Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Automation Assignment Part TWO

Prepare a response that addresses the benefits and drawbacks associated with automation from a social, economic and environmental perspective. Read through your classmates posts on Automation Video Part ONE to get some ideas.
What is your personal opinion on automation?
Do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks or vice-versa?
Should automation be allowed, restricted to certain situations or prohibited?
Justify your answers!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Automation video First ONE

Please include your name and partner name at the beginning of your post.

Select one of the following issues related to automated systems and post a response to it in paragraph form using proper grammar and spelling.

Automation was feared by some people who believed that replacing humans with automated systems would lead to high unemployment. However, others argued that automation would actually lead to higher employment because it freed some of the labour force to enter higher-skilled, higher-paying jobs. Which position do you agree with? Why?

Although automation is often viewed as a way to minimize human error in systems, as the degree and sophistication of automation increase so do the chances of more serious errors and their consequences. Identify what some of these serious errors might be and the consequences. Provide some concrete examples of what has happened when errors have occurred in systems.

The effects of automation can be environmentally disastrous. Serious pollution coincided with the development of factories and the widespread use of coal to run their machinery. In what ways is automation impacting the environment today? Provide several concrete examples.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remember to check your twitter account!

Also, don't forget to have a can crusher ready to go for next week.
Your Fakebook page is due this Friday. Send me the link if you

Iqbal - The Payoff

#3. At the end of chapter seven, Iqbal managed to escape into the street. Was this a selfish act? What do you think Iqbal was trying to accomplish? Use evidence from the story.

#4. Iqbal returned to the factory with two policemen. Describe the policemen. How does the author’s description of the policemen offer some insight into their daily lives?

Robotics Trip

Why should you be the one to go to OP for the Robotics day?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Iqbal The Escape Writing

As soon as Hussain locks the door at night, a group of the child workers get together in a circle, sit and chat. Why is this nightly routine so important to them? How does this compare to your own routine? When do you spend time chatting with your friends or classmates? What do you discuss? How does your discussion compare with that of the child workers?
(think about the success criteria for a personal opinion piece and remember to use it for this writing)
Remember to include your first name and last initial in your post...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Homework link

Here's today's work. Use your favourite method (not calculator) to solve 10 of these. Then check your work with a calculator and post a comment to me about your result. Remember to include your name.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Math Homework

This is a link to your homework sheet for tonight (Chris I fixed the link. Thanks!!). Your job is to find at least 4 different methods to solve these questions. You can use a calculator for one. Choose 12 questions to answer in total from the sheet (3 of each method). ANSWER THESE ON LINED PAPER.
If you need ideas on other methods, you can look up traditional method, lattice method, grid method and I bet that many of your parents have interesting ways that they were taught how to do this.

Find at least 4 different methods for solving multiplication problems
use each method 3 times to solve 3 different questions
answer 12 questions in total on the sheet (you don't have to answer all of them - I'd like the bulk of your time tonight to be spent learning )