Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Automation Assignment Part TWO

Prepare a response that addresses the benefits and drawbacks associated with automation from a social, economic and environmental perspective. Read through your classmates posts on Automation Video Part ONE to get some ideas.
What is your personal opinion on automation?
Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks or vice-versa?
Should automation be allowed, restricted to certain situations or prohibited?
Justify your answers!


  1. I think automation is bad and should be banned every where. It makes pollution in the masses and makes kids work all day for like 2 dollars with 30 ins for breakfast and 30 mins for dinner. Sure it makes clothes and food easier to get but making kids work is bad. I think Automation should be used only in dire situations (e.g. Canada 'collapses' or the sun goes out)

  2. Mine and Warren’s personal opinion is, it is useful. However, it also has a down side. At this rate there will not be anymore workers it will eventually be all computer powered. The benefits aren’t great because they cause more negative then positive. For example if a nuclear power plant that would kill everyone in a 5mile radius, when we could do something else that wont harm anything! I think automation should be allowed only for things that useful. However if you can do it another way with no harm to nature or anything like that then no it should not be allowed because maybe it is helping us but killing our future!

  3. Paul and Jade,
    Automation is a bad thing because people are talking about pollution already and we don't want to make is worst. Why can't people work and not have a problem like pollution? This topic should be brought up when important things happen like a tornado,flood,and etc. We shouldn't be using machines when people can do the job.Machines might be faster but they can't make it the way you want it.

  4. Karanvir and Kyle

    This is a really bad thing because people are polluting the air and we should stop and not make it worst.This bad thing creates bad disasters. We should not be polluting the air we should reuse instead of using machines and polluting the air.

  5. Chris I and Kristina LNovember 21, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    The benefits for social is that you can communicate using Skype, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
    The drawback is that you're constantly connected with work and you don't have time to spend with your family.

    economic benefits are you get work done a lot faster creating more items, making more money and it costs less.
    Economic drawbacks are you have to constantly upgrade and do maintenance on the machines.

    Environmental benefits are that we can recycle and reuse things.
    drawbacks are pollution, global warning and it could give you certain cancers due to the pollution.

    Our personal opinion on automation is that its a good thing because it helps with our daily lives, helps us communicate with each other and it gets our work done faster with less cost creating more merchandise to sell. Also with the technology we have today, it helps us recycle and what we recycle we reuse.
    There are more benefits than drawbacks. Because the only big drawback there is pollution.
    It should be restricted to certain jobs because we wouldn't want a robot going through our personal lives and if there is a robot it could hack us leading us to big trouble.
