Monday, April 15, 2013

From South Africa...

Hello Grade 8s Miss M here from South Africa,

Here in South Africa at the Lutheran Center we are staying at, we do not have any internet or cable. I am at an internet cafe now where for R10 we get 1 hour of internet. In Canadian that is only 1 dollar! Can you believe it!

So far, I have been able to take a boat to see where Seals live on Seal Island, go to Boulder Beach to see where the penguins have decided to live since 1985. Imagine seeing penguins at a sandy beach in 28C weather! On our drive to Cape Hope we saw baboons on the side of the highway and a herd of zebras.

I have met my new grade 4 class and they have the most unique names where some have clicks (cluck) in their name. Next week I am teaching a new grade 4 class and the week after grade 7. This country is the most beautiful place I have ever been.

Hopefully I will be able to talk to you soon!

Miss Marroccoli

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