Sunday, June 12, 2011

What are your ideas?

Tell me about some of the responsiblities (outside of regularly completing their schoolwork and homework) that you think that grade 8's have around the school and in our community.
Feel free to include things that you've already seen the 8's doing and things that you think we might be able to do.


  1. being in controll of track stations

  2. april b ;

    more fuundraisers like car washes. also having a healthy food day, maybe subs. whole weat bread and healthy toppings , pretty healthy.

    Include more team activities.. such as sports likes soccer & football for girls to :)

    more trips. like to wonderland.. ? ;)
    and our school could rais money for them , to make it cheaper.

  3. amanda p.

    more physical & fun fundraisers such as car washes..
    have more sport teams.
    more spirit days: backwards day..
    more school trips( either educational or for fun) e.g ; wonderland,rbg..
