Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Automation video First ONE

Please include your name and partner name at the beginning of your post.

Select one of the following issues related to automated systems and post a response to it in paragraph form using proper grammar and spelling.

Automation was feared by some people who believed that replacing humans with automated systems would lead to high unemployment. However, others argued that automation would actually lead to higher employment because it freed some of the labour force to enter higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs. Which position do you agree with? Why?

Although automation is often viewed as a way to minimize human error in systems, as the degree and sophistication of automation increase so do the chances of more serious errors and their consequences. Identify what some of these serious errors might be and the consequences. Provide some concrete examples of what has happened when errors have occurred in systems.

The effects of automation can be environmentally disastrous. Serious pollution coincided with the development of factories and the widespread use of coal to run their machinery. In what ways is automation impacting the environment today? Provide several concrete examples.


  1. 3.The pollution cased more disasters like the one in Japan because there was way to much pollution from factory's and buildings and the machinery's. This effected the whole world and many of people died because of these horrible disasters. The disasters only happened because people where making stuff in buildings and factory's with machines that effected the Earth.

  2. Rea
    Partner: Mac

    Third Issue

    Automation impacts us. Water pollution can contaminate our drinking water, which is happening in developing countries. Air pollution is also a problem.

    Our environment is also effected by pollution.

  3. For the first question I am actually neutral because in one way yes it does bring jobs. For example a person could work in a factory that develops robots or machines however even though we are far from it eventually robots and machines will take over and will do jobs that normal humans can do while being cheaper and more efficient compared to humans when we work.

  4. "Automation was feared by some people who believed that replacing humans with automated systems would lead to high unemployment. However, others argued that automation would actually lead to higher employment because it freed some of the labour force to enter higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs. Which position do you agree with? Why?"

    I agree with both sides. I think that creating machines that can do the work for humans is a bad idea as well as a good idea because the machines can take over and leave the employee with no work, but at the same time it could help the worker by making the job easier for them.
    Machines can decrease yet increase injury. They can be big and dangerous and prevent the worker from getting hurt, and the worker could get hurt while working with it.
    I think the employees would get paid less because they're not working as much as they were when they didn't have the machine.

    Sarah M

  5. Scientist:Jason Partner:Tyler Machines replacing jobs
    The reason their scared is because machines makes less errors you don't have to pay them every payday machines don't talk back and ask for a raise, the best thing of all they never get tired unless they short circuit.

  6. Jacob and Xheneta's reply to Question 3

    Automation has impacted the environment today by building machines that make life easier than back in the days (1900's) Back in the days they started off slow and they've been progressing faster and faster in the years on, like making phones, TV's, cars, and other machines and devices.

  7. Filip and Mailyn
    I believe that having more automation helped companies hire more people. the employees would get money to help their families and would not have to work that hard because the machines would do it for them. Even thought kids worked as well the businesses still had a lot of people working for them which made their business make more money. That is why i believe that Automation helped make the city's run and also helped people in need of jobs get one.

  8. mailyn B.partener>filipNovember 21, 2013 at 12:07 PM

    I agree that it would make more jobs because if they are making these automated systems they need people to build them and they need more people to help keep them running smoothly and keep them clean. A error could be a mechanical error and the consequence could be the whole system shutting down and not being able to get the system back up for a while then being behind in work and having to catch up. The way the Automation is effecting the world today is bad because with all the factory's they put the smoke into the air and oils into the water and it's really not good for the environment

  9. Liam and Nawids response to question 1November 21, 2013 at 12:21 PM

    I think it's difficult to decide who's right. This because the use of machines is taking jobs, but without them the room for mistake increases dramatically. If there is too many mistakes made by one company, people will stop buying from them and the company will shut down, which gets a lot more people fired. So I have to say that it's a better idea to keep machines in use.

  10. Nawid and Liam
    1. I agree with Automation was feared by some people who believed that replacing humans with automated systems would lead to high unemployment, because the definition of automated is basicly automatic machines so that would mean that if it is automatic than there would be no need for humans. I mean back them kids worked so everyone hated it, but now there is barely child labor so it could be fine but if there is automated machines then how can adults work and get money. So i would leave the work to humans instead of automation.

  11. Paul and Jade's answer to question 1,
    We think that if there was automation it would be easier and might lead to unemployment. The benefits would be things would be much easier to lift like cars, trucks,and etc. We agree with the people who say there will be employment because they need people to do hands on activities or even control those machines. We think that they are just scared that they will lose their job and they know that machines do not make as much mistakes. There are questions that will be asked like how will we feed our family, what can we do to live healthy and what will happen to our water resources.

  12. In my opinion i think i agree with both sides because both of them are reasonable. If we let machines do our job more than us then it would lead to unemployment because you aren't doing anything anymore. But, machines help us in everyday life and we do need them because they help us finish and make our work more easier.

    Kristina L

  13. I agree that automation leads to higher skilled jobs and higher-paying jobs because let's take a factory that makes clothes for example. Instead of people knitting the clothes you have robots doing that instead. That means that there is a higher-paying job available which is the computer programmers. Even some farmers don't hand pick food, machines do. Once again that leads to a higher skilled jobs and creates more jobs to operate the machine. It also creates more produce which means more money.
