Thursday, February 21, 2013

Group of Seven

Gallery Pics

Here are some more.

And more.

Who is your favourite artist? What do you like about their style?(Include your name with your post)

Here are my favourites.


  1. Tejasv
    I can't really pick between the artists because all of their paintings are very detailed and they all capture the scenes excellently. I can't pick because I could never pick between the artists because I could never compete at their level.

  2. Alyssa Whitelaw 24

    I really like the first one because the colors just really go togther. And the water reflection is just amazing how an artist could paint this.

  3. Kelsie Young:
    When i was searching up the group of seven i found out that Tom Thomson was never in the group, he died before they formed the group of seven.
    I really like Franklin Carmichael's work because he uses a lot of yellow's and orange's. I also like his work because he mostly paints water scenes and fall paintings.

  4. I noticed that all the scenes are nature scenes, they are all very detailed and express different landscapes.
