Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014

Welcome New Grade Seven and Eights

As you wrap up the summer, here are a few things to help you get organized for this year.
You will need: A 2 inch binder (doesn't close with Velcro or zipper)
                      10 dividers
                      3 ring paper
                       reinforces for paper
                       Scientific calculator with your name on it (you can't use your iPod/phone for this in class)
                       Combination lock (Dudley)
                       Glue Sticks

You will also need to have a change of t-shirt, shorts, runners and deodorant (not aerosol) for gym class. You MUST change for gym class every day! Plan on having gym every day so that you don't forget your clothes. Participation in class is VERY important!

Looking forward to seeing you all on the first day!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Grad Reps

Please tell me who you want to represent you at graduation. You must include 2 pieces of solid evidence for why you've chosen each person.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Literature Circles Meeting Discussions

Group 1
Mirza, Liam, Jade, Chris, Kristina
2 meeting
meeting 3

Group 2
Jason, Kyle, Filip, Mailyn, Karanvir
meeting 3

Group 3
Nawid, Paul, Mac, Rea, Tyler
meeting 3

Group 4
Ardit, Xheneta, Sarah, Jacob, Warren
Meeting 2
meeting 3

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Automation Assignment Part TWO

Prepare a response that addresses the benefits and drawbacks associated with automation from a social, economic and environmental perspective. Read through your classmates posts on Automation Video Part ONE to get some ideas.
What is your personal opinion on automation?
Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks or vice-versa?
Should automation be allowed, restricted to certain situations or prohibited?
Justify your answers!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Automation video First ONE

Please include your name and partner name at the beginning of your post.

Select one of the following issues related to automated systems and post a response to it in paragraph form using proper grammar and spelling.

Automation was feared by some people who believed that replacing humans with automated systems would lead to high unemployment. However, others argued that automation would actually lead to higher employment because it freed some of the labour force to enter higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs. Which position do you agree with? Why?

Although automation is often viewed as a way to minimize human error in systems, as the degree and sophistication of automation increase so do the chances of more serious errors and their consequences. Identify what some of these serious errors might be and the consequences. Provide some concrete examples of what has happened when errors have occurred in systems.

The effects of automation can be environmentally disastrous. Serious pollution coincided with the development of factories and the widespread use of coal to run their machinery. In what ways is automation impacting the environment today? Provide several concrete examples.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remember to check your twitter account!

Also, don't forget to have a can crusher ready to go for next week.
Your Fakebook page is due this Friday. Send me the link if you