Friday, October 4, 2013

Art Homework - Cubism

On Monday, we will have the opportunity to create some digital cubism of our own. In order to do this, you will need to do two things.
1 - Watch the video at this link about how to use adobe photoshop to create your piece of art. (you will need about 15 minutes to watch this)
2 - Bring a number of items that are interesting in appearance and are interesting to you that you can use to create your photo.

Before Monday, comment on the blog about what you will put in your photo. Remember to include your name in the comment.


  1. I will put my collection of Blue Jays items in my photo. I got some hats, figurines, baseballs, bobble heads, and other items.

  2. I will bring some video games and a lock for my locker the code is..... jk not telling anyone

  3. Paul.C
    I will put my lakers jersey and a basketball with my basketball shoes. I also will add socks too.

  4. I'll bring my hat and some video game cases

  5. im going to bring a basketball and some hockey cards and a old lebron jersey
