Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Homework

Please read the article at the attached link.
Create a response to the article. Include: what you believe the issue is that is raised in the article and your feelings on the issue. It can be in any form you like. We will discuss your responses in class tomorrow morning. Come prepared.


  1. I think they are trying to say that the drivers didn't even try to save the baby or stop and save the baby but the cars kept going just swirving around yueyue, also that they didn't even careanough to stop, and for people to do that to a baby that hasn't lived thier life that is just horrible and sad because someone could of stoped that from killing that young life.

  2. Daniel S I think they are trying to say that the drivers didn't even try to save the baby or stop and save the baby but the cars kept going just swirving around yueyue, also that they didn't even careanough to stop, and for people to do that to a baby that hasn't lived thier life that is just horrible and sad because someone could of stoped that from killing that young life. sorry forgot to write my name in the previous comment.

  3. Daniel S also that words and bullying can change peoples life.

  4. Saloni T.

    The issue that is raised in the article is why was the toddler just left in the streets like roadkill?

    My feelings are that someone should have done something with the body of the toddler not just left it there.
    For Genovese why would no one help her even though thirty of the bystanders heard her?
    For Jamie why would everyone bully him? It was those taunts that caused the suicide which is wrong, we shouldn't judge others.

  5. i think this issue that is being raised in this artical is about that we are becoming less compassionate towards others.humans are less careing. we see peolpe fighting in the street ,kids getting bullied ,cars involved in accicdents we just went by them and did nothing .we dont bother to stop . Couple of moths ago a kid was beaten to death and no did anything. I think that this is wrong and we should care for others. talha r

  6. Eyrie C

    While I think the incident in China was very unfortunate, I think the people who are convinced something like this can only occur in China are either greatly misinformed or shrouded in their own imagination in which their fellow countrymen would never do the same.

    The truth is, the blood of Chinese people does not 'run cold', it is either the indifference of the people around at the time, or the indecision of them. As stated in the article, these types of scenarios are not limited strictly to China. It crosses the line to be judgmental towards people who were placed in a situation that they have never been placed in themselves.

  7. David

    I issue is that Chinese citizens are sidestepping hurt people, minding their own business and not caring about anything that is going on around them. I am horrified that this could happen in a country like China where there is lots of people to help. But yet, nobody decides to. I feel that if I were to go to China, I would certainly watch around me so that I am not hit. If I am hit, well then, I guess I'd be a goner. I really hope that Chinese citizens get their head screwed back on and do what's right and help the hurt.

  8. amanda p.

    I think this is a negative issue.The focus in this issue is that problems like this are being ignored and that lives are being lost because everyone is careless,has no respect and sees no value in other peoples lives. My feelings towards this issue are that I'm not so sure why people aren't valuing others lives and being so disrespectful and just ignoring a major problem that doesn't even take that much effort to just get help or help. I think you should at least get charged if your a witness and don't do anything about it. I don't think it's right to just leave someone dying,watch them suffer and not get assistance. I would feel pretty guilty if I had known someone died because i just walked by without a care. I think something should be done about this. It makes me pretty upset. If I could do something about this I would.

  9. Tyler .D

    The article is trying to tell us about that these are examples of bystanders who notice someone in pain and no one wants to help and get involved.

    I feel ashamed of these people because they wouldn't do anything to help these people in pain and they just ignored the problem.

  10. Roohit G.

    The issue that I think is raised in this article is that people, not just in china but also all over the world, are not willing to help others. Bystanders just leave without helping someone who needs them. Recently, people have not been acting as humans; they have been acting without compassion. Just like the eighteen people in china who walked past the body of a two-year-old child bleeding to death, without even thinking about calling the authorities. Not only that, but people are also behaving disgustingly by treating others so poorly that they want to commit suicide.
    I think the people who left the poor child lying there did the wrong thing by not helping the wounded child. However, nobody cannot blame this on “a flaw in Chinese people, making their blood run cold”. I believe that that would be racism; especially since the person who helped the child is also Chinese, therefore showing that he does not have that flaw. Furthermore, I felt that those bystanders were unjust to the poor girl. I cannot even imagine what they must have been thinking when they left that little girl dying on the street, because the bystander with the little girl (who was her daughter) should have at least understood how the mother would feel even if she couldn’t relate to the defenseless toddler. Furthermore, I cannot believe that there are people in this world who would not be emotionally moved upon seeing this girl, to want to help her out, especially since she is just a child. In my opinion, stooping to help a toddler bleeding in the street, raising our voices to stop the taunts of bullies, or rushing to the aid of a fallen senior are things you should be expected to do and are things you should do without having to think. In addition, I feel amazed at how many issues come up that several people know about but do nothing stop. I hope that people learn from their mistakes and learn to help others. What if those who walked by were in that little child’s place? Wouldn’t they want somebody to come and help them?

