Monday, April 2, 2012

What do you think about this?

The right to clean water

April 2, 2012 | By Craig & Marc Kielburger

Standing before the massed representatives at the United Nations, Bolivian Ambassador Pablo Solon raised one hand and slowly snapped his fingers – once, twice, three times. Then he held up one finger. With that quiet gesture, he hammered home his point: every three and a half seconds, somewhere in the developing world, one child dies of a water-born disease.
“Water is life,” he said. “As my people say, ‘Now is the time’.”
On that day, July 28, 2010, the UN recognized water to be a universal human right. But 41 out of 163 countries abstained from the vote.
One of those countries was ours.
For over a decade, Canadian governments have opposed the recognition of water as a basic human right.
We struggle to understand why.
Without clean water to drink we will die in as little as two days.
Dirty water is every bit as deadly as no water at all. The World Health Organization estimates that 3.5 million people die every year of water-borne diseases. When Ambassador Solon spoke to the UN General Assembly, he explained that half the world’s hospital beds are occupied by people suffering from illness caused by unclean water.
Water is so vital that each day women around the world spend an estimated 200 million hours hauling it for their families.
Access to something so essential should be a human right. Unfortunately that opinion is not universal, as our government shows us through their continued actions.
What does recognizing clean water as a human right mean for countries?
Maude Barlow, Chair of the Council of Canadians, says in her essay Our Right to Water that when water is a human right it creates three obligations for a nation: the obligation to respect, the obligation to protect, and the obligation to fulfill.
The obligation to respect means the government can’t take action or make a policy that interferes with its citizens’ right to water. So, for example, no one can be denied water for drinking and sanitation because they cannot afford water fees or taxes.
The obligation to protect means that countries must ensure no one else interferes with the water rights of their citizens. For example they must not allow private companies or local governments to pollute water supplies or prevent citizens from accessing water.
The obligation to fulfill means that countries must take any additional steps necessary to meet their citizens’ need for water. That could mean, for example, improving or increasing public water systems.
Last month, Canada was one among many countries that sent representatives to Marseilles, France, for the World Water Forum, the largest international gathering on water issues.
The February forum was the first since the 2010 UN declaration on water. Officials from international organizations and many countries arrived in Marseilles pushing for the Forum to follow the UN and affirm clean water as a human right.
Amnesty International and the Council of Canadians were among the organizations in Marseilles, watching Canada in action. In their reports from the conference, they have singled out Canada as a leading force using backroom lobbying and pressure to water down the language of the Forum declaration.
According to Amnesty International, rather than declaring water a human right that must be respected by all nations, the statement offers vague language that allows countries to decide for themselves whether they have an obligation to extend the right to water to their citizens. This would leave countries like Canada free to ignore the right to water when they find it inconvenient.
Why is Canada resistant to recognizing clean water as a human right? Perhaps because were we to do so, we would have to face the fact that our country, a world leader in fighting for human rights, is denying a human right to hundreds of thousands of our own people.
Right now in Canada, 112 First Nations communities are living under drinking water advisories that require them to boil their tap water, or avoid drinking the water completely, because of contamination.
Canada is failing its obligations to protect and fulfill the human right to water in aboriginal communities, and even some non-aboriginal rural communities.
We believe most Canadians see clean water as their intrinsic right. Witness the years of public outrage and backlash that followed the case of water contamination in Walkerton, Ontario, that led to seven deaths and thousands of cases of illness in 2000.
None of us would long tolerate having our access to clean water cut off. It’s time for us as a nation to recognize the right we take for granted is a universal human right that extends to all.

What do you think should happen about this?
Here is some background information to consider.

Background Info

access to clean water and sanitation is a human right. One hundred and twenty-two countries voted
On July 28, 2010, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved a resolution declaring that
‘yes’ to the resolution. Forty
-one countries, including Canada, abstained did not cast a vote.
clean water and sanitation to be a human right.
In September 2010, the UN Human Rights Commission also passed a resolution declaring access to
obligation to do everything necessary to make sure all their citizens have access to clean water and
sanitation, and that no companies or other groups interfere with that right by polluting water or taking too
much water so there is not enough for others.
The UN resolution means that all countries who are members of the United Nations now have an
governments have opposed making clean water a human right.
For more than ten years, in meetings of the United Nations and the World Water Forum, Canadian
contaminated water.
According to Health Canada, 112 aboriginal communities in Canada right now are facing problems with
Around the world, more than 884 million people do not have access to clean water.
The World Bank estimates that, by 2030, the world supply of clean water will fall short of meeting the
world’s demand by 40 per cent.
3.5 million people die every year from diseases caused by unclean water.
person in any other industrial country except the United States and Australia.
According to Environment Canada, the average Canadian uses approximately twice as much water as a
country uses in an entire day.
If you take a five-minute shower, you use more water than someone living in a slum in a developing


  1. Mariam W
    First of all, I thought our country was better than that. I love Canada, and since Canadians are so proud of their country and their people, I think we should make an effort to show who we really are by trying to make the world safer and more equal. Well, people can just say that but I think we should do something about it, like the creator of the Kony campaign did. Its sickening to think 884 million people don't have clean water, meanwhile we greatly abuse this resource.
    There's alot of emotions to feel and things to think about when reading this, like how until reading this article, most of us probably didn't know how serious this was. Even thinking that it could've been one of us begging for clean water. Personally, i think the most important thing we should do is raise awareness, and make others believe that we can help this. Again, like the creator of Kony 2012, we should use social media (facebook, youtube, etc) to make people aware, and then see how we as Canadians can change this..

  2. canada is known as a free country and a country that people feel safe and loved in. we should prove what we are and what we are known as. people in the world like terrorists kill millions of children and are we any better? if we dont or wouldnt provide clan water. some people might think that people that are in poverty should work for fresh water if they cant afford it but the government gives everyone in Canada enough money for food. so isnt that good enough? but even if they did not do you think they do not deserve fresh water? they do, as a human they need it to live and im told everyone is special in their own way so if they are special why don't they get water?
