep katniss from getting cuaght.
    >The downfall is he might come down to having to kill katniss and ruin his chance for his gifts from the capitol because they are suppose to be the starcrossed lovers.
    >katniss's advantages is that rue is very good with plants and herbs and she is light so she can travel with katniss through the trees and sleep with her in the trees, Also she is very smart and she was smart and slick anough to hide through all of those dead tributes.
    >The disadvantages are she is small and not as strong as the other tributes so she would have less of a chance of suriving a hand to hand combat with one of the stronger tributes.

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?
    I would join an alliance that iwould trust because then you can join both of your smarts and become stronger and learn from eachother and you have more people to find supplies such as food, medicines, plants and herbs. The bad thing about it is if it comes down to you to you will put all the times you helped eachother and did stuff for eachother behind them and fight the person you trusted to the death to win for you and your district.

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death? It means you will regret what you did and feel guilty for the rest of your life. I think the symbolic message is that when the boy from district seven lunged the spear into rues stomach he would regret doing that to her or feel bad because that girl had her whole life.

  10. eric
    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?

    1-A definent advantage of an alliance is that they are stronger in a pack. A downfall would be that if one person spots them he can kill them all.

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?

    2-I would play the game on my own because i dont wanna get back stabbed by another player and its easer to get killed in a pack because its a bigger thing to spot then just one pearson.

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?

    3-The word rue means to regret intensely or to regret something and itis a symbolic or rues death because u will have regret of what you did.

  11. seemaab y. #30
    1.The benefits of an alliance are that you can work together to get things done and you can pick of other remaining tributes. The downfalls of being in a alliance are that where ever you are you have to care about your partner(s)and if you and your partner(s)are the last ones remaining in the hunger games you are going to have to kill each other.
    I would not join an alliance because there is too much work sharing food, telling them your secret places to sleep and get food.If you become friends and make it to the finals how are you going to kill each other to finish the game
    The word "Rue" means to regret something. "To Rue the day" means to regret the day.This is symbolic of Rue's death because whoever killed Rue will regret that they killed her because she is so small and young.

  12. Will

    Please 'share' the document with me so I can read it. Make sure to back up your work along the way so you don't loose it. You have 2 periods to answer the questions so be sure to answer them thoroughly.

    1 - Peeta aligns with the Careers and Katniss eventually aligns with Rue. What are the benefits of alliances? What are the downfalls?

    The benefits of a alliance is that you have more food,can give a job to every person,you can least longer,you will have a better idea about things,you will be more safe you wont get crazy over not talking to anybody for a long time,the downfall is the they can backsap you,you would have to take care of them if the get ill or hurt.

    2 - Would you join an alliance or play the game on your own? Why?

    I would be in a alliance because i can get more food,i can kill more people,can least longer,we will think better,we would be smarter,we would handel more things,

    3 - What does the word 'rue' mean? What does it mean to 'rue the day?' How is this symbolic of Rue's death?
    It means regret and its symbolic to rues death because she started killing people over her death.
