Monday, September 2, 2013

September Startup

 Welcome back Eagles (and good luck to any graduates of 2013 who are still checking in)!

I am really looking forward to this year with you. I know we had some of our students attend OELC over the summer, and many others took part in camps, trips and classes that have given you valuable experiences. I am looking forward to working with you to develop your talents and skills, and Eastdale is looking forward to how you will share these skills with other students in the school (assemblies, clubs, teams, ...).

Please share this blog with your parents tonight and if you have a google account, become a follower of our blog (If you don't have an account, ask your parents if you can sign up for one).

When you are posting a comment, you may need to click "Preview" first for it to work. You have to verify with a code (remember to include what is in the pic too) (it should give you a message that your comment will be visible after the moderator has seen it). Email me at if you are having problems with that.
I will use this blog to communicate with you and your parents about what is going on in our classroom. It will be important for you to check it regularly. I will post important information, resources and things for you to ponder. When you reply to a post, please begin your reply with your first name and last initial (unless of course I've asked you to keep your posts anonymous).

Here are a few highlights/reminders:

Bring a combination lock to school. Dudley ones seem to fit best in our particular lockers.

Thursday, September 12th is Parent Information Night for Ottawa and Meet the Teacher at Eastdale.


We will be organizing and running the Terry Fox Fun Run and Get Acquainted Day on Friday, September 27th.
Your first blog assignment is:
What are you most looking forward to this year? 
What are you the most worried about?

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