Thursday, May 24, 2012

Science Water Systems Popplets

Here are the links to your presentations. Use them to help answer the questions on your worksheets and to study for your test.

Currents - April, David, Amanda
Water, Weather and Climate - Saloni, Derek, Rade, Sejla
Geological features - Sumun, Jake, Daniel
Fresh vs. Salt Water - Japnam, Mariam, Ivana
Brandon's Group popplet

check the comments for the correct links for Mariam and Roohit.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Bring your Baseball Gloves

It's that time of year again!! Remember to bring your glove to school each day. Make sure it has your name on it. Remind your friends tonight when you are finishing up your group work presentation for science or working on your scripts.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Eights, here is a 5 minute video that gives you the basics of the game of rugby. Watch it and send me the answers to the following questions on our blog.
1. What is a grubber?
2. What is an up and under?
3. Name the 3 ways to score points in rugby and tell me the value of each way.

I talked with many of you about the opportunity to play on the Stoney Creek team and the coach will be dropping off some forms for interested students.
Practices for U14 begin Wednesday may 23 at Saltfleet High School
Time 6:30 – 8pm. 
This is a great place to learn about the game, how to play it and how to tackle properly. The other players that you would play with will have the same skill level as you do now. You will all be learning together!  is the club website for more information.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dividing Fractions with Models

 Explain how 4/8 divided by 8 is 1/16th. If you are having trouble, check online with your ilc account, or try and relate this question to a real life example (use apple pie - it is less messy than lemon).
Here is our first problem from today to help you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Its Almost That Time of Year Already!!

I can't believe that we are talking about graduation stuff already, but here it is. This year Jake will be our DJ for graduation (a first ever in Eastdale history that I can remember)! We ask the graduates and the staff each year to submit their requests for music to be played at the grad dance. 
Please submit a maximum of 3 songs that you would like us to consider for this year's grad. Include your name in the request as well please.  I'm voting for ...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Science Homework water

Why is it important to find new sources of fresh water and to conserve the sources now available?
Explain at least 3 ways that we can help conserve our current sources of fresh water.

Re read the post on this blog called, "What do you think about this?" (from Monday April 2, 2012) Explain 2 different perspectives on this issue.

Please remember to submit your answer on this blog and include your name.