Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cartesian Plane

Would you make a good pirate?
Here are our notes from today's class.
Homework is to complete pg 397 #4,6,7,8 and answer the Reflect question in a comment on this post.
Remember to plot your x-coordinate first and then find your y-coordinate.


  1. Roohit G.

    Instructions to plotting my four points:

    Point A (6,4)

    Point B (-6,4)

    Point C (-6,-4)

    Point D (6,-4)

  2. Jake K.

    Draw a dot on (3,4) and then on (-5,5). Then draw a dot on (-4,-7) and (6,-8). Those are all 4 points.

  3. Japnam
    First, make a coordinate grid, when plotting a point you always look at the x axis first (x,y)so you look at the x axis and then then y and plot your point. say it was (3,2)3 would mean on the x axis line and 2 would mean the number on the y axis line. if you know that then you will know how to plot your point. to make a rectangle if i said only the coordinates you would just do what i said make a coordinate graph look at the x axis number and then the y axis number. so if the coordinates are (-4,5) (3,5) (-4,-6) (3,-6), the first numbers in all of them are on the x axis line and the second numbers are on the y axis line. it depends on what quad you are in. if the 2 coordinates are both positive then you will be in quad 1, if it is positive first and then negative it is in quad 4, if both coordinated are negatives that means it is in quad 3. if it is a negative first and then a positive then it is in quad 2. so u look at the coordinates always start off with the x axis and then you will know where to put the given coordinates.

  4. Saloni

    A- (-4,4)
    B- (-8,-3)
    C- (6,-3)
    D- (9,4)

    To get A, first you have to find -4 on the X axis and then you find 4 on the Y axis. These coordinates will lead you to the 2nd quadrant.

    To get B, first you have to find -8 on the X axis and then find -3 on the Y axis. These coordinates will lead you to the 3rd quadrant.

    To get C, first you have to find 6 on the X axis and then you find -3 on the Y axis. These coordinates will lead you to the 4th quadrant.

    To get D, you have to find 9 on the X axis and then you find 4 on the Y axis. These coordinates will lead you to the 1st quadrant.

  5. Sumun B.
    REFLECT:Choose four points, one in each quadrant. Write instructions to plot each point.


    To get point A you would first find 4 on the x axes and then find 5 on the y axes.Then plot the point where they meet(this would be in quadrant 1).
    To get point B you would first find -7 on the x axes and then find 4 on the y axes.Then plot the point where they meet(this would be in quadrant 2).
    To get point C you would first find -2 on the x axes and then find -3 on the y axes.Then plot the point where they meet(this would be in quadrant 3).
    To get point D you would first find 3 on the x axes and then -5 on the y axes. Then plot the point where they meet(this would be in quadrant 4).

  6. Mariam W.
    Point A- First, start on the x axis (the horizontal line). Find -5 on that line and keep your finger there. Then, go to your y axis (the vertical line) and find the number 7. Put your other finger there and use both those fingers to find where they meet. Once you find that, draw the dot there.
    Point B- Pretty much the same instructions as point A, however, for the horizontal line, find -4 and for the vertical line find -2.
    Point C- Follow the same instruction but find 4 on the x axis and -4 on the y axis.
    Point D- Same thing, but locate 6 on the x axis and 5 on the y axis.
    I have the co ordinates on grid paper.

  7. Tyler .D

    A (-7,4)
    B (-2,-3)
    C (6,-1)
    D (3,9)

  8. David

    I have no clue if this is what we were supposed to do. So if it is wrong, blame it on my listening skills.

    Quadrant 1; (8, 4)
    Quadrant 2; (-4, 2)
    Quadrant 3; (-7, -9)
    Quadrant 4; (5, -4)

  9. Ivana B.

    First find Quadrant 1. From the origin move along the horizontal line (x-axis) and find the coordinate 6 (move 6 units to the right). Put your figure on that coordinate. Now from that point move vertically (y-axis)and find 8 (move 8 units up). This is where the first coordinate (A) is located and joined by a vertex (6,8). After this, start at the origin and find the 2nd Quadrant. From the origin move along the horizontally (x-axis) 7 units to the left which is where -7 is located. Now move vertically (along the y-axis)4 units up until you reach 4 on the y-axis. This is where the second coordinate is located (B - (-7,4)).Move to quadrant three. From the origin move horizontally (x-axis)3 units to the left where
    -3 is located. Now from that point move vertically (along the y-axis)6 units down where -6 is located. This is where the third coordinate is located (C - (-3,-6)). Finally you reach the fourth quadrant. From the origin move horizontally (x-axis)2 units to the right where 2 is located. Now from that point move vertically along the y-axis 3 units down. This is where the last coordinate is located and joined by a vertex.

  10. April's Reflection;

    (-3,4) look at the xaxis number and locate the coordinate -3 first & then look at the y xais number and locate the coordinate 4 and place a point on that area.

    (1,-2) look at the xaxis number and locate the coordinate 1 first & then look at the y xais number and locate the coordinate -2 and place a point on that area.

    (-3,-2) look at the xaxis number and locate the coordinate -3 first & then look at the y xais number and locate the coordinate -2 and place a point on that area.

    (1,-2) look at the xaxis number and locate the coordinate 1 first & then look at the y xais number and locate the coordinate -2 and place a point on that area.

    in the end you should have 4 points. and once you connect them, you will have a square.
