Wednesday, February 27, 2013

An inspiring story

Check out the story and video at this link. Makes you think about all the opportunities we have to do small things every day to make the lives of others (and ourselves) better!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interesting read. What can be done?


Check out this article written by Craig and Mark. What do you think should be done?

Geography Maps

Here are 4 links for maps for your homework. Feel free to look up other maps for information as well. This is just a start.




Website Wednesday Problems

1. List 10 possible combinations you could get with 4 darts. The numbers on the targets are 7-5-3-1. Try to establish some logical method of doing this.

Add your answer in a comment on this post. Remember to include your name in your answer.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Multiplying fractions with models.

Here is the reflection from class. Remember Delvina's tip to draw and shade one fraction at a time.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Penny Drive Great Story!

Here is the link to the story of our school's penny drive. Great work Team Eastdale!!

Group of Seven

Gallery Pics

Here are some more.

And more.

Who is your favourite artist? What do you like about their style?(Include your name with your post)

Here are my favourites.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lots of posts today

There are several posts here from today so make sure you scroll down. Remember that you need to complete your geog. homework for tomorrow, your math sheet is due Friday (but get some of it done tonight), and you need to have a clear cd case here for art for tomorrow.

Here are a few other things that you should make sure you have at school:
-a combination lock for your locker,
-scientific calculator,
-binder with dividers for your 8 - 10 different classes,
-your novel for independent reading,
-a change of clothes and shoes for gym as well as non-spray deodorant,
-if your Hunger Games book is still at home, it needs to come back too.

Going home now to eat 1/5 of 3/4 of a Kit Kat.  Will that be enough???

Music at OP

Here is the video from today's class about the music program. Remember that you need to have an arts credit to graduate. You can take visual art or music in grade nine and drama is in grade ten.

Geography - Patterns of Human Geography Intro

Remember to have your Three Patterns of Human Settlement sheet done for tomorrow.
Here is the video overview.

When you are done watching that, here is something else for you to enjoy.

Keep thinking about ideas for what you could have your buddy explain.

Multiplying Fractions

Watch this video to review how to multiply fractions using an area model (and a KitKat - Yummy)!

Here is a video that reviews how use basic multiplication to multiply a fraction by: another fraction, a whole number, a mixed number and it includes a practice question for you.

Here is a pic of one group's work in class today. Tejasv suggested that to figure out the fraction,
of pie that Rob ate, you should divide 100 by 12.5.
Why does this work to find the denominator for the fraction of pie he eats?
Record your answer in the comments here and remember to include your name:)

Multiplying Fractions with a Model

Here is a video with the kit kat lesson on it from class today.

What is a possible way that someone might get confused when they are trying to multiply fractions with a model?

What do you know about the answer to a multiplication question when the numbers you are multiplying are fractions? (Hint- How is it different than multiplying 2 whole numbers?)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Check out this video on adding and subtracting fractions. When you are working on these, remember back to September when we were working on lowest common multiples. They are important now for helping to find common denominators.

What steps do you need to follow when you need to add fractions with different denominators? List and give an example of them.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fractions - Comparing and Ordering and review of Multiplying by a Whole

 This video has a review of what we worked on in class on Friday - multiplying fractions by a whole number. Pay attention to his trick for figuring out if a fraction is 'proper' or 'improper.' Kind of a funny way to think about fractions.

Can you think of a time when this example might not apply?

Here are some videos to help you with:

understanding fractional pieces (watch this first) and comparing and ordering fractions.

Here is another option for a way to compare fractions using decimals (great if you want to check your work with a calculator).

What can you say about several fractions with the same numerator but different denominators?

What can you say about several fractions with the same denominator but different numerators?

Which way do you prefer to use to compare and order fractions?

Check out this contest