Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day Homework...

Great day today!!! I enjoyed hearing about your summer holidays and hearing about some of the things you would like to help out with at school. Tomorrow we will talk more about things that we will be doing to give back to our school community.

I know you all wrote these in your agendas, but just a final reminder for tomorrow...
-novel for independent reading at school,
-change of clothes, shoes and deodorant for gym for this week,
-begin to fill in your forms and have your parents finish filling them in,
-complete the Agenda Quiz.

What is the answer to question number 23?
When you post your answer on the blog, remember to start your post with your first name, last initial and then your answer.

Text or call your classmates to remind them to submit their homework tonight!! If we can all post a response tonight, there will be a reward in it for you!!!

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