Monday, December 10, 2012

Symbols in our lives...

As we have been reading Divergent, Hunger Games and other picture books, we have come across many examples of symbols. Wikipedia defines symbolism in the following way:

Symbolism is the practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character. A symbol is an object, action, or idea that represents something other than itself, often of a more abstract nature. Symbolism creates quality aspects that make literature like poetry and novels more meaningful.

Given this meaning:
 What are some examples of symbols in your life? What is the object/action/idea and what does it represent to you? Share 3 or 4 examples.

One of my own examples would be my number pinny on my file cabinet from the Peach Bud race. For me this symbolizes accomplishment. I was able to achieve something that I didn't think I would ever do. It makes me feel proud that I was able to do it, and for me it shows that I just need to take a risk and step out and try something new. Unfortunately now, since I haven't been running (or working out as often as I'd like), it is also a symbol of what I've lost since I haven't been working at this. Often I look at it now and think, "Argh! I need to get back into that because I really enjoyed it."


  1. I have a mural of my name on my wall in my bedroom and it has butterflies and flowers surrounding it which symbolizes personality. I was able to get it painted on my wall because one of my friends is really artistic with things such as that.

    A symbol to my family would be our bond we have together, we're always doing things together and even hanging around the house is fun.

    A symbol to me would be the playstation because I'm always on it talking to friends and playing games.


  2. Kelsie:
    One of the symbols in my life is an angel pin that i got from my aunt on the day of my grandma's funeral, to me it symbolizes MEMORIES.Memories of my grandma and the times we spent together,that i will never forget.

    My 2nd symbol in my life is my badge that i got from OELC. To me it symbolizes ACCOMPLISHMENT. accomplishment that i did something that made the people around me proud.

    My 3rd symbol is the picture frame of all of my family that sits in my family room. To me it symbolizes FAMILY. Family even though they are crazy and a bit annoying they will always be there for me.

    My 4th symbol is the penny drive bag. To me it symbolizes HARD WORK. Hard work that paid off. When i look at i feel proud because i know I've changed a lot of peoples lives just by raising a couple of dollars.

  3. Well, two symbols are one, the number three because i got a lot more goals in soccer then i usually wouldn't get and to me it's my lucky number and a sign of luck.

    Cheyenne #2

  4. A bracelet my friend made for me symblolizes her care and affection towards me.

    A ring my mom recieved from her mom, that she really values was given to me that symbolizes that she trusts and believes that I can keep it safe.

    Verda 1

    A necklace that my sister bought for me with her own money, symbolizes her love towards me.

  5. 25 taylor

    one thing that i symbolize as love and family is my x-mas tree because everyyear we put it up as a family and bond and grow year after year.

    anothe rthing is my cottage because it reperesents how luckey i am to have a cottage and how many people done. Also that my family is very close because my grandparents passed it down to py parents and thay are passing it down to my brother and i.

  6. A picture I made that say dance on symblolizes my dream and my favorite past time.

    My luckly number because any time I have got the number on a team symblolizes my luck on that team.

  7. 1) My piano/music because whenever I'm mad, upset, or even happy, I play the piano and the music always helps me in whatever situation I'm in and it helps me forget about the problem I'm in and get me focus on more important things I need to worry about.

    2) The Dream Catcher in my room because it always tells me to chase my dreams and follow my heart.

    3) My wall of inspiration in my room because I put things that inspire me there and I want to be an inspiration to people.

    4) My bracelet I got from Hillfield made by a Kenya Momma because it tells me that I am lucky to be here not everyone can have a life I have today.

  8. My Lulu Lemon bag would symbolize our class trip to Ottawa because it has all my Ottawa souveniers in it and I got it in Ottawa.
    My tap shoe keychain symbolizes my four years that I took tap because I got it at one of my dance recitals and it reminds my of my years in tap class.
    My plasticine blue bird symbolizes the two weeks that I voluntered at The Stoney creek School of Art this summer because I made it at the school. It also reminds me of a friend that I made there.

    ~ Alessandra Puglielli

  9. 1) the rubber bracelets I wear on my wrist
    2)my big feet
    3) my love for animals

  10. Symbols are everywhere get most people get tatoos that symbolize somthing such as skulls meaning death, tiger meaing powerful and many more. but one symbol in everyones life is family meaning joy love and honesty


  11. 24-Alyssa Whitelaw

    1. Something I have that really symbolizes my love for soccer is my three first play throphies. They remind me of my love for soccer and that if you shoot for your goal you'll reach it.

    2. Another object I have that symbolizes something important to me is my angel my nana gave to me. It is glass and very beautiful, my nana gave it to me befour she died and my glass angel reminds me that my nana is still around, and watching over my family.

    3. Something else that symbolizes my dads love for my mom is when they were kids he made this glay like teddy bear when they were just teenagers. And my mom still has it over all these years even though alot of things have happened.

    4. Another thing that symbolizes my love for life is all my pictures of my family, friends and I. These pictures show amazing memories and just how a pictures represents a million words! And I have a million pictures.

    I am so sorry I doing this so late I had it all typed and then my laptop shoutdown and I had to leave for soccer I hope you like this! Love Alyssa!! (:

  12. The number 4 is my lucky number because it symbolizes the people in my family ,also the poster in my room the logo of my favourite hockey team the Washington capitals .
    Amit Virdi 22

  13. my ring that my grandma gave me symbolizes my grandma.
    i have a board and all my friends signed it so its a symbol of my friends.
    my medals/trophy's because it symbolizes accomplishment

    meagan peters 14

  14. Delvina 3

    1. The 2 headed eagle on the Albanian flag reminds me and symbolizes that my country is unique.

    2. The bracelet that I got at HSCWIC that a Kenya mama made symbolizes inspiration to make a difference.

    3. The picture of my grandma that passed away that is in my bedroom symbolizes my love for her and how much I miss her.

    Delvina 3

  15. The number 3 because i was born on march 3rd witch is 2 threes at 3:33 at night so that's why 3 is my lucky number.

    my dream catcher because it tells me to keep the good memories and forget the bad things. even if it hurts me alot.

    a braclet someone gave me its always in my coat pocket and it riminds me im not alone.


  16. brando0n 7 the number 4 is my favorite number because bobby orr was the best hockey defense that ever lived

  17. #3 is my lucky number because it was my first soccer number
    and its giving me luck since

  18. 1.I have this Dream Catcher that helps me keep all the good stuff but also helps me get over the bad memories.

    2. My uncle gave me his ring when he was in his death bed..this ring means a lot to me to this day because it repersants that still if I can't see him visiual I still have him in my heart

    JessicaMurray 12
