Monday, November 11, 2013

Iqbal The Escape Writing

As soon as Hussain locks the door at night, a group of the child workers get together in a circle, sit and chat. Why is this nightly routine so important to them? How does this compare to your own routine? When do you spend time chatting with your friends or classmates? What do you discuss? How does your discussion compare with that of the child workers?
(think about the success criteria for a personal opinion piece and remember to use it for this writing)
Remember to include your first name and last initial in your post...


  1. Filip T.
    This night routine is important to them because they can talk about a plan to escape the factory or other important stuff like how the day was or what stuff Hussain is planning. Usually for my night routine I pray before going to bed and maybe play on my computer until I feel a little tired. I spend time chatting with friends at times that we are not doing any work such as lunch and recess. We usually discuss stuff like sports and personal stuff like where we were yesterday and if you want to hang out later. Our discussions are different from theirs because we can talk about stuff like sports without worrying about getting in trouble while they talked about stuff like how to escape the factory and how life is hard for them but if they get caught they can get in big trouble so that is the difference between our discussions and their discussions.

  2. This is important to them because they get to talk about what they feel, think, and give their emotions about thinks. Also because they talk about what they are planning to do (escape). This doesn't compare to my routine. My routine after school is eat, do homework, then do whatever I want. I don't really sit and chat. I spend talking to my friends and my family at school and at home whenever a topic that sounds interesting comes up. We talk about school, what we did over the weekend, sports, feelings, etc... It does compare in a way because we talk about what we did and our feelings.

  3. They lock the door so they could sit and chat how to get out of what they are in right now. my routine is just lock the door fell safe and chill and they are so stressed that someone is going to come in and listen about what they are talking about. I cant even imagine what they where going threw in that time period. Mostly I spend time during rescess or they comeover and we talk and chill. We duscuss about sports and the child workers talk how to get out of what there are in so its really diffrenet because I am armed that nobody would listen to my conversation and them they have to pay full attension to what they are talking about. -karanvir

  4. Ardit G.

    Personally I think that this routine is so important because, this is the one time when they can all chat and state their feelings, without Hussain yelling at them. Also they can discuss certain topics that they aren’t allowed to talk about around Hussain. For example, sneaking food to Iqbal, escape etc.

    This routine is very different from mine. I get to call my friends and talk to them at school. They can only do it secretly or get in trouble. I can do it during the day at any time as long as it is reasonable. We will discuss topics like sports playing video games or going outside. Their topics are about sneaking out, getting away and Hussain. These topics aren’t ever close to being like ours.

  5. I think it's important to them because they said all of them would talk about their feelings and past so maybe it makes them happy and not so alone. Personally it doesn't compare to my own routine. My routine is usually doing homework if i have any, go on my laptop for a few hours and go to bed. I spend time talking to my friends maybe over text or on the phone but if it's also classmates then maybe during lunch or during class when we're aloud to talk. When I talk to my friends we usually talk about things we like and common interests just like the child workers do when they get together in the circle. -kl

  6. The get together is important because it helps the fact that they wont get out by working. When we talk we talk about sports and school but they cant talk about school because they don't go to school. We talk between periods but they can only talk at night because they work all day. They talk about escaping and what they want to do in life and we talk about sports and school.

  7. This nightly routine is important to the children because it is the only time of the day that they get to express their feelings and share their ideas on how they are going to escape Hussain Khan and the carpet factory. At school or at home we talk about sports and video games and stuff that these kids could only dream about, we get more time to talk and we have a lot more free time on our hands. Compared to what the kids in Pakistan have to deal with we have more rights and freedoms compared to them so that is why they spend this time to talk and to discuss their plans on how they will escape.

  8. Tyler Gylland I think it's important to the children because they talk about how their day was and they also plan an escape like let's become bandits and attack trucks that come in to the city they carry lots of food I can Connect it to me and some classmates we talk about sports and how the day was

  9. Paul.C
    I think that the nightly routine is so important to them because it can let them pour out their feelings when Hussain isn't listening. The difference when I talk to my friends is that we talk about the past and sports. In the story the group shows emotions and talk about escape a lot.

  10. I think this nightly routine is important to them because they discuss their plans/ways to escape. When they go to sleep, Hussain locks them in a room and I don't think anyone can hear them talking. They probably discuss it then so nobody catches them whereas in the day they could get caught talking amongst each other and not getting any work done. Before I go to sleep, I do the regular night time routine. I don't have much to worry about and can go to sleep quickly and peacefully.
    When I talk to my friends, I either do it through text or at school. I can compare the way they talk with each other to when I talk to my friends at school either during reading time, a test, a movie, etc, because if you get caught talking to them during those times you could get in trouble but the consequences aren't anywhere as bad as the ones they have in the story.
    Sarah M
