Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework -

Make sure your story is posted to the blog. Feel free to read the ones there now.

In health we talked about substance use and abuse. Choose two of the substances we talked about in class and share 3 health and social consequences for each one.


  1. Marijuana Verda 1

    Health Consequences- memory loss, loss of co ordination and low blood pressure

    Social Consequences- bad grades, poor chances of graduation and bad career status

    Alchohol During Pregnancy

    Health Consequences- causes FCA, (fetal alcohol syndrome) kidney defects, nearsightedness

    Social Consequences (child) - learning disabilities, poor co ordination and face defects

  2. Kelsie:
    Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant
    Social: lose respect of peers\family, Friends gossip about you, CAS may take your baby away.
    Health: Your baby could end up having FAS, you could have a miscarriage or a stillbirth and your baby could end up with serious defects(heart).

    Social: your face will yellow and wrinkle, your teeth will darken and you will smell like smoke causing you to lose friends.
    Health: end up with lung cancer, good chance of having a heart attack, and if you smoke while pregnant you could end up having a miscarriage.

  3. Amit 22- tabacco ,social effects smoking also affects others around you(second hand smoker )
    2. "Smokers cough " creates excess mucus that can get others sick
    3.not a great influence on the media, kids etc

    Health 1. Can cause lung cancer
    2. Smoking effects your organs and the body's system 3.All smokers are at extra risk for:
    Coronary heart disease (e.g., heart attacks)
    Peripheral vascular disease (circulatory problems)
    Aortic aneurysm
    High cholesterol (LDL)
    Lung cancer
    Cancer of the mouth, throat and voice box
    Cancer of the pancreas
    Cancer of the kidney, and urinary bladde
    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD
    Chronic bronchitis
    Influenza (the "flu")
    The common cold
    Peptic ulcers
    Chronic bowel disease (Crohn's disease)
    Tooth decay (cavities)
    Gum disease
    Sleep problems (falling asleep inappropriately and/or frequent waking)
    Thyroid disease (Grave's Disease)

  4. Drinking-Most people who drink alcohol do so without negative consequences. Others may actually obtain a health benefit from its use. Some, however, drink in ways that place themselves or others at risk for experiencing alcohol-related problems. While no pattern of alcohol use is without risk, certain drinking patterns may help reduce risk significantly.

    Cigarettes-Today, almost all workplaces have some type of smoking rules. Some employers even prefer to hire non-smokers. Studies show smoking employees cost businesses more because they are out sick more. Employees who are ill more often than others can raise an employer's need for costly short-term replacement workers. They can increase insurance costs both for other employees and for the employer, who often pays part of the workers' insurance premiums. Smokers in a building also can increase the maintenance costs of keeping odors down, since residue from cigarette smoke clings to carpets, drapes, and other fabrics.

    Jessica Murray - 12

  5. Tejasv
    alcohol- social: can kill people or severely injure, if you drive then you can get into accidents, can cause social problems among friends,family etc. Health: can cause cancer, anemia, dementia etc. slows down your reaction and it weakens immune system

    steroids- social: can cause irritability and depression, impaired judgment or withdrawal from friends, family etc. Health: can cause baldness, cancer, deepened voice for woman and increased risk of prostate cancer for men.

  6. Alcohol during pregnancy- CAS may take your child away, you lose respect from your family and friends.
    Child can get FAS and have mental retardation. Steroids- Found in plants and animals, when you use it to look better its called irverse anerxia nervosa..... Can you write this on the blog for me it's not working

  7. Steriods

    Health Consequences

    - High blood pressure
    - Liver tumors
    - Cancer

    Social Consequences

    - Depression
    - Possible withdrawl from peers
    - Irritability

    Alcohol During Pregnancy

    Health Consequences

    - Baby can be born with learning disabliities
    - Baby can have behavioral problems
    - Baby can have birth defects (heart, brain and other organs)

    Social Consequences

    - Lose respect of family / friends
    - Become gossip topic, become outcast
    - Start to hang out with people who drink

    ~ Alessandra 16

  8. Cocaine
    1 - cocaine quickly enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain affecting you, and changing how you act almost instantaneously

    2 - cocaine is a stimulant, it makes you more energetic, hyper, some say it heightens your alertness

    3 - Cocaine can constrict blood vessels in the brain, causing strokes. This can happen even to people that a perfectly healthy

    1 - Distorted perception sights sounds time touch Problems with memory and learning Loss of coordination

    2 - Trouble with thinking and problem-solving
    Increased heart rate, reduced blood pressure

    3 - Marijuana can also hallucinate you

    Allann 15

  9. 25 taylor


    can give you many different kings of cancer
    can rot your teeth
    diseases affecting the heart, liver


    you are spending thousands of dollars a year
    can break up relationships with family and, friends
    can effect job opportunities



    Problems with memory and learning
    reduced blood pressure
    anxiety, fear, distrust, or panic


    lower grads
    higher risk of not graduating
    reduce job opportunity

  10. alcohol during pregnancy- CAS may take your child away, you will lose respect from your family and friends. child can get FAS and have mental retardation.

    steroids- found in plants and animals, when you use it to look better its called inverse anerxia nervosa, its an anabolic steroid that had male testosterone.

  11. alcohol during pregnancy- CAS may take your child away, you will lose respect from your family and friends. child can get FAS and have mental retardation.

    steroids- found in plants and animals, when you use it to look better its called inverse anerxia nervosa, its an anabolic steroid that had male testosterone.

    Alyssa W

  12. Tabbaco yellows teeth
    Drinking slows five sences
    And your spending 1000's a year on smokes
