Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mid-Summer Update

Hi Eights!!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacation and it isn't going by too quickly for you. I've been enjoying my holiday. We've spent lots of time up north this summer and have been kayaking and swimming a lot! I've been playing baseball too and am looking forward to getting back on the diamonds at school preparing for the first tournament this year (I wonder if some of you want to organize a baseball intramural for grade 6-8 that we could start right away in September?) Let me know if you are interested in organizing this.

While we are on the topic of baseball...

What is your opinion? Do you think he should be playing with the Jays or should he stay in AAA?


I had my first 'back-to-school' dream last night (it was a good one because you were all doing fantastic in the math that we were learning!). I wonder if this happened because I went for a quick visit to the school? The classroom is looking good (a little empty without students in it, but it is ready for you and your work).

I've had replies to the eight questions post from:
Jason (did I get it right?)

If you aren't one of these people, send me your answers to the questions. If you are one of these six people, thanks! Now call one of your friends who isn't on the list and tell them to answer the questions!

Looking forward to hearing from more of you!


  1. Christopher I.

    I'm still deciding if I should organize intramurals. This is my first time on your blog in a while. I just came back from Florida so I couldn't view your blog.

    I strongly don't think he should be playing for the Jays. We are doing horrible and he is a shortstop, so is Jose Reyes. When healthy Jose Reyes has been our best player. We don't want to replace our best player when healthy. Also in my point of view Jose Reyes is the best shortstop in the league. Reyes is better then him. Even if you put him at second base Emilio Bonifacio is better. At third base Mark DeRosa and Maicer Izturis is better then him. Also I herd that the Jays made an offer to acquire starting pitcher Bud Norris from the Houston Astros. I believe that Brett Lawrie was in that deal and Emilio Bonifacio. In that case if the deal was accepted then he would be playing for the Jays. In the end there is really no place for him other then the bench at this time.

    I wasn't sure if you wanted me to use his name or not. If you want I will tell you his name.

  2. AAA because Jose Reyes is a better shortstop but if he would like to play second base then it's MLB

  3. Filip T.

    Its hard to say. Kawasaki is a good player but do not forget the Blue Jays have the best shortstop in the AL with Jose Reyes. But due to the troubles at 2nd Base he could be a good fit at 2nd with his electric energy so i believe he should stay in the MLB and be our 2nd baseman.
