Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Iqbal - The Payoff

#3. At the end of chapter seven, Iqbal managed to escape into the street. Was this a selfish act? What do you think Iqbal was trying to accomplish? Use evidence from the story.

#4. Iqbal returned to the factory with two policemen. Describe the policemen. How does the author’s description of the policemen offer some insight into their daily lives?


  1. Karanvir.M
    3. No i think he deserved to try or get away because he needs some freedom in his life and not just work all day. I think he was mad after being a slave for so long and making carpets and if i was him i would try to escape as well because i cant make carpets everyday i got a life to live.

    4. The cops brought Iqbal back because he had a job and he was a slave so he had to work he was demanded. I thought the police should have let him go and let him be free but they didnt they knew he still had to work for Hussnain Khan.

  2. #3 I don't think Iqbal was being selfish about escaping into the street because why would they be having those conversations at night? Why would Iqbal be making all these promises like flying a kite with Fatima? Why would he be taking a risk by destroying the carpet and being put in the tomb? He obviously is the leader of the group and they trust him by helping him when he was in the tomb and even offering to be put in the tomb along withe him.

    #4 The policeman look obese yet rather strong like they won't go down without a fight but will accept bribes. the way the author portrays them they look abusive and angry and they remind me a lot of Hussain Khan who is a lot like them. They also appear to be in favor of Hussain Khan and money lenders.

  3. #3 in my opinion i don't think Iqbal did was selfish because all he did was trying to escape somewhere he doesn't want to be but putting the other child workers, making them do an hour extra was a bit unfair to them but it wasn't like Iqbal knew they would get punished too. I think he was trying to accomplish getting out and maybe later in time helping the other child workers that're still in there escape as well. In the picture that was included in the story makes the two policemen looking a bit fat with facial hair. -Kristina L

  4. Tyler Gylland I think iqbal was trying to get help because when they sat in the circle they said they want to be truck bandits and Rob them for food so I think iqbal trying to find them a place to stay and some food or trying to his word out to people about what happened behind closed doors the police man are big guys now I think the police are to see what go's on in the factory

  5. Paul.C
    #4. The policemen looked very large and scary and also they looked like people not to mess with. I think the author is trying to show that they aren't a thing to be messed with. In the story Hussain bribed them with money and they walked away but why? This shows that they don't care and the policemen can be caught off guard easily.

  6. Paul.C
    #3. I think what Iqbal did was not selfish because he knew that Hussain was a cheater and he knew that Hussain never erased the debt they owed.I like what Iqbal did because" if he didn't who would"? I think Iqbal was trying to escape and show people that Hussain has forced slaves to work for him. My evidence from the story is that the children always had secret discussions when Hussain wasn't listening. When they did have these discussions they would talk about escape a lot and how Hussain was a cheater.

  7. 3. I don’t think Iqbal was acting selfish. He wanted to help the others get out by telling someone what Hussain Khan does and then came back with two police officers. Fatima also thought that Iqbal was accusing the master.

    4. The officers are fat with uniforms that had wrinkles and grease stains on them. They don’t take their jobs seriously and are easily convinced. Hussain probably got them to go away by lying or bribing them.
