Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Iqbal Chapter 3

In your own words…
According to Iqbal, “The debt is never erased. It doesn’t matter how good you are.”

How do you think the other child slaves are feeling when Iqbal reveals this information? Do you think
Iqbal is right? Could this happen in Canada?


  1. Yes Iqbal is right even if i was good as Iqbal nothing will be erased. most likely not because its illegal but some might work hidden in the shadows.
    Jason L

  2. I think the children slaves are relieved to know that maybe their parents know what they do to them now. Iqbal is right because even if your good 1 mistake will never be erased and i don't think that this would happen in Canada because its illegal and could get your company in big trouble
    Filip T.

  3. Christopher I
    Yes Iqbal is right because in chapter 1 I believe Fatima said "even if you did everything the master says he still won't erase the debt." I think the other child slaves feel mad because they are probably saying to themselves "all that work for nothing?"