  11. Mariam W
    The focus of this story is about the people of China that acted so carelessly and disrespectfully to the 2 year old body that was crushed by the van. However, the issue is not just pinpointing the people of China, but including us North Americans, saying that we wouldn’t react too differently. I think the issue also revolves around the fact that there were many opportunities where we could’ve took a stand (like the murder, the broken hip or the bullying), but we chose not to. This is wrong, shameful and looks bad on us. How can we say “shame on China” when we may be acting the same way?
    I feel that the article really made me think about what I would do if I were in this situation, and if I am any different than the Chinese. I feel it impacted me in a way as I wish I could do something to solve this issue, because thinking further about it, one little action (like calling 911) could’ve helped save this innocent child’s life, and it hurts me to think that the people couldn’t even do that. I also feel like people need to put themselves in other’s shoes, because not everyone is as fortunate as we are. If we were lying on the street dying, wouldn’t we want someone to call an ambulance to help save our lives? The same applies in global issues around the world. Without reading this article, I probably wouldn’t have thought so deeply about this, and now I strongly hope that our generation will be different. I hope that if I, or one of my classmates ever comes across a situation like this, we will do the right thing and make a difference in someone else’s life.

  12. adam. d

    I think the topic is some people are becoming ignorant, or just stupid, and not showing any compassion towards each other. people in china were more worried about being investigated by police and MAYBE being charged or brought to court than if a defenseless toddler lying half dead on the street is going to live to see tomorrow.and if a man drops to the ground bleeding INSIDE a hospital, he should receive immediate attention, and the nurses shouldnt have given some messed up excuse like the one they did. if he is in a hospital, he does not need to be taken to a hospital. i find this scary, because if someday i am hit by a car, or break my leg in the street, would people leave me there to be someone else's problem to deal with? or what if someday i end up being like these people, being so selfish i wouldnt help a toddler dying in the street.

  13. Ivana B.

    I believe the issue is that is raised in the articles that people in all parts of the world (e.g. North America and China) are not authorized to help people each other but instead, just ignored showing that their careless. All of the examples that are given show people that have witnessed these unfortunate accidents have all walked passed these injured people trying to acknowledge what they have sawn. This proves that humans these days don’t appreciate human’s lives or act with compassion. Just knowing that someone tried to commit suicide because of someone treating them unfairly, says a lot about human’s action. It says that instead of taking a stand to help these vulnerable people, we chose to stand back. Well, this is the problem. Humans need to start realizing that it starts from each one of you!

    I feel as though that the people that witnessed the limp body of two-year-old Yueyue should have not ignored this child. If someone would have took a stand earlier and called an ambulance perhaps this child would have had the chance to live her life. It disgusts me that people could have just walked by this toddler bleeding to death and did not stop and approach this helpless child. I have also witnessed a man being run over by a car and instantly die. Seeing something happen like that scares you. At the moment everyone was shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes. However, this is not excuse to not take a stand. 10 minutes passed after this man had been run over yet no one took action! To be honest neither did I and now I regret it because, I have realized that no one takes action until they see someone take action. That someone shall be you! The woman that passed by with her daughter said, “Yueyue’s spattered blood had frightened her.” and several drivers claimed that they did not see the toddler even though the security camera recorded vehicles swerving to avoid Yueyue. I feel that these are just excuses and are really code for, “I decided to stand back because hopefully someone else will do something about it.”. I believe this because, if you really cared you wouldn’t have turned your head to this child. I cannot believe how careless someone can be if they could of turned their heads to a bleeding toddler. Don’t they have younger sisters, daughters or grandchildren that they can compare Yueyue to? What if they were in that type of situation? Wouldn’t they appreciate if someone helped their young one? In addition, I feel that people around the world are not aware of these types of issues in their countries because, people are commenting on the “Shame on China” and saying, “...human life has never been worth much in China. Chinese people are animals uncivilized.”. I feel as though these people have no right to be posting such harsh comments when they should look at their actions and their community. People in North America have caused people to commit suicide, we have ignored murders and injuries. Why should we think more of ourselves? We should all be ashamed! In conclusion, human need to start helping each other by helping them in problems or doing small deeds (e.g. smile at someone) because we will need to be helped by someone at one point. Helping someone should be a reflex! Hopefully children our age will take these issues seriously and make our world a better place to live in.
