Monday, September 19, 2011

Weekly Challenge - Due by Monday, Sept. 26th, 2011

Please answer the following challenge in a comment on this post.
Begin your comment with your first name and last initial.
Show as much of your thinking as possible in your comment.
You may cut and paste each question to begin your answer.
In order to see the information clearly, you can click on the Terry Fox document below (this will make it bigger and easier to see)

1.  Use the information given to determine how many days Terry Fox's 1980 Marathon of Hope lasted.
2. If Terry took 1 day of rest every 9.5 days, how many days was he actually running?
3. How many kilometres per day did Terry Fox average when he was running?

*the 3rd point is difficult to read. It says 'He covered 5 565 km.'

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